Beginners and Beyond

The last DAILIES (Read 36 times)


    Am I the only fool not to take this week off work? Why am I starting the thread again?


    I have a sexy workout coming up. I hope I don't screw it up.



      I have a sexy workout coming up. I hope I don't screw it up.


      Pole dancing class?


      SRD for me, I was done for the year yesterday. Maybe yoga.



        I have a race this afternoon but it is literally arctic cold out at 17 degrees, wind chill of 8 with winds expected to approach 20 MPH (currently at 7 MPH).


        The temps I could deal with but those winds coming off the river will be killer. I am really bent out of shape over it and as of now undecided as to what I will do.

        delicate flower

          Good morning and Happy New Year's Eve!  I had a good run last night.  The 60 minute runs I have to do are actually longer than what I was doing on my own for daily runs.  Normally I'd run 7 miles, which would take 53-56 minutes.  Yesterday's 60 minute run came to 7.5 miles (8:00 pace).   Doesn't sound like much, but it comes to about a 10% longer run.  Today calls for 45 minutes easy.




          I have a race this afternoon but it is literally arctic cold out at 17 degrees, wind chill of 8 with winds expected to approach 20 MPH (currently at 7 MPH).


          The temps I could deal with but those winds coming off the river will be killer. I am really bent out of shape over it and as of now undecided as to what I will do.


          Of course, as you know, everyone else in the race will be dealing with the same conditions.



          Former Bad Ass

            Morning! I am at work and work on Friday as well.  Pilates and 5 miles after work.  Not sure if we are going to a friend's house for NYE or stay at home watching SOA.  Either one sounds fine to me!  We have booze; that's what matters!



              I have a race this afternoon but it is literally arctic cold out at 17 degrees, wind chill of 8 with winds expected to approach 20 MPH (currently at 7 MPH).


              The temps I could deal with but those winds coming off the river will be killer. I am really bent out of shape over it and as of now undecided as to what I will do.


              Yeah that is wack. Baboon's point of course is a good one, and while there's no reason not to do it if your were just going to bundle up & jog it, I imagine some of the serious contenders may blow it off for the same reason you are thinking about it. Based on my run yesterday in similar conditions (but not even as windy), it's tough to dress properly for racing in those conditions.




                0 miles for me.

                Runner with a riding problem.



                  What's up, I didn't run this morning, didn't feel like getting out of bed plus my feet/ankles were acting weird or sore. So after I register for the Monumental and the Backside Trail Half tonight at 11 PM, Rocky and I will head out for 8 miles or something, starting on December 31, 2014 and ending on January 1, 2015 to bring in the new year Smile

                  *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                  5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                  10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                  15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                  13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                   26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                    Trying to decide if I want to get one last run in this year, or save my energy for the new year.   DH and I are having a low-key New Year's Eve at home, but my family is coming over on New Year's Day and we will attempt to make some tamales.


                    LRB -- Good luck with your race!

                    Life is good.



                      Yeah that is wack. Baboon's point of course is a good one, and while there's no reason not to do it if your were just going to bundle up & jog it, I imagine some of the serious contenders may blow it off for the same reason you are thinking about it. 


                      Yeah this was to be a PR attempt, not a race against the field or for age group placing.


                      I thought it was a go when it became clear there would be no snow, slush or ice to deal with and never even considered high winds or stupid single digit wind chills.


                      Knowing how piss and moan like a petulant child critical of myself I am over sub-par race performances, I think it would be better for the entire internet if I stay away. lol


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Got in a run/walk yesterday of 3.5 miles.  Wind was blowing like crazy and things were a bit soggy from the light drizzle here all Tuesday morning.  I went out about noon-time and did trails through the park near the San Antonio Zoo.  The multitude of trees in the park gave me a nice wind-breaker effect and it felt surprisingly pleasant on the trails, even though the temp was hovering between 39 and 41, with the wind making it feel a bit cooler.  The worst part of the run/walk was the open area as I headed back to the YMCA, dang wind was right in my face.   After I got back to the Y, that HOT shower felt great!


                        I have off work today.   Right now it is almost 9 a.m. Texas time.   Temp of 37 degrees with a 'feels like" of  26 - BRRRRR! - and some rain threatening.   Will probably go to Fort Sam Houston and 'brave' this cold to get in about 3 or 4 miles.   There is a midnight 5K scheduled at Fort Sam too - this is usually my first race of my running year - but the temps are supposed to drop WAY down tonite, with rain coming down, and ICY I will probably pass, it is bad enough being on normal roads on New Year's Eve with lots of crazy people out there; I think I will just avoid the icy roads and stay home SAFE and just start my running year off tomorrow morning with my New Year's Day 5K, which is only about 1 mile from my house....much safer!

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                        delicate flower



                          Knowing how piss and moan like a petulant child critical of myself I am over sub-par race performances, I think it would be better for the entire internet if I stay away. lol


                          Quite the opposite.  I am working today and could use the entertainment.



                            Trying to decide if I want to get one last run in this year, or save my energy for the new year.  


                            I just stepped outside to gauge the same. Looks like rest day #3, brr!

                            delicate flower


                              I just stepped outside to gauge the same. Looks like rest day #3, brr!





                                I just stepped outside to gauge the same. Looks like rest day #3, brr!


                                I can't blame you.  That doesn't sound like fun racing weather.

                                Life is good.