2024 Advanced Training and Racing Thread (still competitive jerks) (Read 235 times)


Not an 80%er

    Steve - Sorry to hear covid took you down again.
    For what is worth, I'm hearing good things about a spray called Hexamidine, the actual name brand varies from region to region.
    It's an antiseptic that you spray in your throat to prevent virus and bacteria to spread.
    For someone like you and me who constantly have a sore throat it might be very useful.


    Mark - Ugh, so annoying with the DNF, that tightness in the chest is what I had in Valencia and I can confirm it's not smart to finish the race when you're like that (I almost passed out near the km 34 mark)


    Dorothea - LOL at the formula, well played!


    Ultra showdown - you are all nuts!


    Dave - Kudos for the half race and your non down hill PR.
    To answer your question, I will just take sips of water to clear my mouth in a half race.


    Keen - I hear you have filled out some, but are you thick, solid and tight?


    Andy - Awesome job with the big PR!


    WCRunner - I'm happy to hear you were able to compete again, thanks for the race report!


    And here are my last 2 weeklies:

    M: 40' E

    T: 48' E

    W: Off

    T: 60' E

    F: 1h22 w 50'@4:11

    S: 50' E

    S: 1h50 Long Run


    M: 60' E

    T: 50' E

    W: Off

    T: 40' E

    F: 30' E

    S: 20' E

    S: 2:58:42 Bienwald marathon in Kandel / Deutschland


    Race report is under construction.

    PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

    Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

    Tool to generate Strava weekly


    Not an 80%er

      Also, thanks everyone for the love ❤️ There aren't many people who understand why a sub 3 is important and why it is so difficult to achieve.

      PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

      Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

      Tool to generate Strava weekly

      Running Problem

      Problem Child

        Also, thanks everyone for the love ❤️ There aren't many people who understand why a sub 3 is important and why it is so difficult to achieve.


        It’s worth having until you have it.

        Edit: *checks strava*
        When are you getting your second one?

        dave congratulations on passing the guy using you for pacing.  Also, kudos on the consistent running if someone says you were pacing them.  When I first read your post I thought it was rude (sandbagging) and realized I might have done it earlier in my running.  I was trying to PASS guys your age because I didn’t know anything about pacing.  I’m happy you got to blow his doors off.

        what did you eat? Did they have tiny water bottles or even an option to get water.? I didn’t see it mentioned.

        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

        VDOT 53.37 

        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


        Are we there, yet?

          Looks like a lot of racing this past weekend besides me.


          Dave: That sounds like almost perfect pacing to me. An AG placing is always a nice bonus.


          Marky_Mark: There are DNFs that are smart, and DNFs that one later regrets. This sounds like a smart one, though losing out on the series has got to be a major disappointment.  I've been there.


          Andy: A 2 minute PB in a HM is huge. That's got to be a big boost in your confidence and affirmation of your training.


          darkwave: I forget whether you've run Boston before and are familiar with the hills.  If you've done your hill work, they aren't that bad.


          flavio: Congrats on the sub-3:00. Looking forward to the report.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            RP The IT band has been behaving for the most part. Sometimes I feel a very mild discomfort. I have been staying consistent with the strength work. And the other day when I did repeat 800s near VO2 max pace the watch said my average HR was 135 lol. I wish.


            Dave As I said on Strava, great pacing.


            Flavio Congrats on joining the sub 3 club!


            Mark That's a bummer that you had to DNF. But obviously that was the right call. Glad it's not a bad case.


            AndyTN That's a decent sized PR you got there.


            wcrunner I'm happy to see you're back at it with racing.


