Starting Pens! (Read 98 times)


not bad for mile 25

     The question we all need an answer too is, did you hold it all the way?


    Big grin +1

    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      So what was the final time from…

      two and a half months ago?

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


      Mmmm Bop

        One year at the Chicago Marathon I got in line at an unfortunate group of porta johns and ended up not being able to make it into my on-the-starting-line corral before the gun.  I finally bailed on the porta john line with a full bladder and raced through the corrals, but when the gun went off I was in the 3:45 group.  I had to do A LOT of work to get through people, but ended up miraculously finding my pace buddy around mile 9.  We ran together until mile 23, where he pulled away.  In the final results by chip time we were 1 second apart, 30 seconds by gun time.  Basically all the time I rushed in the early miles he gained back in the last 3.  Ran 2:29.


        Bottom line, don't over-think it.  If you care about chip time it's not going to affect you much.


        Wow, you ended up in the 3:45 group and there was only 30 seconds difference in gun time with your mate at Chicago.

        5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)

          Hey, I need some advice. I'm running my first Half Marathon race in a few weeks. My goal / desired time is 1hr 30 mins, but all my current training and form suggest I can do sub 1hr 30, I'm thinking around 1hr 25 is possible. However, I've been placed in a starting pen that is 1hr 45mins. I'm worried about not being able to reach my desired time from that starting pen? I can't change it now as it's too late. Is that too far back, or will it be okay? I've never done such a big event before and don't know how quickly the field will spread out. Any advice?


          I need some closure! How was your race??

          50+ age-group PBs:  Half Perish 1:24:24 (June '23 Road Race) - 10km 37:52 (2022 Local Road Champs) - Track 5km 18:49 (Aug '22) - Perish Run 3:17:42

          2024 Goals: Road/Track 10km Sub 38:00 - 5km Sub 18:30


