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12:00 PM

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  • Exercises


Didn't hit chest and triceps as hard as usual, but didn't take it really easy either. shoulder has still been hurting, but didn't really bother me while lifting...maybe its more from the swimming motion than the weights. Here's hoping, cuz i'd hate to have to take time off lifting after how long its taken me to get where i am. meanwhile, i hit abs hard, to just not feel like a slug. Been very lacking in motivation for the past week. Either its been too nice out and i've chosen to slack, or its been to cold out and i've decided to slack. Ok, i've just decided to slack. 18 days to triathlon, i guess i have low expectations for how i'll perform. I guess i'm more concerned with the 200 ride in may and if i'm going to be up to par for it. sigh.
