olethros's profile   

Profession: Postdoctoral researcher
Age: 48
Current Weight: 174.2 lb
Goal Weight: 167.6 lb
Location: Leoben, Steiermark, Austria
About me: 
I like statistics and sports, but not for betting. I enjoy pushing myself.. especially my muscles - I especially love cross-country skiing for this reason: all-out effort! Other sports I enjoy: swimming, water polo, mountain biking, inline skating, wall climbing. Plus, I love to weight train.
Why do I run: 
The freedom. Feeling the pump in my legs after a good hard run. Aerobic fitness and conditioning. Being able to say 'I can run up this hill'.
Why I started running: 
I lived in a high Alpine mountain range - I wanted to see if I could run all the way to the top! Actually, the first time I was running often had been in the army. Mostly in big army boots. But always a lot of standing around, and brief jogs from a place to another and a lot of walking. And there was this hill near the camp on whose road we were all puffing out tar.. which now seems puny.