Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)


     Brazil is pretty famous for being a haven for Germans! Mostly since WWII...

    ๐Ÿ˜ˆ and so is the US (And Argentina)


    Andy - Pretty much, it's like an "Alcoholics convention" where everyone tries their best to reach an alcoholic comma.
    I had heard of him because somebody on this thread posted a video of him a few pages back (maybe it was WCRunner?).


    Keen - There are some very unexpected large groups of expats, like for instance the Vietnamese living in Czechia and the Welsh living in Argentina.


    me - I've tried some sort of workout today. I was prescribed to run 6:30 pace but I knew it wasn't happening, so initially I tried to settle into 6:50, but even that was too fast, so I had to settle for 7 minute pace. It is what it is. I have plenty of time (35 days) to recover for the half race.

    On a side note, I found out the perfect solution for stray dogs. Just put a neck cone on them so they can roam around freely but can't bite people. It seems pretty smart so long as the neck cone is resilient enough.

    It seems a good solution seeing as people are too weak to admit that these dogs should be put down.



      hi! Bouncing back on to kind of get some foothold here again. I'm going to try and change my style of posting a bit, to perhaps be less annoying to some of you and also better for me. I don't know anything about hockey, and also never touched an Olympic medal, but that's really cool for the kids, Andy. And I'm sorry to read you got sick, Flavio. That happens to me a lot too when I adjust across 6+ time zones. I narrowly avoided getting sick this time, I hope. Hope your return is safe and you don't get sick again after that, too. Longboat, keep it going. As Falvio said, recovery is hard, and your discipline is inspiring.


      Re Germans in Brazil: I knew Germans had migrated to Brazil in the 19th century, but it's really interesting to see that legacy there, and I guess particularly in your parent's area, Flavio. Cool. It was before Germany was even "Germany," which is why I also highly doubt I'd be able to understand them, though I'm sure there will be some recognition of Brazilian Hunsrückisch, just like with Pennsylvania Dutch. Dave, I think you're thinking of Argentina for post-WWII, though I know much of South America was a haven to both Jewish-Germans and Nazis...


      To recap my summer shortly, and if anyone wants to recap theirs for my benefit, be my guest :

      I didn't run a lot, going so far as to take 10 days off in the middle of July in the hopes that my patellar tendon pain (that started in May) would go away. Nope. But I decided this is an issue I'm just going to have to keep an eye on and slowly started ramping back the miles up these last few weeks to get to a solid, if low, base for Philly. 3 months left and it's time to get serious. While that sounds very unideal (it is) and annoying to have been limited in running partly by external factors (it was), I was really active these last two months, doing lots of walking, biking, and swimming. I could often have run faster than I rode, but it must be good for something. I got back to Florida right in time for the most hot and humid days, and hurricane season is ramping up, so we'll see what effect that has on my training. MP pace is feeling decent, all things considered. But I have to see how that holds when I actually get back to workouts.


      Dave, while it seems it's the general consensus anyway, just thought I'd add that my coach gave me a 10k two weeks from my Feb marathon, so it seems a legit option, even if my results cannot certify that.

      Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

      Last race: June 29, Hasenheide Parkrun, 22:19. A bit disappointing but it was still a fun event. 

      Mr MattM

        I figured I'd throw out an update on what I've been up to... as I attempt to regain some semblance of being a 'runner'...


        After I was finally cleared for unlimited activity from my doctor I started running again.  I say running.  In truth, there was/is some walking involved as I've been very cautious about injury/reinjury.  I have blown out my right calf muscle twice in last 8 weeks and had to keep moving forward, so I walk when I need to.  My main focus was/is getting back to a sustainable base from which to build back up to a competitive base.  I wanted 5 miles/day average.  Starting at the end of June, I've done the following:


        6/26 - 7/02:  7 days - 34.84 miles

        7/03 - 7/09:  6 days - 34.42 miles

        7/10 - 7/16:  7 days - 38.81 miles

        7/17 - 7/23:  7 days - 37.77 miles

        7/24 - 7/30:  6 days - 31.26 miles

        7/31 - 8/06:  7 days - 46.68 miles

        8/07 - 8/13:  7 days - 34.27 miles

        8/14 - 8/20:  7 days - 35.02 miles


        As for pace, with the walking thrown in my paces are often 11min/mi or slower, with some miles down in the 8s just to get some leg turnover happening.  All things considered, I'm actually pretty happy to be this consistent.  Especially with having to work through the calf issues.