            My Week



            Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
            in ft
            03/04 Afternoon Run 12.08 19.44 01:34:59 07:52 04:53 600
            03/05 Morning Run 6.08 9.78 00:48:43 08:01 04:59 436
            03/05 Warm Up 1.52 2.44 00:13:16 08:44 05:26 92
            03/05 Tempo Cutdown: 2 miles, 400 jog, 2400 meters, 200 jog, 1 mile 4.87 7.84 00:29:42 06:06 03:47 0
            03/05 Cool Down 1.06 1.70 00:08:37 08:08 05:04 62
            03/06 Lunch Run 12.06 19.41 01:36:01 07:58 04:57 814
            03/07 That run that brought me to 90 miles in 7 days 11.04 17.77 01:27:16 07:54 04:55 745
            03/08 Warm Up 2.05 3.29 00:16:54 08:15 05:08 92
            03/08 8 X 800 with 400 jogs 6.01 9.67 00:39:27 06:34 04:05 0
            03/08 Cool Down 1.03 1.66 00:09:02 08:46 05:27 72
            03/09 Afternoon Run 8.00 12.87 01:06:45 08:21 05:11 0
            03/10 Windy Long 18.07 29.08 02:12:18 07:19 04:33 1191

            Totals: Time: 10:43:00 - 🦅Imperial: 83.87 mi - Metric: 134.95 km


            Another big volume week (by my standards anyway). I set a rolling 7 day total PR on Thursday with 90 miles / ~144 k. If everything feels ok I'd like to do one more big week before starting to back off some. darkwave I'm tempted to use your long run spot where the By George races were next weekend if my car gets fixed in time. Am I allowed to park in the same lot?

            Mr MattM

              Also, thanks everyone for the love ❤️ There aren't many people who understand why a sub 3 is important and why it is so difficult to achieve.


              Way to go, Flavio!  This is AWESOME!!!

              be curious; not judgmental


                congrats, Flavio!

                Running Problem

                Problem Child

                  mmerkle keep doing what you're doing. Don't skimp on anything now. It's the part where you're probably making the most improvement on the IT band issues. Also, your Strava title about wind was awesome because I skipped the weekend runs due to a light breeze. Average 17 mph winds both days this weekend.

                  Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                  VDOT 53.37 

                  5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                  Cobra Commander Keen

                    Dave - Congratulations! Handily beating your goal time and crushing someone who passed you earlier. That's gotta feel good.

                    Mark - Bummer on the illness and DNF, though I'm glad you're not feeling too crummy.

                    Flavio - Well done!!! Stellar race there, mate. Somehow this never showed up on my Strava feed and I had to search it out specifically.
                    Yeah, I think I'm those three things. Thick - some shirts are now much tighter around the chest and upper back. Solid - I'm thicker, so I must be more solid as well, right? Tight - Yeah, definite loss in upper body mobility, so I think this qualifies as well.

                    Andy - Congratulations to you as well! 2 minutes is a really substantial PR in the half.

                    DWave - Nice recovery week there.

                    Merkle - Excellent week.

                    I'm pretty happy with how this run went. I did miss a few easy miles (skipped an easy double ahead of the race), but I'm not worried about that at all. My LRs have been feeling really good lately, too.
                    I crushed my workout (5x 2k @ M effort) this morning, so I'm kinda riding that high as well.


                    Weekly for period: From: 03/04/2024 To 03/10/2024

                    <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                    Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                    in ft
                    03/04 6 rabbits & 2 herons 10.00 16.09 01:26:21 08:38 05:22 459
                    03/04 Afternoon Weight Training 0.00 0.00 01:02:04 00:00 00:00 0
                    03/04 1 hawk catching a snake 4.10 6.60 00:36:16 08:51 05:30 207
                    03/05 8 turkeys & 5 ducks 8.00 12.88 01:12:34 09:04 05:38 348
                    03/05 Lunch Run 4.11 6.61 00:37:41 09:10 05:42 269
                    03/06 9 x 1000 12.21 19.64 01:32:37 07:35 04:43 223
                    03/06 Lunch Weight Training 0.00 0.00 00:56:43 00:00 00:00 0
                    03/06 1 discarded pregnancy test 4.10 6.60 00:38:01 09:16 05:46 167
                    03/07 1 rogue tulip 8.00 12.88 01:16:04 09:31 05:54 305
                    03/07 Afternoon Run 2.00 3.22 00:18:43 09:22 05:49 121
                    03/08 17 turkeys (6 strides), 3 rabbits, and an untold number of dead fish 11.00 17.71 01:35:34 08:41 05:24 476
                    03/09 Pretty nice GPS trace for not using track mode 1.26 2.02 00:09:23 07:27 04:39 95
                    03/09 DUCK Week 5k 3.20 5.14 00:19:52 06:13 03:52 194
                    03/10 9 turkeys, 3 geese, 2 ducks, & 1 rabbit 16.00 25.75 02:06:04 07:53 04:54 709

