Beginners and Beyond


Insomniac WEDNESDAILIES (Read 44 times)

    I was going to do twelve quarter-mile repeats before work, but, I'm moving them to after work.


    I'm heading back to bed.




      The annual carnival is in town which is throwing a wrench in my plans to run my primary route.  I usually bypass all of that and run from home but this year I am going to run there anyway as my neighborhood route is okay but does not provide the mental stimulation the other one does.



        I actually slept OK last night. So I will top off my night of rest with a day of rest.

        See ya.



        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I had 3 hours of sleep, heading into court to fight a fight I know I'm going to lose (but my boss insists, sigh) and with the office intern.


          Pilates and a short run if I have time after Pilates tonight.


          See you when I finish court.



            Still half asleep but will head out for 8 soon.


              Still half asleep but will head out for 8 soon.


              Nevermind, running after work instead.

              delicate flower

                'Morning!  Add me to the list of people who postponed today's morning run until after work.  I didn't sleep great last night (it happens...rarely), so when the alarm went off at 5:00, I took care of the dog and went back to bed for 90 minutes.  Much needed and feeling pretty good now.  I'll run 6-7 miles tonight while dinner potatoes bake.


                All day meeting today.  Yippee.



                  Two margaritas and a huge order of chips and queso last night were not conducive to getting up at 4 a.m. for a 10-mile run. I might go out and do it tonight after DS is in bed, or I may just run the 10 on tomorrow's SRD. Since I am also moving my LR (16 miles) to Friday, that would be quite a bit on back to back days, but so it goes. I was just too tired and too parched from all the salt to get out of bed this morning.

                  20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                    Working on my first cup of coffee and planning out my day.  I'm thinking of canning some tomatoes and salsa today as well as the usual chores.  Only 4 miles planned for this afternoon.  I'm loving the taper.


                    I  had a dream that I completely overslept the start of the SF marathon.  I dreamt I turned on the TV (which for some reason was covering the marathon) and they were showing the national anthem.  I realized I was still in my pajamas and over an hour away from the race.

                    Life is good.


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      No insomnia here.  Went to bed early last night and slept through till my alarm went off at 5 a.m.   Unusual for me, usually I'm getting up 2 or 3 times a night.    3.4 miles for me at Fort Sam Houston this morning.   Flippin' warm, already 84 degrees at 6 a.m. Even so, today my motor was running pretty good and I had a really nice run/walk, with all my running segments done strongly.    I also might have a double today, as I'm thinking about doing the Zoo Fun Run 2-Miler after work today.  The run starts at 6:30 pm and is done in the park next to the Zoo.  The park has a lot of shaded trails. Which is good because the temp today for the run is predicted to be 94 degrees.


                      Hope you get well rested, Basya.  BTW, after reading all the posts in another thread, I dreamed about us doing a Bare Buns run, lol. 


                      Hell, LRB, the carnival is in town here every day.  It's called "work."          Gee, I think it might be kinda fun to run through the carnival grounds...


                      Enjoy the rest day, Dave, now that you've rested up for it.


                      Sorry about the lack of sleep, Damaris.  And the upcoming court battle.  Sounds like you have a carnival at work too.


                      Well, B-Plus, running after work will let you get some rest before you run...provided you can get in a few power-naps at work.


                      Happy after work running, Phil, hope your weather is better than what's around here.


                      Good luck, Step, with all your upcoming miles!

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Working on my first cup of coffee and planning out my day.  I'm thinking of canning some tomatoes and salsa today as well as the usual chores.  Only 4 miles planned for this afternoon.  I'm loving the taper.


                        I  had a dream that I completely overslept the start of the SF marathon.  I dreamt I turned on the TV (which for some reason was covering the marathon) and they were showing the national anthem.  I realized I was still in my pajamas and over an hour away from the race.


                        Well that's wear pajamas to bed....    Good luck with your 4 miles later today!

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                          Working on my first cup of coffee and planning out my day.  I'm thinking of canning some tomatoes and salsa today as well as the usual chores.  Only 4 miles planned for this afternoon.  I'm loving the taper.


                          I  had a dream that I completely overslept the start of the SF marathon.  I dreamt I turned on the TV (which for some reason was covering the marathon) and they were showing the national anthem.  I realized I was still in my pajamas and over an hour away from the race.




                          I love running dreams, they seem so real!  I once dreamt that I won a marathon and it was the most awesome thing ever.  Of course dreaming you overslept it had to be the most terrifying thing ever.  lol



                            Warning: RANT

                             No run today, I was almost out the door when I realized my house key was left in last night's running shorts in the bedroom (Dorian was in there) and I debated on leaving the door unlocked but before I was ready to go I went in to get it and sure enough Dorian was whimpering and DH was bitching, he didn't want me running last night and I didn't get to run this morning. I was even willing to take Dorian for a 3 mile run and move my 8 miler to tomorrow but oh no..... even though Dorian is feeling MUCH better already, DH didn't want me dragging him out on a run even though he has no problem with me dragging him to the shop today where he won't be happy  Hell I probably won't get to run tomorrow, or Friday, or Saturday and why run Sunday's LR if I wasn't able to run the rest of this week's 38 miles?

                            It just irritates the fuck out of me, my little boy is with me just about 24 hours every single day, has been for over 2 years and I've skipped races and runs no problem when he was seriously sick and miserable, I do whatever it takes to make sure my little boy is happy, healthy and content while DH is at the shop just about 12-15 hours a day with the two businesses. And yet I am selfish for wanting just 30 minutes to an hour and a half to myself for a run? And that is only if Dorian is feeling better and not miserable, if he is then I will happily skip whatever it is that I had planned.


                             I am fucking irritated! 

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                              I  had a dream that I completely overslept the start of the SF marathon.  I dreamt I turned on the TV (which for some reason was covering the marathon) and they were showing the national anthem.  I realized I was still in my pajamas and over an hour away from the race.


                              I once dreamt that I showed up at the race & realized I had forgotten my shoes.






                                I love running dreams, they seem so real!  I once dreamt that I won a marathon and it was the most awesome thing ever.  Of course dreaming you overslept it had to be the most terrifying thing ever.  lol


                                That's an awesome running dream.


                                I think my dream is telling me I don't feel particularly prepared for this one.

                                Life is good.