        With 8 full weeks behind me I am starting to feel optimistic.  I'm down about 15 pounds from where I started, and I'm right on the verge of being able to forego the walk breaks and not worry about setbacks.  If I can finish up this week around 40+ miles with no residual calf issues I think I can start putting together full runs with a little bit more up tempo efforts thrown in the mix.


        I lost almost 8 years due to my foot injury.  Now that it's been corrected, I'm ready to go... is a goal of running a 2:58 marathon next year crazy?

        be curious; not judgmental


          ๐Ÿ˜ˆ and so is the US (And Argentina)


          flavio - Well I had in my head the movie The Boys from Brazil. But yeah probably more so Argentina, and across SA in general. The US - absolutely! Including very special and even heroic treatment given to some of the scientists that came over and helped the military effort - "Operation Paperclip." The most famous was probably Wernher von Braun; this was well-captured in a song by 1950's satire-comedy-musician, Tom Lehrer. That book you linked looks very interesting - did you read it? I just added it to my to-read list. There's a show on Amazon Prime called Hunters, about a group of vigilante Nazi-hunters in the 1970s. It's pretty good, but tough to watch in parts - particularly some of the concentration camp flashbacks. And it ends up begging the question of whether to root for the vigilantes, because they're pretty brutal.



            Dave - No, I have not read that book. I did watch an interesting show called "The man in the high castle" which shows a theoretical world where the Nazis have won, the US east coast belonged to Nazi Germany and the West Coast belonged to Japan.


            MattM - That's a long time lost due to injuries, but I'm happy to hear you're on the mend.


            World champs - Is anybody watching world champs in Budapest? I was just watching the prelims for the 5000 women's race and Sifan Hassan and Faith Kipyegon decided to fight for the win on the prelim race and sprint the last 400 to the line LOL it was glorious (Race time was 14:32 I think, already pretty fast).

            On the other prelims a teenager from Latvia (Agate Caune) decided to run away from the pack at some point she was 120m ahead, and ended up 4th place on their prelims, it also made for a nice cat & mouse style of race.


            Are we there, yet?


              On the other prelims a teenager from Latvia (Agate Caune) decided to run away from the pack at some point she was 120m ahead, and ended up 4th place on their prelims, it also made for a nice cat & mouse style of race.


              An unusual, but smart move. If she had stayed with the pack, it's almost a certainty that she would have been outkicked and not make the top 8.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles
                    10/12 - Hainesport 12-Hour





                Dave - No, I have not read that book. 


                I’ll read it and let you know how it is!



                  How’d you become a Wings fan? 

                  In 2008 I had only been living in that area a couple years. But I started asking neighbors and of course they all knew Lidstrom lived nearby. He was the first of the wave of Swedes to join the team, and all the ones that followed ended up moving to the same part of town. People whose kids played hockey said sometimes Nik or the other Swedes would show up at practice and give the kids some pointers.

                  I moved from Detroit to Seattle in 2015, escaping just in time to avoid the Wings’ steep downhill slide.


                  I seem to recall seeing ice hockey on TV sometime when I was a kid in the early 1990’s and just decided I liked the red team. In hindsight it was actually pretty surprising that was even on TV in NZ at the time as I think that was before the era of pay TV here and we only had 3 channels at the time. 

                  So does that make you a Kraken supporter now?

                  3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                  10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                  * Net downhill course

                  Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                  Up next: Still working on that...

                  "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                  Mmmm Bop


                    I lost almost 8 years due to my foot injury.  Now that it's been corrected, I'm ready to go... is a goal of running a 2:58 marathon next year crazy?


                    Should it not be 2:57 for a Moose Mug?!! (I always thought we were the same age?)  I think you’re playing it very smart and there’s no shame in taking some walk breaks as it’s all about staying injury free.  8 years is a long time inactive and I feel I’ve lost a huge amount of fitness with 3 years of little running….but since I’ve started running nearly everyday (albeit ridiculous slow pace) I haven’t had any major issues with my heel spur and no PF flare ups. Of course it could all go pear shaped when I start to thinking about running faster than 8 pace. 

