Beginners and Beyond


Fickle Fridailies (Read 34 times)



    I was gonna run 6 miles this morning,  woke to my glutes seriously sore as hell.... I might make this week a recovery week, I've got a massage appointment Monday..

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


      Eric fixed all my widgets issues. My current streak is back on, baby! 48 days and counting!


        Eric fixed all my widgets issues. My current streak is back on, baby! 48 days and counting!


        what is more impressive is the 10.8 miles per day average



          what is more impressive is the 10.8 miles per day average


          I remember that Jay once had a 100 days / 1000 miles streak. I'll reach half of that, at least. Being half as good as Jay is pretty awesome Smile

          delicate flower

            'Morning!!  2600 yard swim done.  I had 4800 yards on the schedule but I didn't have time for the whole thing thanks to early work meetings.  And speaking of fickle, swimming is fickle.  I figured out a kink in my swim stroke halfway through my workout this morning, and I was suddenly swimming faster once I figured it out.  I've got an easy run tonight before my 18 mile ass kicker tomorrow.



              'Morning!!  2600 yard swim done.  I had 4800 yards on the schedule but I didn't have time for the whole thing thanks to early work meetings.  And speaking of fickle, swimming is fickle.  I figured out a kink in my swim stroke halfway through my workout this morning, and I was suddenly swimming faster once I figured it out.  I've got an easy run tonight before my 18 mile ass kicker tomorrow.


              I bet that felt awesome you were able to figure that out. And is the ass kicker your pace run tomorrow?


              I'm about to hit the TM for 5. We've been hit with another cold spell. Yay.

              delicate flower


                I bet that felt awesome you were able to figure that out. And is the ass kicker your pace run tomorrow?


                I'm about to hit the TM for 5. We've been hit with another cold spell. Yay.


                Figuring out the kink was more a relief than anything, and explains why my swims have been slow lately.  And yeah, tomorrow is 18 miles with 16 at GMP.


                delicate flower

                  HEY DAMARIS, I have registered for Space Coast.


                  ETA:  How hard I train for and race this is wholly dependent on how I do at Boston.  I am hoping I can half-ass it.





                    Everyone in my house has been coughing for 4 weeks now.


                      Got these today. I had ordered the 5s, but they had this stupid rigid exoskeleton that was digging in the side of my foot just by walking in the house. Sent them back and ordered the 6s instead.


                      You think they go a little overboard on the branding? 



                      Former Bad Ass

                        HEY DAMARIS, I have registered for Space Coast.


                        ETA:  How hard I train for and race this is wholly dependent on how I do at Boston.  I am hoping I can half-ass it.


                        We did that yesterday as well (we are allowed early registration for running it last year).  In for the HM for me.  If you pass me by the course, I'll trip you!


                        delicate flower


                          We did that yesterday as well (we are allowed early registration for running it last year).  In for the HM for me.  If you pass me by the course, I'll trip you!


                          You doing north or south?



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Morning!  Today is my Friday off which was so much awaited, ha.  I also noticed I have use/lose leave so I took one day in March and planning on taking some more, including a full week between Glass City and Wisconsin.  I won't have any use/lose at the end of the year, not if I can't help it.


                            I have Pilates and 8 with 3 @ HMP.  We will see what mood is the TM for, elite or walker.



                            Former Bad Ass


                              You doing north or south?


                              South.  North, you would've not even seen me as you would start ahead and stay there.



                                Eric fixed all my widgets issues. My current streak is back on, baby! 48 days and counting!


                                Did he have a reason for your account getting shit-canned?
