3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

December Mileage Throw-Down (Read 1970 times)

    Spaniel is a hard mistress.


    Do you get less free beer if you only just make your goal?  I don't really like beer, but something makes me want to be allowed a reasonable (but imaginary) amount. 


    I'm still giving whisky to Spaniel or others if they're willing to trade miles for single malt, but I'm hoping to make the miles myself.


    pfetro, the hope with being on target/slightly ahead now is that some of the reduced-length runs over Christmas can be compensated for and I'll still manage to sneak to 226.  Nice running by the way, and darn it didn't take you very long to cover those miles!

     "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

    Feeling the growl again

      Spaniel is a hard mistress.


      Do you get less free beer if you only just make your goal?  I don't really like beer, but something makes me want to be allowed a reasonable (but imaginary) amount. 


      I'm still giving whisky to Spaniel or others if they're willing to trade miles for single malt, but I'm hoping to make the miles myself.




      Nobody is getting free beer in this bet without suffering for it.  


      Well, this isn't the weekly mileage thread so the only beer I'm buying is for C-R/ra if they win.  Though anyone on here that has met me knows I'm usually good for a free beer anyways.  I'm sure I'm good for scotch as well.


      Something tells me you won't need any miles donated, and the way C-R and rabutler are going I'm not sure I'd have enough left over to help you anyways.

      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


        my poor legs have been suffering from concrete. Took the morning off in hopes that after the 6 hour drive there will be friendlier roads to run on, that or an empty treadmill at the hotel (this one doesn't have one). I really want to go out long however HTH do you do that in strange place???


        TGIF everyone! Keep kicking ass!

        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


          I hear ya rs. Had to get a couple of mile last night after a long travel day. Quality? No. Actually my feet were sore from that MP 10 for my double on Wed. Strange. So up early and get a few until I can drop another 10 tonight. Holy crap. All this for a possible beer.







          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



          old woman w/hobby

            Beginning to wonder what the hell I was thinking...




            Feeling the growl again

               I really want to go out long however HTH do you do that in strange place???




              I guess maybe it's different for a male but I just go out and do it.  Sometimes I am disappointed and end up running some stupid loop because I am stuck somewhere like Orlando where there is no good place to run anything else.  Other times I am pleasantly surprised and find my runs to be the best way to get to see a new area.  I've had great success with blind long runs in places like San Fran, Phoenix, and Philly.  Florida has been consistently disappointing.  Baltimore it took 3 tries before I found a nice run where I was not afraid that I would be shot at any moment.


              A little Mapquest work goes a long ways...

              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                I tend to look on googlemaps or equivalent and get a rough idea of where I could run, or the best direction to go in at least...where there might be parks to link, or roads that continue easily.  Sometimes it's also helpful to look at the website of any local running clubs to look for routes (some list them) or to use mapmyrun (or mapquest like Spaniel says) where people have put up their walks or runs in the area.  Otherwise I just hope for the best and head out with my Garmin on and am prepared to use the take me home function.  Like Spaniel I often end up running loops or out and backs, figure of eights, because there isn't anything decent...I also had this issue in Florida but not in San Fran, San Diego, NYC, Philadelphia...but did in Rochester, MN and in a few smaller places like Bishop and Andover and was too nervous to run outside in Vegas.  I'm going to Barcelona in April and I'm already trying to ask around to find out if there is any decent running to get longer stuff in from the conference venue.


                Sorry that ended up as burble about me.  Hope you find a good route, or series of loops...whatever you end up running it's still a bit of a voyage of discovery and it's always pretty exciting seeing new places.

                 "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                  Nobody is getting free beer in this bet without suffering for it.  


                  Well, this isn't the weekly mileage thread so the only beer I'm buying is for C-R/ra if they win.  Though anyone on here that has met me knows I'm usually good for a free beer anyways.  I'm sure I'm good for scotch as well.


                  Something tells me you won't need any miles donated, and the way C-R and rabutler are going I'm not sure I'd have enough left over to help you anyways.


                  Something about this post made me run a double again today.  I got home, realised we needed some spring onions (plus I may have wanted some chocolate) but your post was ringing in my ears so I decided to have a convoluted 30-odd minutes of running to get the shopping (and I did wear running stuff and the intention was to run, so it does count).


                  I'm pretty good for free whisky, just hard to share it across an ocean.


                  I'm absolutely loving what C-R and rabutler are up to, especially because of the influence it has on your log, Spaniel!


                  TeaOlive, how are things?  Other than the wondering about what you're doing...but you know what you're doing is right, so it's nothing to worry about.

                   "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."


                  old woman w/hobby

                     Hoppity - Doing good.  Just wondering where I'm going to pull this 300 miles from.  

                    Me and my big mouth!   But time will tell.  But I will definitely be backing off in January.




                    Feeling the growl again

                      Something about this post made me run a double again today. 


                      Glad I motivated someone, it isn't working out so well on myself right now.  C-R might whoop me today without any help from ra.  My wife apparently thinks she's entitled to sleep early and have me occupy the kids and keep them away from her instead of run when I want to, just because she's 9 months pregnant.  Some excuse, eh?  What could be more important than a month-long bet over BEER??

                      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                      old woman w/hobby

                        Ah!  As much as I like beer and I am consuming as I type,  Mrs. Spaniel is correct on this one.




                          I guess maybe it's different for a male but I just go out and do it.  Sometimes I am disappointed and end up running some stupid loop because I am stuck somewhere like Orlando where there is no good place to run anything else.  Other times I am pleasantly surprised and find my runs to be the best way to get to see a new area.  I've had great success with blind long runs in places like San Fran, Phoenix, and Philly.  Florida has been consistently disappointing.  Baltimore it took 3 tries before I found a nice run where I was not afraid that I would be shot at any moment.


                          A little Mapquest work goes a long ways...

                           I've only had this problem in Florida as well. I enjoyed both my runs on the treadmill WAY more than any of the runs down south. Doesn't help that it the MAIN road to Cape Coral. Talk about bored stiff (something that RARELY happens to me on the roads)

                          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                          Options,Account, Forums

                            Going out running shopping -- very nice.

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                            Feeling the growl again

                              The free beer has started.  A kind thought from C-R in honor of the 148 mile week.  It's going to be a good night...


                              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                                It was well earned and will make mine and ra's that much sweeter.



                                "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                                "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel
