Beginners and Beyond

DAILIES For Wednesday (Read 50 times)



    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury  to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours.


      Mornin' Kidlets!


      Got 8 done this morning. It was dark and quiet. There weren't that many cars out. And I went the right way! So all in all, a great run!


      Have a fantastic day everyone!

        Good morning everyone!


        6 miles @ 7:55/mile done in the rain, had to cut it short, so I'll go back out again later for some more miles.


        Hope everyone has a great day!!


        My running blog

        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

        delicate flower

          'Morning, and Happy Vacation!  I am on a plane headed to Orlando!  We were up at 3:45.  Ugh.  I paid $8 for in-flight WiFi because I am a sucker.


          Last night's workout was 45 minutes of elliptical, intense 40 minute leg workout, and 10 minutes of easy jog/walk on the treadmill (still doesn't count as a run).  The legs are sore today.  I don't know what the next week will hold for workouts, but it'll be a shit ton of walking at the very least.  I predict a grumpy knee!  Big grin


          You all be good now, and save some for me.  Six days until my next run.....



            flarunner- Nice work on the early run (as usual) and have a great day.


            Dtothe2nd- Sorry your run was cut short but enjoy your double later on.


            Baboon- Have a great trip and enjoy time with the Mrs.


            Good morning folks. I got in 5 easy recovery miles last night after work and though the legs feel great the rest of this week will continue to be easy peasy lemon squeezy recovery miles. It's supposed to be beautiful again today & I'll probably get in about 5 miles this afternoon sometime.



            Train smart ... race smarter.


            Skirt Runner

              Have a great vacation Phil!!! By your avatar it seems you hate Disney, so I'm sure you'll be miserable there Wink


              Dragged my lazy butt out of bed this morning for 3 miles at easy pace with 3 strides in the last mile.

              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

              Jess runs for bacon

                I would totally pay $8 for wifi on the plane. Have a great trip!


                Going for a bike ride today. Haven't biked in three weeks so looking forward to it Smile


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  7 with 2 @ MP done this morning.  I was surprised the Hokas were able to run at MP.  73 dewpoint made for an asthma full run but contrary to last year, no asthma attack during the MP miles.


                  flarunner,nice 8.  Your weather must be nicer than ours.


                  D2, nice 6.


                  Baboon, I've paid the in flight wifi too.  What to do on a flight of 3 hours if the TV is showing crappy shit?  We are more interesting, ha.  Enjoy your vacation.


                  Bruce, nice 5 last night.  Are you ready to post that RR if our April does not?


                  Kristin, nice 3.


                  liilac, enjoy the bike ride.


                    Good morning, everyone!


                    Thanks for starting today's thread, flarunner. Excellent pre-sunrise eight.


                    Dave, swift rainy six. Enjoy doubling.


                    Phil, have a safe trip.


                    BruceD555, have a fantastic run. I'm glad that recovery is going well.


                    kristin10185, terrific three-miler.


                    lilac_jive, have a pleasant bike ride.


                    Damaris, brava on having run seven miles already.


                    I started May with 6.41 miles in 1:00:00.  9:22 pace. Boylston Street looks fantastic.


                      Morning all!


                      Decided to try to get back into the morning runs, since it was such a beautiful one today. Got in 9 miles at 8:55. Stretched it longer than planned so ended up about 15 min late to work, although I lose a lot more time than that in my lunchtime runs.


                      So tonight I am taking my 13yo DD to a concert (Pierce the Veil & All Time Low) at a venue downtown; I imagine she will be one of the youngest in the audience & I will be one of the oldest. We will be out way too late for a school night. Does this make me a good dad or a bad one? Undecided


                      Have a great day everyone!



                        Good Morning, Runners!!


                        Happy May to you!!   I hope this month treats you well weather-wise and otherwise!!


                        Flarunner – Thanks for getting us started this morning!  Great run!!   I hope the peace and quiet during your run bodes well for a fabulous day ahead!!


                        Dave 2 – Way to get your run in during the rain this morning!!   Hope your miles later today go smoothly!!


                        Phil – I hope you and MBC have a truly splendid vacation!!   Be sure to bring us something back from your trip!!


                        Bruce – I hope you enjoy your run later in the beautiful weather!!   Glad that you’re feeling good after your recent race!!    Is “April” going to post her RR soon?


                        Kristin – Way to make the run happen this morning!!   Nice job!!  Have a Pinktacular day!!


                        Jess – Hope the weather is fabulous for your bike ride later!!


                        Damaris – Great run despite the asthma issues!!   Have a marvelous day!!


                        Basya – That’s a great start to your May mileage!!   That’s not your only workout for the day, is it?


                        I don't have any plans for the day yet.   I'm sure I'll think of something to do later, but for now I'm content to have nothing planned.   Mostly, I'm just biding my time until I get the MRI results on Friday.


                        Have a completely Pinksational day!!   And, may your next run inspire you to new levels of greatness!!


                        - Sarah

                        But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


                          Dave P - Awesome run this morning!   What a great way to start your day!!   Not sure if taking your 13 yo to a concert makes you necessarily a good or a bad dad.   My guess is that you know your child and you know what she can handle, how responsible she is, etc. so if you think that being out too late on a school night once in a while isn't going to cause any issues, then you're probably a well-adjusted and cool dad.   :-)

                          But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.




                            Bruce – I hope you enjoy your run later in the beautiful weather!!   Glad that you’re feeling good after your recent race!!    Is “April” going to post her RR soon?



                            I'm giving her until high noon to get that RR posted ... otherwise, it's going to be the Chinese Restaurant Revenge RR. Big grin

                            Train smart ... race smarter.

                            YAYpril - B-Plus



                              I wrote an RR. Freaking peer pressure.




                              I might go out for a few miles after work. Maybe 3-4. I'm still a little sore but nothing I can't run through.

                                Good girl. Because you should know I would do it. Wink

                                PRs: 5k: 27:49 (10/12) 10k: 56:06 (4/13) HM: 2:13 (4/12) M: TBD (9/13)