                    Totals: Time: 13:47:57 - 🦅Imperial: 83.99 mi - Metric: 135.15 km

                    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                    Upcoming Races:





                      Keen 2023 and 2024 race photos:



                         There aren't many people who understand why a sub 3 is important and why it is so difficult to achieve.


                        There aren't?? Seems like anyone who runs understand that!



                          Thanks everyone!



                          dave congratulations on passing the guy using you for pacing.  Also, kudos on the consistent running if someone says you were pacing them.  When I first read your post I thought it was rude (sandbagging) and realized I might have done it earlier in my running.  I was trying to PASS guys your age because I didn’t know anything about pacing.  I’m happy you got to blow his doors off.

                          what did you eat? Did they have tiny water bottles or even an option to get water.? I didn’t see it mentioned.


                          Yeah the guy was not being rude, he was genuinely thanking and complimenting me. For the next few miles after he passed me at 9, I was using him the same way. When I passed him back sometime in the final mile, he cheered me on.


                          In the end I decided to carry an 8 oz bottled water, take a Gu at mile 7, wash it down with a few gulps from the bottle, then dump it all at an aid station at 7.5. Seemed to be the right call. It was a little annoying to be carrying it, so I was glad to be rid of it for the rest of the race. And whether the boost was physiological or mental, the strategy was validated by the way I finished. I was honestly feeling some fatigue around mile 6, and wondered whether I could hold on. It did turn out that at each aid station, along with the large containers to fill your reusable cups/bottles, they had a small number of disposable paper cups filled with water anyway. Which in fact was also the case the last time I ran a race advertised as cupless. Although I think you may have had to grab them yourself. Anyway it all worked out.



                          Hot Weather Complainer

                            Steve - Sorry to hear covid took you down again.
                            For what is worth, I'm hearing good things about a spray called Hexamidine, the actual name brand varies from region to region.
                            It's an antiseptic that you spray in your throat to prevent virus and bacteria to spread.
                            For someone like you and me who constantly have a sore throat it might be very useful.


                            I think it's called Betadine here - I started using it when I suspected a sore throat about 10 years ago.  It may have worked a few times but every time I get sick I have tried it so it's not a 100% rate that's for sure!


                            Looking forward to your race report, it will be epic.  Those splits are perfect, you must have paced it exactly right.


                            mmerkle - I missed your nice comments first time round too, also much appreciated.  My HRV dropped again overnight and I still feel pretty rubbish.  Just need to take it day by day.  On Running Rogue this week he talked about when you're injured or sick it's hard to imagine ever running fast again, which is pretty much where I am at the moment!


                            Andy - Brilliant race!  2 minutes is very significant for someone who has been doing this for a while.

                            5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                            2024 Races:

                            Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                            Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                            Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                            Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


                            RIP Milkman

                              Piwi alerted me to Flavio's sub 3 so I had to pop by to congratulate him! What an amazing effort and I can't imagine how happy you are. I've said it before but given the doldrums you went through for a bit, it's always enjoyable to see this.


                              Steve - you're next on finally cracking the marathon nut.

                              5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                                Go away for a long weekend and Flavio calmly and quietly slays the beast and throws down a sub-3 with time to spare!!!  I should go away more often and maybe JMac will return.....well holy crap that happened too


                                Got a lot of catching up to do!

                                5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015)