Beginners and Beyond


Memorial Day MonDAILIES (Read 51 times)



    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours.


      Mornin' Dailies!


      Did 7 this morning. Really quiet out. Great day for a run.


      Have a great and safe holiday!

      YAYpril - B-Plus

        Good morning!


        I'm heading out for 8 soon. Need to be home and showered and ready to go by about 9 to get to the lake for Memorial Day festivities.


        You know you're a runner when you wake up early on your holiday off to make sure you get your run in... am I right?


        Run to live; live to run

          April, yes you are right


          Good morning flat


          off to run   Will be. 10 something.


          Hobit great job on the 4 yesterday.


          Basya are you fighting something?  Hope you aren't getting sick.



            flarunner- Good morning and I'm glad you had a quiet 7 this morning ... and didn't have to dodge commuters.


            AprilRunner- Have a great time today at the lake later on today and nice job on getting up early to get in the 8 miles. Getting up early on a holiday just to run is definitely one of those runner things that people never understand.


            MarjorieAnn3137- You really are amazing at getting in all of these 10.x runs day after day along with your 20+ LR each weekend - nice commitment!


            Well, I'm up early as well on a rare day off work but we're having rain throughout the day so I'm in no hurry to get moving yet. So, I'm content to sit in my comfy chair and drink coffee before heading out for 5-6 recovery miles this morning. Enjoy your holiday folks ... whatever you have planned.

            Train smart ... race smarter.

            delicate flower

              'Morning, and Happy Monday!  I got my coffee and can now begin to tackle this day.


              We've got the MS bike ride next weekend and need to mark the 25 mile route today.  That means a 25 mile bike ride that will take about four hours.  It'll be a nice day to be outside though.


              Enjoy whatever trouble you can get yourself into today!


              Hip Redux

                Heading out to the mile race soon.  McMillan says that I should hit 8mm for the 1 mile based on my last 5k, but that was hilly and this is super flat, so I hope to see a 7:59 or less (but it's really based on hope lol).   DH is aiming for something in the 5's (the sad part is, he'll have some pretty good competition in his AG and overall.... there was NO ONE in my AG last year.   So there's a good chance I'll win something for my pathetic time and he won't for his great one lol).


                I have a lot of trouble finding good game-day breakfasts - I usually have something like oatmeal but the gluten free oatmeal is like twice the price and I'm tired of having oatmeal in general.   Tried this today, super yum!


          (With cherries instead of cranberries, almonds instead of pecans and almond milk.)



                Wickedly Average

                  Morning, Dailies!


                  Taking time out to remember those who gave their all in battle for our freedom! Despite numerous attacks on that freedom from within of late, their effort was NOT in vain.


                  I'll be heading out in a bit for a nice run along the riverwalk this morning. I have to avoid downtown today because of the huge bicycle race. Too many people and not enough space.


                  I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day!

                  Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                  5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

                    Good morning all! happy running today.


                    Oski, good luck on your race today and finding a decent breakfast?


                    im heading to the gym later and maybe a short run on the TM with the DW. She got her first pair of real running shoes and wants to test drive before she hits the streets.

                    First Race

                    Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

                    Second Race

                    Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08


                    delicate flower

                      Heading out to the mile race soon.  McMillan says that I should hit 8mm for the 1 mile based on my last 5k, but that was hilly and this is super flat, so I hope to see a 7:59 or less (but it's really based on hope lol).   DH is aiming for something in the 5's (the sad part is, he'll have some pretty good competition in his AG and overall.... there was NO ONE in my AG last year.   So there's a good chance I'll win something for my pathetic time and he won't for his great one lol).



                      Good luck!!



                        Oski - Good luck, and thanks for the recipe! I often have a homemade banana muffin w/PB on race day.


                        SRD for me, though I hope to get a good walk in and spend some quality time with my foam roller tonight. Just normal soreness today so far.



                        Happy Memorial Day, and my prayers are with all of those who have fought and fallen, and all of those who loved them and stood beside them. May the rest of us strive to be deserving of your sacrifices.

                        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                          Heading out to the mile race soon. 


                          Good luck!


                          I usually do all of my eating and hydrating for a race two days leading up to it, then just have a banana two hours beforehand.  I avoid Gatorade like the plague pre race, and just sip water.  But absolutely find out what works for go smoke smoke some ass!


                          Supp everyone!


                          I am in West Memphis, Arkansas this morning as there was really only one exit for hotels in Memphis Tennessee, but I did not realize that until I passed it so you know how we do on the Eastside; I just kept right on rollin' lol!


                          It's 7:30 here but my body says it's 8:30 and with that, I am ready to get this thing crack a lackin!


                          Kid # 3 will not be happy when I hit the light switch in a minute, but Wil Smith had it wrong; kids just don't wake dat ass up!



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Morning!  14 miles done with a migraine and bad nausea.  Off to bed for the rest of the day, bah!


                            Good luck Oski!


                            YAYpril - B-Plus

                              Good luck, Oski!


                              My 8 miles are done. It was 45° and sunny with no wind. Can I have that every day?


                              Team TJ

                                Doing some grilling right now for lunch with my parents.  Ribs, freshly dug potatoes and fresh's OK to be jealous Cool


                                Planning at least 5 miles late this evening.

                                Running for TJ because he can't.

