Run: TreadMill Previous Next


8:19 AM

5 km


7:07 km


54.8 kg
162 bpm
188 bpm


9 C


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map

TM: easy


Started off thinking I would do 3K or 20 min, whichever comes first. I decided on 3min running / 60 sec walking intervals.

While I was running I had the following discussion with myself. After 3 min of running I was just fine. My lower legs felt a little heavy, but nothing I had to stop or stretch for. So OK, I'll run 4 min, no wait 5 min. Well that was easy, I'll aim for 7 min, that's a touch more than 1 kilometer. But if I can do that I might be able to run 10 min. You do know that's only 3 min extra and I already proved I can run 3 min. But wait, at 10 min I'm close to running a solid mile. I can do that. Just keep going. Jeez, a mile is about 1.62 kilometers, that's almost 2 full kilometers. I can do that. It's only 400 meters more. Not even 400 meters. But wouldn't it be better to make it 2.5 kilometers? Then I'm half way! Yeah!.

I did stop after 17 min of solid running. I didn't want to overdo it. I was already pushing it compared to my last run where I ran 1 full kilometer without a recovery break. Wow. I'm really proud of me.

After a 90 sec walk break I started running again. But suddenly that was really tough and I regretted my decision to stop and walk. I had another break after a mere 3 min, cause my legs were so darn heavy! Next interval was 4 min and after that I aimed for 1 kilometer. I had to push push push myself to make it, but I did. Another 60 sec walk break and then I finished my 5K run of the day.
