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7:48 AM

10 km


5:22 mi


175 lb
196 bpm
212 bpm
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Chicago Triathlon

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Ended up wearing half tights and bike jersey for the bike and run. Felt good off the bike and the legs weren't really jello-y so I started hot out of excitement. Really wasn't sure how well I'd be able to hold the pace or how I'd feel in the second half of this but I surprised myself. Was just passing people on the way out and caught someone going my pace right after the turnaround so I stuck with him and chatted a little. Having him to work with really helped me and I felt better the closer we were getting to the finish. Threw down a solid last mile and kick to cross the line with technically a new PR, although my last two times racing a 10k were both on not fresh legs. Talked with my parents and Evan and Mia right after the finish and I was really happy. Bummed the swim was canceled because it would've been really valuable practice but it is what it is. After last week and now this, I'd say I'm pretty fit even without really doing any running workouts lately. Crosstraining's something man.