                    Flavio - Thanks for the flattering comments about Tyson!  Glad you had a good time visiting your parents and I think the neck cone is an interesting idea for stray dogs!

                    World Champs - I watched Katarina Johnson-Thompson win gold in the last Heptathlon 800m event beating Anna Hall as there was less than 3 seconds between them which was reasonably exciting. Loved the 1500m men’s final with Josh Kerr beating that cocky Norwegian. 

                    Dave Wottle - What I love about that clip is that he’s wearing a cap and initially at the back and it kind of looks like he’s a fast amateur that jumped over the barrier and gatecrashed the race. 

                    5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


                    Part of TLC

                       Loved the 1500m men’s final with Josh Kerr beating that cocky Norwegian. 


                      ^^ This. How I would've loved it, had the other Norwegian run 0.04 secs. faster and beat him as well. Maybe in the 5.000 .

                      Don't hurry - next AG will start 2026


                        Flavio I've been trying to watch the world championships as much as I can.


                        Mr. MattM That goal may or may not be crazy, but what's wrong with crazy? This is the jerks thread!


                        Commander Thanks for getting back to me on the double tempo. I had a feeling the second session would be tough. The closest I've come to something like that so far is the Jack Daniels TLT workouts, which I think exhaust me in a somewhat unique way.


                        Speaking of racing, Steve, how about a race report on that 10k you crushed?


                        Hot Weather Complainer

                          Canterbury Road Running Championships 10km


                          This is a build up race looking towards the Run Prix half marathon on September 24, but I'm still way more prepared than I've ever been for a 10km before, so I wanted to go for a PB + a sub 40.  My 5km time of 18:52 points towards low 39s being possible but after a 30 minute LT test a month ago where I averaged 3:56/km, I thought it would be very close to 40.  The course is fast, albeit with 8 180 degree turns.  The out section of each lap has a slight false flat with a slight headwind but the course is on a road in a pretty thick forest so it's nicely sheltered.  The race started at 3:30pm which meant a quiet day and long time to think but I did some study and the day went quite fast.


                          It's a 40 minute drive to the coast and I arrive at 2:30pm, head to the start/finish to enter then back to the car for a 20 minute warm up, then shoe change.  I see my coach just before the start - he'll be in the front pack targeting 30:30.  His training partner Oska is using it as a build up for the World Half marathon champs in Riga.


                          With 5 minutes to go I hit the button on my watch.  With 2 minutes to go I notice it still hasn't connected, then with 15 seconds left I realise it's not going to.  This is a spanner in the works, as I'm a notorious watch watcher.  The gun goes and we're off and the first km my head is all over the place.  Am I too fast, too slow?  My effort feels solid and I feel comfortable so I'm mostly worried I'm too slow.  I'm thinking that if I get my goal I won't have a record of it, and other similarly stupid thoughts.  I go around the first turn and notice for the first time the return part of the leg is very slightly downhill.  I'm behind a pack of old guys who may be doing the 5km or 7.5km (no idea why there's a 7.5km).  Heading to the bottom turnaround we go past the start/finish and I see 8:50 on the clock and then on the way back past it says 9:42 for a pace of 3:53/km.  I'm feeling it more than I think I should be and work out I'm on sub 39 pace.  It feels like I've gone out too fast so I ease off just a touch.  The pack has moved about 10 metres ahead now and I try to get into a rhythm.  My watch is still trying to connect and beeping at me.  I figure if/when it does I'll just use it to confirm pacing.  Back down to the end of the lap and go through in 19:31 for a lap time of 9:49.  I've dropped back to 3:54/km and I'm still close to 39 pace.  I'm hurting a bit and my brain doesn't help by working out I can drop to 4:06/km and still break 40.


