Letters & Opinions


Glenn Beck wants me to buy Food Insurance. (Read 97 times)

Meat Wagon


    "Prepare yourself what we all hope won't happen, but will if you're not prepared."


    Should I go with the 12- month entree meal deluxe supply for $9989.99?

    3792 entrée meal plan  12-month deluxe supply

    Or the 12- month premium entree meal ultimate supply for $13,279.79?

    3792 premium entrée meal plan   12-month ultimate supply


    Also, I think I'm gonna get a few orders of the freeze- dried ice cream sandwiches. Because, "Who says emergency preparation shouldn't be fun? Add delicious Ice Cream Sandwiches to your emergency food supply. Our Ice Cream Sandwiches are guaranteed for taste and freshness for 3 years." 12 pack for $27.50.

    freeze-dried ice cream sandwiches (12 pack)


    Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive.

    runny eggs

      I love freeze dried ice cream........
      Crazy Q

      Net Neaderthal & Escapee

        I'm fully prepared to go cannibal if the situation warrants. Politicians are like Pork, the other white meat.

        Wot? Run? I thought they said Rum!


          Hannity has advertised for them also. They don't say how many guns you need in that bomb shelter, and how many people should be in your militia.

          You're dead in dog years

            Wonder if people who dealt with Katrina / Sandy and the like would have benefited by tapping into this for a few weeks or so if they had it? If they were able to keep it dry that is.....


            I know a few people who had built up quite a food storage. Really bailed them out when they were out of work for months a few years back. They subsidized their monthly food needs with the stuff.


            Lots of wisdom behind it besides "Walking Dead" and "Red Dawn" type events.


            Are those boxes for one person or many.......If it is per person....I don't have the basement area for my family of Five

            Crazy Q

            Net Neaderthal & Escapee

              DC you like myself have access to those wonderful brown plastic bags at the commissary. During Katrina they were about 84 dollars a case. You do the math. Still 2 pouches a day exceeds the minimum dietary requirement in calories. 1 case x 1 person per week...... Just saying.


              Now if you stock up on esbit and canned foods......

              Wot? Run? I thought they said Rum!

              Comrade Red


                Meh.  Just buy a big thing of peanut butter, ramen and some tuna every time you go to Costco.


                Way cheaper.

                Disclaimer: I reserve the right to not respond to your follow-up post If you become dumb.  The resulting silence should in no way be taken as a sign of agreement.

                Meat Wagon


                  Wonder if people who dealt with Katrina / Sandy and the like would have benefited by tapping into this for a few weeks or so if they had it? If they were able to keep it dry that is.....


                  I know a few people who had built up quite a food storage. Really bailed them out when they were out of work for months a few years back. They subsidized their monthly food needs with the stuff.


                  Lots of wisdom behind it besides "Walking Dead" and "Red Dawn" type events.


                  Are those boxes for one person or many.......If it is per person....I don't have the basement area for my family of Five


                  The 12- month premium entree meal ultimate supply feeds a family of five in style for 12 months.


                  You gonna go for that one? I only have four in my family, but I figure I can barter the extra rations (not to mention the ice cream bars) for goods and services. If I've learned anything from Mad Max, it's that gas ain't gonna get any cheaper after the apocalypse.

                  Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive.


                  Tribal Elder

                    I always laugh at the nice British lady who does the dried-food commercials on Doomsday Preppers.  She's pouring water into a pouch and we're supposed to believe it turns into a beautifully layered lasagna, complete with fresh basil garnish.

                    "Keep doing things." - Jim Martin, 93 year-old paratrooper and badass.



                      Isn't everyone still stocked up from their Y2K supply?

                      You people have issues 

                        I am beginning to understand why the right wing doesn't support restricting the mentally ill's access to guns.

                          . Politicians are like Pork, the other white meat.

                          wait, pork is the other white meat,

                          babies are the other, other white meat,

                          wouldn't that make politicians the other, other, other white meat?

                          "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn


                            I have a coupla cases of gu packets....how long can I survive on that?  My neighbor has a pool, I think I can stand the chlorine taste if I am cut off from fresh water.


                            Runners run

                            Meat Wagon


                              On second thought, I'm just going to buy the deluxe 40- day supply (on sale for a limited time at $599.99). I figure I'll only have to make it to Glenn's new utopia, Independence, USA. God will spare Galt's Gulch from the apocalypse.

                              Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive.


                              Old , Ugly and slow

                                Are power goes off a lot

                                Having extra food  is smart.

                                Some people in are area lost power 2 weeks last summer

                                first race sept 1977 last race sept 2007


                                2019  goals   1000  miles  , 190 pounds , deadlift 400 touch my toes
