1 day to go (to Boston) (Read 3437 times)


    Is it Chicago fast? No. If it New York slow? no. It's in between if you know how to run it right.


    I found it @ 6 minutes slower than HH Flying Monkey Marathon


    Have fun - Good training to all!

    Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




       I found it @ 6 minutes slower than HH Flying Monkey Marathon


      and I found it 30 minutes faster!


        Good luck to all of you who are running, may the weather be 50 degrees with a strong tailwind


        Thanks! Funny, the prevailing wind then is supposed to be a tailwind, I think, but in the past 5 years at Boston, I have yet to experience a tailwind. Or maybe that's just selective memory?



          Thanks! Funny, the prevailing wind then is supposed to be a tailwind, I think, but in the past 5 years at Boston, I have yet to experience a tailwind. Or maybe that's just selective memory?



          If I am there, it will be a headwind.  I have never run a race that didn't have a headwind the whole way -- even on an out and back course! 

          And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx





            and I found it 30 minutes faster!



            I am just being a smart ass - I actually do not thing Boston course is that bad by itself.  I think you have to understand it and run it in a disciplined manner - I think Boston strategy is harder than the course.


            I thought the hardest thing about Boston was at the pace I ran it, I was not able to run any tangents - always someone in my way.


            Long dead ... But my stench lingers !





              Thanks! Funny, the prevailing wind then is supposed to be a tailwind, I think, but in the past 5 years at Boston, I have yet to experience a tailwind. Or maybe that's just selective memory?



              I did not notice any wind in 2008 - If there was a headwind it was a very light breeze.

              Long dead ... But my stench lingers !





                 I thought the hardest thing about Boston was at the pace I ran it, I was not able to run any tangents - always someone in my way.



                I find I'm generally able to more or less run the tangents, but I have to be looking way ahead for them. Fortunately it's not an extremely twisty course.


                 I did not notice any wind in 2008 - If there was a headwind it was a very light breeze.


                I think there was a 5ish mpw headwind, which was just enough to help evaporate the sweat from the sun that wasn't supposed to be out.


                  This is the part I think that's hard for someone who's never done it to imagine.  Even while you're going out too fast on the downhill early miles, you're utterly convinced that you're not--that you're just jogging along.


                  I eventually ran sub 2:55 at Boston last year, but it was like my 4th try.  The thing that finally allowed me to do it was not caring very much.  I was so not psyched up for the race and my training leading up to it that I was actually able to take it easy enough early.


                  I'm glad I'll be watching this year...I'll root you guys (and Hall and Meb) on from somewhere in the Newton hills.



                  Thanks Mikey.


                  I wonder about your statement (bolded).  Was your performance corollary to your ambivalence or rather to your experience with the course? 

                    Lots of Boston runners here - new and old



                    Anyone interest in creating a roster here? I would list the runners in the OP


                      Lots of Boston runners here - new and old



                      Anyone interest in creating a roster here? I would list the runners in the OP


                      You can add Valerie Bertinelli.


                        I wonder about your statement (bolded).  Was your performance corollary to your ambivalence or rather to your experience with the course? 


                        Both, probably.  It would be hard to separate the two since my ambivalence was heavily influenced by my experience with the course.

                        Runners run


                          Have to admit I'm jealous of you guys going to Boston this year. I'm not, though I've run it a couple of times in the past. I've been working on a web page on the history and tradition of the Boston marathon that you folks might find interesting...  www.squidoo.com/boston_marathon 

                          Still some work to do, an Amby Burfoot profile is coming next, with Bill Rodgers on tap after that.


                          Good luck to all of you who are running, may the weather be 50 degrees with a strong tailwind


                          That's a very cool website! Nice job!

                            I'll be there. First time!
                              If I am there, it will be a headwind.  I have never run a race that didn't have a headwind the whole way -- even on an out and back course!


                              I thought I was the only victim of Persistent In Your Face syndrome. For those who are really anal about days to go, I have a countdown to Boston.



                              Greater Lowell Road Runners
                              Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                              May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


                                hi everyone,


                                i am training for my second boston, having run it last year as well.


                                last year, under meticulous coaching from roots, i was able to PR and requalify  at boston.. on my first running of it. i know its been repeated over and over again, but the key is really to not go out too fast. the first mile is fairly steep downhill and i purposely held back while droves of runners passed me. it would be my slowest mile split and i saw runners with bibs from 2 corrals back passing me... but i eventually passed them all later.


                                this year, my goal is a little different since things are up in the air until race day even since i'm pregnant. i've been fortunate in that i feel great and am still running 40-50mpw, so the plan is to continue to train as much as i can.. with the goal being to toe the line at hopkington with my little runner at 26 weeks gestation. 



                                 I think Boston strategy is harder than the course.



                                 i agree with this completely. i don't think boston is a hard course - i think its a hard course to run well.