Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Morning!  I really have not run much since my kitty died and work has been hideous.  I also have had a lot of pain in anticipation of the surgery.  We bought bikes so I've done some bike rides and run some.  Last night's 6 went really well, except my HR was through the roof (I think it was a malfunction of the HRM though).  Surgery is in 6 days, eek.


    Hope everybody is doing great.  I'll check here from time to time but until the end of March, I won't be Mafing much.



    Consistently Slow

      Morning!  I really have not run much since my kitty died and work has been hideous.  I also have had a lot of pain in anticipation of the surgery.  We bought bikes so I've done some bike rides and run some.  Last night's 6 went really well, except my HR was through the roof (I think it was a malfunction of the HRM though).  Surgery is in 6 days, eek.


      Hope everybody is doing great.  I'll check here from time to time but until the end of March, I won't be Mafing much.


      Take care!

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



      Consistently Slow

        ATC Heart & Sole 5K

        RA race predictor 29:52 from a marathon 11 months ago(best time in the past year)

        Ego <25

        I started with the  2nd  wave.Plan was to start with the 3rd wave(>30:00)

        Finish clock 27: x x

        Garmin upload 25:06. I forgot the 2nd wave was 2:00 behind the  1st wave.


        The last mile was 7:26. Paced off a 20ish female. I lost her on the hill. Out and back. 90% gradual  incline out and decline back. Fast course. Last year a of PR 22:06. HR 164 / 188. Warm up 4.6. Cool down 0.8

        8.5 mile day. The knee has been a little sore all week. I have only run 1 other day this week.

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Former Bad Ass

          ATC Heart & Sole 5K

          RA race predictor 29:52 from a marathon 11 months ago(best time in the past year)

          Ego <25

          I started with the  2nd  wave.Plan was to start with the 3rd wave(>30:00)

          Finish clock 27: x x

          Garmin upload 25:06. I forgot the 2nd wave was 2:00 behind the  1st wave.


          The last mile was 7:26. Paced off a 20ish female. I lost her on the hill. Out and back. 90% gradual  incline out and decline back. Fast course. Last year a of PR 22:06. HR 164 / 188. Warm up 4.6. Cool down 0.8

          8.5 mile day. The knee has been a little sore all week. I have only run 1 other day this week.


          Awesome!  Congrats!


            ATC Heart & Sole 5K

            RA race predictor 29:52 from a marathon 11 months ago(best time in the past year)

            Ego <25

            I started with the  2nd  wave.Plan was to start with the 3rd wave(>30:00)

            Finish clock 27: x x

            Garmin upload 25:06. I forgot the 2nd wave was 2:00 behind the  1st wave.


            The last mile was 7:26. Paced off a 20ish female. I lost her on the hill. Out and back. 90% gradual  incline out and decline back. Fast course. Last year a of PR 22:06. HR 164 / 188. Warm up 4.6. Cool down 0.8

            8.5 mile day. The knee has been a little sore all week. I have only run 1 other day this week.


            Very nice!!!



            PRs:  5k - (20:42) 3/9/2013 18:55 (9/28/13)

                       10k - (42:42) 3/23/2013 39:11 (10/26/13) course was short @ 6.0 mi :)

                       10 mi - (1:12:10) 4/6/2013

                       HM - (1:34:38) 4/27/2013


            Consistently Slow

              10 miles HR 123 /140

              Run until the trail runs out.

               SCHEDULE 2016--

               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

              unsolicited chatter




                run 53:00

                walk 15:00


                Did my first LT tempo of the year.

                Got a long road to haul.




                  1:10 run

                  28:00 walk


                  endurance has been improving


                    I have been training using MAF for 7 odd weeks now.  I have noticed that when I started I had trouble keeping below 124.  Then after a couple of weeks 119 seemed to be what I ran at.  Now running at the slow pace I have become accustomed to I now run at 114 average.


                    Now that I have become accustomed to running slowly do I increase my pace to get my HR up to around 120 (MAF is 126)??  Or is it better to continue at my accustomed (slow) pace and watch my HR drop?


                    On another note..  I did a parkrun (5K) this morning in 30:58 at an average of 134HR.  Two weeks ago I did the parkrun (5K) in 32:30 at an average HR of 141.  Big improvement...  yay....


                      The idea is to get faster at the same HR, not run slowly. MAF training has ever been about running slowly. You just start out that way. I suggest you pick a HR to train at, or HR zone, and stick to that, and watch yourself get faster. It won't hurt to run the same pace all the time, watching the HR get lower, but there might come a time where the training load is not enough to keep you progressing. 


                      I have been training using MAF for 7 odd weeks now.  I have noticed that when I started I had trouble keeping below 124.  Then after a couple of weeks 119 seemed to be what I ran at.  Now running at the slow pace I have become accustomed to I now run at 114 average.


                      Now that I have become accustomed to running slowly do I increase my pace to get my HR up to around 120 (MAF is 126)??  Or is it better to continue at my accustomed (slow) pace and watch my HR drop?


                      On another note..  I did a parkrun (5K) this morning in 30:58 at an average of 134HR.  Two weeks ago I did the parkrun (5K) in 32:30 at an average HR of 141.  Big improvement...  yay....


                        1:59:00 run

                        0:29:00 walk


                        Had a a good bounce back week.

                        Hve a good weekend.



                          Still not MAFing much.  Been enjoying not wearing a HRM at all for the last few months.


                          Did get a nice long run in today - 16.42 miles @ 8:54 avg pace.   No doubt I would have been over MAF, but that pace was close to my Marathon Goal Pace last year and now it was closer to an easy run.

                          Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                          Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                          Consistently Slow

                            9.2 MILES walk


                            HR 107/128

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter



                              7.5Km Avg 122HR  1:05:00


                                LT tempo run today.

                                Improved over last run.


                                1:10:00 run (LT heart time 22:00)

                                0:29:00 walk

                                total time today 1:39:00


                                Did you know that our top two richest president were JFK and George Washington (compensating for inflation)?

                                Happy GW's birthday!
