LB: Butts&Gutts (Cathe)


Notes: A 78 min. advanced, super thorough, super effective, lower body solution. If you're looking for results delivered in a fun new way, then you'll love this workout. Not only is it very comprehensive, but it has a great mix of old and new exercises - effectively sequenced - to keep the fat burning and muscles responding. A bonus stability ball core routine has been included for added variety and effectiveness. Equipment needed: Stability Ball, High Step, light Dumbbells, a weighted barbell, ankle weights and a resistance band. The time breakdown for the Butts and Guts is as follows: warm - up - 6 min Standing Glute Work -31 min. Floor Work - 19 1/2 min. Core - 14 min. Stretch - 8 min. Bonus Stability Ball Abs - 15 min Bonus Lower Body - 6 min. Breakdown of The Lower Body Portion of the Workout: Alt front lunges with the ball Walking Lunges Deadlifts w/ toes on handweights and a 35 pound barbell One Legged Squat Forward Thrusting Hammer Punch Squats w/ barbell Walking Lunges Deadlifts One legged squat Side to side thrusting hammer punch Freestanding lunge/squat combo Squats w/barbell Firewalkers Low Pulse Lunges FLOORWORK: BALL: Outer thigh raises 16 slow pulse high 16)…repeat left side BALL: Hamstring roll ins PUT ON ANKLE WEIGHTS Glute Squeezes RT LEG: Inner Thigh Raises RT LEG: Hamstring/Glute/Outer thigh Switch sides (going back to the inner thigh raises on the left side)