Beginners and Beyond

Thursdailies don't care about weather! (Read 42 times)


    Morning!  Add me to the terrible after dinner snacking list.  The rest of the day I do pretty well.


    Yesterday's track workout went pretty well, only I forgot to pack socks.  I had worn tights to work, so no help there.  I ran anyway, and it was raining, so now I have a bit of a blister.  I am still not quite hitting my target paces, but I also haven't done much speedwork in a couple months, so I think it will come.


    LRB- IIRC, the Daniels book was the same price through the publisher as it was on Amazon at the time I ordered, but Human Kinetics charged an arm and a leg for shipping.  My book should come today, though!



      Way to go Shari! I need to do the same thing, but I haven't outlined it as well. I did stop munching so much after work. But the after-dinner munching is still an issue. I'll have to curtail that.


      Morning, folks! Since I failed to take my shoes when I drove to the Y at 5 a.m. (doh!), I turned around and worked in my home office instead (I know there's a desk here somewhere ... underneath all this ... stuff).

      I'll head back to the Y later with time for 5-7 recovery miles before my noon strength training class.

      Small non-running victory: For the last week I have successfully lived by my new "clean up your eating!" rules:
      • No mindless after-dinner munching

      • No grabbing a candy bar and/or bag of chips while grocery shopping or stopping for gas

      • No more than 1-2 adult beverages per week

      • No munching on crackers, nuts, sweets at the computer


      It isn't showing on the scale yet, but I feel better about my eating now. I had gotten into some really bad habits that have led to being 15 pounds over where I was when I ran my first marathon, despite averaging 40 or more miles per week. If I really want to BQ, I need to keep this up and get back down to where I should be.


      Yesterday afternoon I went to the work gym and did planks and overhead curls with the free weights. It was a nice change. I think this afternoon I'll go back and do some V-sits and some other stuff.


      This morning I did 7 Easy miles on the TM. On Tuesday I injured my foot a bit. I think it had to do with over-striding and it basically started messing with my plantar. I've been massaging it the last couple of days, and trying to do some stretching. It doesn't hurt when I wake up in the morning or really when I run. There's just an ache there. I tightened the laces on my Kinvara's for today's run and minded my stride. It seemed to work out. Hopefully I can get this behind me before it becomes PF.

      - Andrew



        I had gotten really bad about that - sometimes eating almost a day's worth of calories in dry cereal, nuts, chocolate, cheese, cookies ...

        Now I'm concentrating on making a cup of hot tea after putting DS to bed and just sipping on it. If I am truly hungry just before bedtime, I'll have a small banana to make it easier to fall asleep, but that's it.


        Yeah I would be frightened to add up the calories I consume between dinner & bedtime. I try to keep it reasonably healthy. The appetite comes with the miles I guess. DW generally does the cooking, gives me the biggest pile of food she can fit on the plate, and the first thing I do when I'm done is start to look & see what's next.


        MTA: It was a tough adjustment when my miles were cut way back due to injury. I would be looking in the fridge or pantry out of habit, and had to remember to tell myself I wasn't really hungry. Sometimes I would forget.



          Supp Crew!


          Race day weight is as important to me as speed, stamina or endurance so not only am I pretty diligent about the types of things I eat, but also when I eat them.


          It can be difficult though even for me but I just try to keep it all in this perspective; I want to race well more than I want to gobble up a box of cookies, so the cookies usually lose out....or I lose out!  lol


          Anyhoo, I got 7 miles done on the belt which included ten - 30 second strides that increased from 9.8 MPH up to 10.7 MPH for each stride.


          It was a very lively run, but I am looking forward to Saturday where hopefully I will be eligible for the WRORP (Weekend Release Outdoor Run Program). 


