Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #47 (Read 29 times)


    Being injured provides an appreciation for running but it isn't always a motivating factor for high level training (although it can be for some). For that you need a prime mover, something internal or external that drives you to endure what is mostly fatigue, soreness, sacrifice and inconvenience while pouring everything into being your best. The focus is almost entirely on improving or maintaining your physical state (fitness), while your mental state takes a straight up beating. That often goes unnoticed until you find yourself lacking the desire to keep pushing on the daily, weekly or monthly. Trying to push past it can work sometimes but usually it is best to simply come off the gas until your mental state is refreshed. This doesn't mean one needs to take time off from running or even training. It just means the pedal is not to the metal, as it usually is for us running lifers. In other words you are finding balance, which going back to the original point (ironically) usually comes in the form of injury.


      8 miles. Trying to work more hills back into my routes. I've gotten weak since CIM.


      I felt like I was losing motivation on Friday but after 2 weekend runs in the sun, I feel reinvigorated. I'm not dealing with running on snowy icy crap but the headlamp runs have been mentally beating me down.


        5 miles, making it a 60 mile week.



        Super B****




          Thanks ðŸ™ƒ (less than two whole seconds, if I round up, but I'm not doing that)


          I like my Strava GAP because it makes it look like a very consistent effort, but since Strava provides varying GAP when I'm on a track, I'm not sure how reliable that is...

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog



            Thanks ðŸ™ƒ (less than two whole seconds, if I round up, but I'm not doing that)



            I once ran a half PR by 0.5 seconds. Not sure if that was really the case, but one of the races published official times in tenths of a second, the other did not.




              I think we all have the "wind pod" don't we? That is the newest one


              I have no idea. 


              Super B****


                I once ran a half PR by 0.5 seconds. Not sure if that was really the case, but one of the races published official times in tenths of a second, the other did not.


                Last September I ran a HM PR by less than a tenth of a second... 1:33:09.3 to 1:33:09.233

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                  I wanted to run under 1:10, settled on a goal of 1:09 because the past couple of years, that would have been good enough for the top ten females. I finished seventeenth, seventh AG. I ran 1:07:49. 😑


                  But it’s a PR, so no complaints! By TWO WHOLE SECONDS.


                  You exceeded your goal! AND you got a shiny new PR Smile 2 seconds counts. Big grin Congrats!!!


                    8 miles. Trying to work more hills back into my routes. I've gotten weak since CIM.


                    I felt like I was losing motivation on Friday but after 2 weekend runs in the sun, I feel reinvigorated. I'm not dealing with running on snowy icy crap but the headlamp runs have been mentally beating me down.


                    I think the headlamp runs can for sure beat you down. Helps to be outside in the fresh air, under the sun Smile (as long as it's not 90000* with 90000 DP Wink )


                    Super B****


                      You exceeded your goal! AND you got a shiny new PR Smile 2 seconds counts. Big grin Congrats!!!


                      My PT told me to run 1:08 so I had no choice 

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog



                        Last September I ran a HM PR by less than a tenth of a second... 1:33:09.3 to 1:33:09.233


                        I think I’ve only run that one race that gave times in tenths. What’s funny is it was a tiny race, <100 finishers IIRC. Weird.



                           I have no idea. 


                          One was under $100, the other one cost $200!


                            My PT told me to run 1:08 so I had no choice 


                            Nice job. Looks like another month of 67 PRs is lining up nicely for you!


                            I've never raced 10 miles before. The only real one we have here is in August (although there could be others by now), and that just ain't happening for me.


                            How does the VO2 look against your other recent race distances, if you care about such things. I know many do not.



                              One was under $100, the other one cost $200!


                              I got it as a gift, but I think I put the more expensive one on my list. Is that one the wind pod? (I'm assuming yes).



                                My PT told me to run 1:08 so I had no choice 


                                Rule follower! (Said by another rule follower Big grin ).