3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Sucker Punches (Read 1095 times)

Prince of Fatness

    Finn, you've seen a doctor about this, yes? The usual rule is that nerve pain is from pressure, but numbness is a sign the nerve is actually being damaged. Don't screw around with that.


    Yeah I have been to doctors.  ART has helped but does not appear to be a permanent fix.  The numbness does not happen a lot and only when running but when it does I can feel my hips tighten up, and the muscles are pressing on the nerve.  That's pretty much the message that I got from the doctors as well.

    Not at it at all. 

    Prince of Fatness

      So I ain't running much, I go out with a buddy for a Sunday run.  Felt pretty good then half way in my leg starts with  the numb stuff.  Could not make it back.  Walked for a quarter mile then was able to run the rest of the way.




      Been thinking about this the last few days.  I really need to get to the bottom of this thing.  I have seen doctors, sports chiro, regular chiro, gone through PT, etc..   Some have helped but none have come close to finding the solution (or pinpointing the problem for that matter).  I could see if I was overtraining but that is certainly not the case.  I've been doing enough core work that should have addressed any imbalances that I have.


      I have a few things going on the next couple of weeks and after that I think that I am going to get pushy to get some answers.  Just not sure of the course of action yet,


      It has been over three years.

      Not at it at all. 

        Cripes.  I ran late last night (I seem to be making an unfortunate habit of that), and thankfully made it to the bathroom upon my return.  About five minutes later, I stood up ... and pulled a muscle in my groin!


        Seriously, who injures himself taking a crap?!

        "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

        -- Dick LeBeau


          Cripes.  I ran late last night (I seem to be making an unfortunate habit of that), and thankfully made it to the bathroom upon my return.  About five minutes later, I stood up ... and pulled a muscle in my groin!


          Seriously, who injures himself taking a crap?!


          Uhm, was there a sprint involved in getting to this obviously important engagement?


          I've had a couple of seriously pulled groin muscles over the years that took many months to heal up, and have discovered that they respond very well to the application of heat, from a heating pad. 30 minute at bedtime. Hope your's is more of just a minor tweak and feels better in a day or two!

          Retired &  Loving It

            Cripes.  I ran late last night (I seem to be making an unfortunate habit of that), and thankfully made it to the bathroom upon my return.  About five minutes later, I stood up ... and pulled a muscle in my groin!


            Seriously, who injures himself taking a crap?!


            I've messed up my back standing up from the can. But I've also hurt it picking up an empty laundry basket, bending over to turn on a lamp and leaning over the sink to brush my teeth. Any excuse will do.

              Just a note in the "useful gear" category: I'm 80-90% over my achilles stuff (I hope). 3 weeks of 3x a day heel drops + time + ice + no hills + all easy, seems to be getting me there...but there has still been a nagging tug on runs (no other time, just runs). Today I wore a Zensah (compression), ankle support - like a cut off compression sock. Wow. First run I haven't even thought about my AT in at least a month. Thing worked great. Wish I had gotten it earlier.

              Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
              We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                Just a note in the "useful gear" category: I'm 80-90% over my achilles stuff (I hope). 3 weeks of 3x a day heel drops + time + ice + no hills + all easy, seems to be getting me there...but there has still been a nagging tug on runs (no other time, just runs). Today I wore a Zensah (compression), ankle support - like a cut off compression sock. Wow. First run I haven't even thought about my AT in at least a month. Thing worked great. Wish I had gotten it earlier.



                My PT just gave me one of these Monday for tendonitis in my foot. I hope it helps, because I'm about to lose my f'ing mind over not being able to run more than a few miles lately without something -- or several things -- hurting.
                  Well, it's been about a week wearing it now. My initial enthusiasm has subsided somewhat. I mean, I think it may be helping, but also, I'm getting better everyday (so, very very slowly though). So, hard to point to whether the sock is really a big boost or not. But for $12 it can't be hurting. I'm still running everything easy and everything on flat crushed gravel. But at least I'm running.
                  Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                  We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                  Feeling the growl again

                    But at least I'm running.



                    That's about where my mind is at right now as well. Always look on the bright side of life.

                    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                      Black eye I hate weeks like this. I can't run, and I don't even know why. I was hoping to run long this morning, at least 13 miles, but instead I had to walk for 20 minutes just to get warmed up, and then ran 1 mile on the treadmill, downhill even, @ 8:40, and was toast. Had to stop. Could not even run a single mile yesterday morning, so I ran 4x400, very slow, and it wiped me out. My last good run was Monday after work, 8 miles at a decent but easy pace, felt good after I got started, though the first mile was not pretty. But as soon as I finished, both legs started to cramp up while I was walking a short bit. I actually had to call for as ride home, as I could not drive myself. That's never happened to me before. WTF? This is supposed to be a high mileage week for my marathon training. Not happening.

                      Retired &  Loving It


                        Black eye I hate weeks like this. I can't run, and I don't even know why. I was hoping to run long this morning, at least 13 miles, but instead I had to walk for 20 minutes just to get warmed up, and then ran 1 mile on the treadmill, downhill even, @ 8:40, and was toast. Had to stop. Could not even run a single mile yesterday morning, so I ran 4x400, very slow, and it wiped me out. My last good run was Monday after work, 8 miles at a decent but easy pace, felt good after I got started, though the first mile was not pretty. But as soon as I finished, both legs started to cramp up while I was walking a short bit. I actually had to call for as ride home, as I could not drive myself. That's never happened to me before. WTF? This is supposed to be a high mileage week for my marathon training. Not happening.


                        Sorry to hear it.  Maybe it's cuz you're hammering yourself unmercifully lately?!  Looking at your calendar I see a mile race in 5:30, next day an "Easy" run of 10miles at 7:23 paceShocked, next day 5mile tempo at 6:42 AND an "EASY" run of  8.1 miles at 7:03 paceShocked.  Then, the next day is 3.1 Tempo at 6:21 pace, and next day is "Easy Intervals" at 6:35 paceShocked.


                        That is 5 days in a row of hard effort days.  You gotta get some true easy runs in there and let yourself recover.  We run similar times and 7:23, 7:03 and 6:356 sure ain't easy for me.

                        Analysis respectfully submitted and you can blow it off cuz it's probably worth what you paid for it!


                          Ken, you may be right; even though I still feel like I'm 38 and want to run like it, my body might be starting to show signs of being 58. Angry


                          On the other hand, what a difference a day makes,. Yesterday, running one mile at 8:40 and downhill on the treadmill made me break out into a stress-induced cold sweat and I had to stop. Today I ran 22 easy miles at a faster pace than that. I'm not totally convinced that there isn't/wasn't something else at play here. I've had similar issues in the past couple of years, and it seems to happen in May and June, for the most part. I'd like to blame it on allergies, but I'm not showing any other signs of allergies, so that's a bit of a stretch.

                          Retired &  Loving It


                            Glad to hear you bounced right back. Smile

                              Been having stomach issue's and had a MRA done last Thursday evening. Got MRA report back and the impression is a complex morphology stenosis at the origin of the celiac artery and there is a linear componant to it which may represent a short segment dissection. It explains why it hurts so much more when I try to run. I'm waiting to hear from my doctor to see what the next step is and if it's ok to keep trying to run or if I shouldn't.  That is my current sucker punch


                              MTA: Median Arcuate Ligament compression may be what's causing the stenosis

                              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                                Been having stomach issue's and had a MRA done last Thursday evening. Got MRA report back and the impression is a complex morphology stenosis at the origin of the celiac artery and there is a linear componant to it which may represent a short segment dissection. It explains why it hurts so much more when I try to run. I'm waiting to hear from my doctor to see what the next step is and if it's ok to keep trying to run or if I shouldn't.  That is my current sucker punch


                                MTA: Median Arcuate Ligament compression may be what's causing the stenosis


                                I only recognize a few of those words, but it sounds like something unpleasant, and I hope you bounce back soon!