Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass



    My run on Monday was a 6 miler at 151HR (sigh).  It felt too easy to be running at that pace.  I talked to my husband (he is a doctor) and we have concluded the new high HR is due to something I am taking.  I switched something exactly around the time the HR started rising, so I am now sans that choice until we figure this out.  So, we should know some more by next Monday.  If that is not it, we'll keep looking.  But one thing we think it is, is that it is temporary and a false rise.


    So, for now, my coach has me running by effort and by pace, depending on the workout.  Hoping this issue improves soon because I am tired of switching things around trying to find the culprit!



    Former Bad Ass

      Yesterday was my anaerobic workout and I averaged 153HR during my full run. Looking forward to my easy run today to see if the HR has lowered since I got off the item I believe is screwing my HR.


      Wish me luck!



        Nice HR progression run yesterday, 72F, average 122bpm for 71 minutes.  Pleased with aerobic performance and ability to maintain HR in spite of the extreme humidity.  I am catching myself falling into a relaxed pace and notice HR is below desired range.  Have to tell the brain to push the pace and remain in target HR zone.  I believe this may be the start of a good thing having to "push the pace".


        Another warm morning with rather extreme humidity.  Off for a weekly long run.  Being carful not to build mileage too fast and be out too long.  Trying to train smart and follow the 10% rule.  Took 4 Etabs, plenty of water and off for a long run.  Goal is another HR progression run  (<114; <118; <122; <126 and finally cruising below MAF @ 129).


        The dog days of summer are back - however it beats the alternative (cold & rain).  No complaints



        Former Bad Ass

          I was not able to run any of my runs by MAF and my coach has me by effort for now, but I did 16 miles today, 12 @ 143 HR, and the last 4 as fast as I could, for an average of 146 HR.  These are the days that make me think there is nothing wrong with me and that the readings during the other days are not correct.



            5:55 am, 72F, very humid,  54 minutes @ 120 bmp ave.  momentary high spike of 133.  WU and brief CD.


            Overall training pace appears to be improving even at low HRs and elevated HH.  Pleased.


            Felt tired today - poor sleep.



            Former Bad Ass

              I have been able to MAF for three days.  I think I found what ot was! And on pace!


              Chasing the bus

                Good work D, glad you've found something.


                I'm back in Prudhoe, but forgot my HRM at home, so it'll be a week of running without, for me. Finally logged 6 miles tonight, first run after my 5k, pace well below MAF. My resting HR was very low this evening (45 bpm, almost 10 low). I'm gonna watch it and blame it on switching to night shift yesterday (which involves a stint of awake for 24 hrs. before crashing and sleeping during the day as best I can). Feel fine. 6 easy miles did make the legs tired.


                Have a good weekend, everyone!


                “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                Former Bad Ass

                  4 miles on Wednesday at 144 HR and 10 miles yesterday at 147HR.  I think I can call this week a Maffed week.


                  Furthur, I've done a couple of runs without the HRM.  It's nice to just try by effort and see.  You could also take your pulse immediately after you finish your run and it should give you an idea.


                  I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and my resting HR was 65.  Last time I took it it was 63 but both times I had been doing something so it's close enough for me to assume they are the same or similar.



                  Consistently Slow

                    3.25 run / 3.25 mile walk  HR  128 /142 for the  run.Time to go do one quick job at work. Hoping it will be  quick.

                    Run until the trail runs out.

                     SCHEDULE 2016--

                     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                    unsolicited chatter



                    long & slow

                      2 Hour run yesterday. Managed 9.7 miles at a 12:22 pace. My MAF range is 126-136. My second week of MAF training. Heat is by far my biggest stressor.



                      Former Bad Ass

                        Hi, guys.  5 miles yesterday at 11:31mm and 144HR (super humid).  14 miles today, with 10 @ 142 and 4 @ MP by HR.  Average HR for the whole run: 146.


                        I am so glad I am able to train back with the HR.



                          Damaris - pleased to hear you are recovered and back to training



                            5:30Am - 72F - Rain (haven't seen rain for a while) - off for an controlled MAF progression run - 4.9 miles.


                            Rest day yesterday - no complaints.


                            Need to relieve stress as work is getting to me and affecting sleep.  Yuck - not healthy.


                            RHR elevated this morning @ 53-54bmp - something is off internally.  Its typically 48-49 bmp.


                            I can not think of any better way to self adjust and start the day than a morning run in the dark and watch the sun rise.



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Thanks, labhiker!


                              I did 6 miles @ 148HR last night.  97F heat index and 74 dewpoint was a mess but I did them.  Could've run at lower HR but for some reason I didn't want to.  I also did 1 mile with hubby @ 130HR.


                              My anaerobic workout is tonight.



                              Consistently Slow

                                3 mile walk . No HRM. Work should ease of next month. Will get back on track..

                                Run until the trail runs out.

                                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                                unsolicited chatter
