Beginners and Beyond


Fickle Fridailies (Read 34 times)



    I always have a warm up built into my workout runs.  Tomorrow is 18 with the last 16 at GMP.  So, a two mile warm up.  I can't start a run and go right into running hard.  My legs and lungs need to warm up.


    Cool, that's more human-like. But will you want your whole run's average to be at GMP and therefore go a little faster, or just the last 16 count?


    Even if it's more human-like, it's still a hell of a workout. I don't think I even went over 12 miles at MP in a training run.

    You will have that pace ingrained in your DNA, ffs!

    delicate flower


      Cool, that's more human-like. But will you want your whole run's average to be at GMP and therefore go a little faster, or just the last 16 count?


      Even if it's more human-like, it's still a hell of a workout. I don't think I even went over 12 miles at MP in a training run.

      You will have that pace ingrained in your DNA, ffs!


      Just the last 16 count.  I ran 17.5 miles at 6:55 avg a couple of weeks ago, so this should be doable.  That was an average pace though...40 minutes of it was hard tempo stuff.  16 miles steady is a different monster.



        Ok, I’m stating it here. I have a work trip next week and will be back the next Monday afternoon, but starting Tuesday the 26th I’m dragging my lazy butt out of bed early to run before work on weekdays. With the way work has been going, it’s the only way running will happen.


        Here’s hoping I don’t get hit by a car in my usual morning haze.  I don’t like coffee so I don’t even have that to help.


           18 miles with 16 at GMP.


          That is wack.


          Hurray, my whole route was clear of snow and ice! Well at least where there was still snow & ice, there were clear paths through it. And not even too puddley. High 30s, and rain forecasted, but there wasn't any. So a perfect morning and I had no excuses to not have a good workout. 13 miles with 6x1600m tempo intervals & 3 min recoveries, then 3x200m. First one was a little rough at 7:08, the others were basically in the 6:55-7:00 range. Good enough.



            out of bed early to run before work




              Ok, I’m stating it here. I have a work trip next week and will be back the next Monday afternoon, but starting Tuesday the 26th I’m dragging my lazy butt out of bed early to run before work on weekdays. With the way work has been going, it’s the only way running will happen.


              Here’s hoping I don’t get hit by a car in my usual morning haze.  I don’t like coffee so I don’t even have that to help.


              Cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA(ecstasy), as well as legal drugs such as nicotine, Ritalinand Adderall? Come on, there are plenty of options for people who don't like coffee.

                'Morning!!  2600 yard swim done.  I had 4800 yards on the schedule but I didn't have time for the whole thing thanks to early work meetings.  And speaking of fickle, swimming is fickle.  I figured out a kink in my swim stroke halfway through my workout this morning, and I was suddenly swimming faster once I figured it out.  I've got an easy run tonight before my 18 mile ass kicker tomorrow.


                OT: thank you .... now hooked on Netflix Lost in Space 😀



                  Cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA(ecstasy), as well as legal drugs such as nicotine, Ritalinand Adderall? Come on, there are plenty of options for people who don't like coffee.


                  Don’t tempt me!

                  Half Crazy K 2.0


                    Cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA(ecstasy), as well as legal drugs such as nicotine, Ritalinand Adderall? Come on, there are plenty of options for people who don't like coffee.


                    Soda is the alternative caffeine delivery.



                      Soda is the alternative caffeine delivery.


                      I drink diet Dr. Pepper like a fiend but if I chug it before a run, my stomach gets all sloshy. I’m certainly not going to get up even earlier to give my stomach time to settle 


                        I took caffeine pills back in the day. Them shits work.


                          Ok, I’m stating it here. I have a work trip next week and will be back the next Monday afternoon, but starting Tuesday the 26th I’m dragging my lazy butt out of bed early to run before work on weekdays. With the way work has been going, it’s the only way running will happen.


                          Here’s hoping I don’t get hit by a car in my usual morning haze.  I don’t like coffee so I don’t even have that to help.


                          Getting up early one day a week to run is hard. But if you get up early most mornings, it's a lot less hard.


                          I'm also not a coffee drinker. I'm usually out the door and half way through my run before I realize what's going on, lol   Setting out my clothes and everything I need for the run the night before is key. As well as planning my route and workout. That way there's no need for thought in the morning



                            Just the last 16 count.  I ran 17.5 miles at 6:55 avg a couple of weeks ago, so this should be doable.  That was an average pace though...40 minutes of it was hard tempo stuff.  16 miles steady is a different monster.


                            For normal people, yes. You've been abby normal lately, so it's basically an easy run with a smidge of effort.


                              Took a few run steps in the office hallway with the new shoes. Me likes them 


                                Ok, I’m stating it here. I have a work trip next week and will be back the next Monday afternoon, but starting Tuesday the 26th I’m dragging my lazy butt out of bed early to run before work on weekdays. With the way work has been going, it’s the only way running will happen.


                                Here’s hoping I don’t get hit by a car in my usual morning haze.  I don’t like coffee so I don’t even have that to help.