                          I feel like the third lap is the key lap - if I can hold on until the last lap, I can hopefully see it home.  I start passing people during this lap, the group has splintered but I gradually pass all of them and a couple of women.  Back through the start/finish, the clock says 29:24 for a lap of 9:53.  Even though each lap is slightly slower, I'm happy with how I'm holding on and still putting a significant gap between me and 40 minute pace.  My watch comes online at about 6km and shows me holding steady at around 3:55/km, although it drops to 4:10 for 20 metres or so at each turnaround.  I'm in a good headspace now, telling myself I'm in a position to get my goal but I still need to finish the job.  The last time around the the top turnaround is a boost, I'm heading for home with the breeze behind me.  I hold steady until I get around the bend and can see the start/finish in the distance.  I'm next to a guy for around a km and with 1km to go I decide to lift it and really empty the tank.  I'm breathing really hard, legs are hurting a bit but I'm giving it 100% to the finish line.  Around the bottom turnaround then there's about 100 metres to go.  "Oh my god, I've got it" goes through my head but I'm not easing off now.  I go through the finish in 39:10 for a final lap of 9:46.  Second in my age category.


                          It feels amazing, I'm still on such a high.  It's nice to overcome the GPS issues which definitely impacted my race.  I definitely didn't want my first lap to be the fastest but I didn't crash and it actually may have pushed me to a better time.  If I'd hit 10 minutes as planned, would I have had enough to get those 18 seconds back later in the race?  Who knows, who cares...


                          My coach (Andy) got dropped by Oska and Chris Dryden then got passed late to come in 4th.  Oska was outkicked by Chris who won in 30:31.  To be fair to both Andy and Oska, it was just a tune up race for them and they've been doing some epic training.  Andy said afterwards he thinks low 1:27 or even 1:26.xx is possible in Melbourne.  I'm not so sure about that but this is a big confidence boost and great reward after so much training for little reward.

                          5km: 18:34 11/23 โ”‚ 10km: 39:10 8/23 โ”‚ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 โ”‚ M: 3:29:54 6/24


                          2024 Races:

                          Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                          Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                          Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                          Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

                          Hagley Park Run July 20, 2024

                          Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                          Timaru Ten October 26, 2024


                          Part of TLC

                            Steve - I think you're ready to sub40 If you're ready to go sub 18:30 in a 5K. When I was as young as you're feeling these days I ran 18:22 / 38:14. Even considering the U-turns a similar performance would give you plenty of room to go sub 39:30 with an off chance of 38:59.


                            Steve - Congrats! And for the record - I told you so .

                            Don't hurry - next AG will start 2026


                              Steve - that's excellent stuff, well done. That forest course would've been great as it would've cut the wind out even if there was any. I'm wondering if not having the GPS actually helped too as it would've meant you were just focusing on getting into the rhythm.  By all accounts those splits look very consistent so I daresay you didn't really need it.  Finally a decent reward for a lot of hard work and hopefully bodes well for your upcoming HM.


                              I had a pretty decent training week, helped by good weather.  Tuesday was a big progression run, I haven't done one of those in a while.  Started around MP and finished up around 5k effort.  Final Xterra event of the series coming up next weekend and it looks to be the muddiest of the lot.


                              Weekly for period: From: 21/08/2023 To 27/08/2023

                              <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                              Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                              in m
                              21/08 That run where I did not miss the Bruce Pulman wind tunnel 6.28 10.10 00:45:17 07:13 04:29 29
                              22/08 That run with the prettiest graph in ages 11.20 18.02 01:08:14 06:06 03:47 26
                              23/08 That run with more glorious winter 9.97 16.05 01:09:20 06:57 04:19 179
                              24/08 That run where it was part hill repeats, part Frogger 10.05 16.18 01:08:09 06:47 04:13 203
                              26/08 That run with the icicle fingers 8.78 14.12 00:53:57 06:09 03:49 5
                              27/08 That run with The Algorithm 16.54 26.61 01:56:27 07:02 04:23 274

                              Totals: Time: 07:01:24 - ๐Ÿฆ…Imperial: 62.82 mi - Metric: 101.08 km

                              3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                              10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                              * Net downhill course

                              Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                              Up next: Still working on that...

                              "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                                Steve - huge congrats, you totally crushed it! A course with 8 180-degree turnarounds does not sound fast to me! I’m sure you lost some time with that; especially later in the race, those take longer to recover from. And the 3:30 start—is that common over there? I’ve never seen that around here. That would mess me up. On the GPS—honestly I don’t think I ever notice when/whether my watch connects. I know there’s a built-in accelerometer that I assume will track distance/pace closely enough. But sounds like that was messing with your head, so good job to push through that.