            SIAR - was wondering about the heel spur lights, thx.

            lrb - a treadmill streak is better than an injury streak

            lily - careful out there on the "rink"

            baboon - hope you can get out later

            dave - here's hoping for that 35

            scotty - drizzle rainy running can be fun

            D - yes, family is known to give you their colds

            free - nice that you got out w/rockster

            step - more power to you on the eating habits

            hobbit - needle geddon...i like it

            zel - the speed will show up soon enough

            brrr - good 7 on the tm


            plan for 4 to 5 after work...after soccer and tae kwon do pick passes to see Lone Survivor this weekend and will definitely go as i have heard it is well done....hope everyone has a great day.

            marathon pr - 3:16

            delicate flower

              I got my cholesterol checked today for like the first time ever.  186 total and 66 HDL.  Guess I can eat more steak and shrimp.  And my waist is 29.5".



                LRB, I hate doing strides on the TM. My legs are not strong enough for what McMillan wants and I still am very insecure about doing them on the TM. I feel like one wrong step at that speed and I'll fly off ino the stratosphere. Doing 10 strides hurts my legs more than doing 10 miles at HMP...


                I also gained some weight during the holidays. I'm hoping that the increase in mileage in the coming weeks will be enough to take care of it. I'm terrible at dieting, I simply cannot. But what I CAN do, is exercise more without needing to increase my intake of calories. In past training cycles, more often than not, I have gone to bed slightly hungry each night. And at mid-point in training, I'm usually 5 lbs lighter, without having dieted. I prefer doing it like that than having to eliminate things from my life. I don't like choices. For me, it's about balance.

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                  The Saturday planning retreat was cancelled - Woo-hoo!!!!!!! Unfortunately, it was cancelled because several of the staff have the flu. One was even hospitalized. I hope everyone will be on the mend, but I'm glad to get my Saturday back.



                    The Saturday planning retreat was cancelled - Woo-hoo!!!!!!! Unfortunately, it was cancelled because several of the staff have the flu. One was even hospitalized. I hope everyone will be on the mend, but I'm glad to get my Saturday back.


                    Whoa, hopefully you don't catch that.

                    - Andrew


                      I feel like one wrong step at that speed and I'll fly off into the stratosphere.


                      If you think hard and long enough about something, your mind will find a way to make it happen.  Therefore, do not do any strides faster than half marathon pace.  lol


                      Seriously though, I do strides once a week as a principle, even on the belt.  Yes, it is a bit different, but overall you are still doing what you were already doing, just a bit more quickly.  When running, we should always be in control, regardless of the pace or surface.  Strides help enforce that, but do what you feel safe doing, not what I am doing.


                      Zel, I am too cheap to pay one dime more than I need to, so I will likely wait until the Amazon get its act together.


                      Run to live; live to run

                        10.5 for me. a pretty good day, overall.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          So, not surprisingly, pet insurance works just like regular medical insurance and Trixie's claims were paid ZERO.  According to them, she had a pre-existing condition, because I guess taking one's cat to the vet for dehydration 9 months before is clearly a sign of liver disease, even though she would have been dead already if that were true.  Fuckers.




                            I'm sorry D Sad, insurance agencies suck ass.


                            So, not surprisingly, pet insurance works just like regular medical insurance and Trixie's claims were paid ZERO.  According to them, she had a pre-existing condition, because I guess taking one's cat to the vet for dehydration 9 months before is clearly a sign of liver disease, even though she would have been dead already if that were true.  Fuckers.

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                              Damaris, I think that vet bill of yours is more than I spent on dental work on my DD who's required lots of orthodontic work as a child.. That really sucks... Sorry about that.


                              LRB, I do them exactly as you do, but I go by tenth of a mile and from 9.5 to 10.2 mpm. Pfitz has us do them twice a week generally. Have you ever pressed 11 instead of 10, by mistake? It's real fun...

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Damaris, I think that vet bill of yours is more than I spent on dental work on my DD who's required lots of orthodontic work as a child.. That really sucks... Sorry about that.


                                LRB, I do them exactly as you do, but I go by tenth of a mile and from 9.5 to 10.2 mpm. Pfitz has us do them twice a week generally. Have you ever pressed 11 instead of 10, by mistake? It's real fun...


                                It does not matter the amount, it could've been $50 and they would still deny it.


                                I think Pfitz does 100m strides which are 0.062 and not 1/10th of a mile?
