Beginners and Beyond

NFL playoffs (Read 61 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    At least the Patriots didn't kill people like Ray Lewis did.


    Aaron Hernandez?

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      As far as the footballs go, I wonder if it is something far less exciting.  Cold deflates car tires, so maybe the footballs were blown up in a hot equipment room, tested, then taken outside. I have no clue how much pressure it would lose, I took the bare minimum science classes needed in high school & college.



        Aaron Hernandez?


        Well played.

        I'll take NFL Felons for 400 please, Alex.


        Hip Redux


          Well played.

          I'll take NFL Felons for 400 please, Alex.


          We'll be here all night if we start down that path.

          Suffice it to say,the NFL has some "issues".


          Half Crazy K 2.0


            We'll be here all night if we start down that path.

            Suffice it to say,the NFL has some "issues".


            Tosh.O was about the only watchable thing on TV last night. He had a segment "athlete or felon" where he showed a tattoo and you guessed.  Some were both--and were NFL players.


               I'll take NFL Felons for 400 please, Alex.


              That was awesome!


                Pete Carroll is not exactly known for being clean.... So you likely have two cheaters in the superbowl 


                This SB is pretty much my worse case scenario.  At least it's still an opportunity to get some good beer and get drunk.  Or, if all else fails, there is still the puppy bowl.

                Life is good.



                  This SB is pretty much my worse case scenario.  At least it's still an opportunity to get some good beer and get drunk.  Or, if all else fails, there is still the puppy bowl.


                  I'm just hoping for a good game. Everything else is secondary. Doesn't happen nearly often enough..




                    Aaron Hernandez?


                    Hernandez allegedly 3 Lewis allegedly 1. Lewis allegedly was a better criminal. Wasn't there a missing white suit?

                    Half Crazy K 2.0


                      Hernandez allegedly 3 Lewis allegedly 1. Lewis allegedly was a better criminal. Wasn't there a missing white suit?


                      Yep. And with Hernandez, there is an allegedly destroyed home security camera.

                      delicate flower


                        Aaron Hernandez?


                        Now that is one nutty character for you!


                        Village people

                          Uncle Bill just put Tommy on the hot seat.

                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            So grabbing one's balls is a $20k fine. Glad the NFL is taking care of that.t


                              So grabbing one's balls is a $20k fine. Glad the NFL is taking care of that.t


                              Maybe he had an itch. Glad they don't fine us at work

                              Half Crazy K 2.0


                                Maybe he had an itch. Glad they don't fine us at work

                                Definitely an intentional grab. Don't think it is any worse than the various pelvic thrust celebrations.