Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    Busy weekend (running and yard work), now its time to rest.  Looking forward to a Rest Day tomorrow.


    Good long run this morning.  Pleased with both HR control  and overall pace, certainly on tired legs from the previous day's 5 miles @ MP.  I could tell my legs were shot/tired  as I woke up and throughout the run.


    First hour < 118 bmp, next <124, 3rd < 128 bpm and then 129-130 bmp.  I could feel cardiac drift happening during the last 30 minutes as my HR became very sensitive and wanted to rise towards MAF + 2 to +4 (fought to hold HR at 130).


    Eric S - great early morning run.  3 Am and 21.3 - WTG.  Best of luck with the taper and up coming race.



      I've been in a personal Lord Of The Rings this week. Walking, walking, walking, and more walking.....

      I have a plan. Check out this good blog post by our founding father, Steve.


      I have a similar plan I'm about to start. I keep hitting a wall it seems whenever I try to get back to 6 days a week. Maybe someday, but it's just not happening these days. Need to build slowly and take a lot of recovery, and maybe I'll break through. We'll see. I keep going! Love it too much. 


      Consistently Slow


        Plan HR

        Actual HR





         4**128 /135

        pilates 10:00

        weights 10:00

         Should have to slowed. Still feeling

        the 12 miles from yesterday.

        time limit/ wht to avoid elbow injury







         0  weights

         Cold and windy




         Cold and windy.I have just had enough




         Windy but got it done.








         Mentally exhausting 





        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Former Bad Ass

          21.33 miles this morning, starting at 3:00am. Did my favorite hilly route near my house, did it 3 times. First time at MAF pace (and a PR at that), and then two more times without the HR monitor. Let the taper begin!


          Great job!



          Former Bad Ass

            Sorry I have been MIA, but my husband and I went to Orlando for the weekend and didn't have much time to come by.  We did 8.25 miles on Saturday at 130HR, so way below MAF (yay).  Did 6 today at 152HR, above MAF but it was 87F when I finished so a bit hot, haha.


            Overall, pretty good.


            Have a great week!  Will try to check in tomorrow!



            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  Did 11 miles total, divided in my own 6 and 5 with hubby.  It was 92F heat index (and humid, of course) when I started so the HR for my 6 was 150.  The HR for my 5 with hubby was 141.  Not bad.



                90  minutes


                5 miles


                Back to it.




                  Hi group


                  I just joined the group. It's been a while back that I bought the book about endurance training by Maffetone (2011) but now I am ready again :-) I trained a lot, experimented a lot etc.


                  With the new heart rate monitor I decided to use the HR more often again so I did a MAF test today.... Not the best day since it was VERY windy. But I just looked at my watch making sure that I did not exceed the 138 HR (my MAF) and I enjoyed it. It felt slow but since I am a slow runner it was OK :-)


                  My details of today


                  lap 1 - 11.01

                  lap 2 - 10.40

                  lap 3 - 10.55

                  lap 4 - 11.31

                  lap 5 - 11.26


                  Clearly 1/4/5 with head wind....


                  I just wondered.... Ok this was not the best test day but do you folks simply run various distances withing the right zone? I have a scheduled until the end of May for the marathon in Edinburgh and I will follow that for the next 6 weeks, but I can (ofcourse) use the MAF during my next long run as well.


                  Thanks for your suggestions!


                  Happy running


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Runpower, the wind could've affected the results per mile so I wouldn't worry.


                    Hi, took an SRD yesterday and 16 miles this morning.  First time since Chicago that I go out and do 16 (except marathons, of course).  Very nice run!  It was hot and humid (even at 6am) so my HR was 148, almost over.



                      Hi group


                      Sorry to bother you again but I really would like to join in if I may :-) Tonight I have been reading the book again (well the first half of it that is). Last week I also did that. But I simply don't understand something....


                      If you are running a 27 mile training (I have one on my schedule for next week), how do you divide that when running on HR? I did my MAF Test today and it was a slow 11 minutes approx for the 5 mile test (averaged). There was a lot of wind. I was not too unhappy. But....


                      Normally I run with a run-walk-run schedule for the longer runs. Are you simply using HR only and take the slowing down at the end for granted OR do you start slower to try and remain the same pace within the zone?


                      During my last long training run I also ran on approx 11 min/mile during the 26 mile training but with RWR. That means that my run segments were outside the HR zone (I guess, I did not have a monitor unfortunately). I used a RWR ratio of 1 minute running and 30 sec walking!


                      So... does anyone have suggestions on how to run the next long run? Starting on my MAF target HR will cause a pace too fast which will inevitably led to a lot of slowing down at the end?


                      Help is very welcome since I don't understand!!!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Hmmm, when I was doing MAF, I was fully running, but now I am trying a 5:1 run/walk ratio to train for a specific race and I just don't look at the HR (but make sure I don't pass MAF) and it usually comes up at around MAF.  I am sure others will chime in with better information, but my recommendation is to try something on your next run (remain at the top of your MAF for your run and lower than MAF on your walk) and see if that works.



                        Consistently Slow

                          Hmmm, when I was doing MAF, I was fully running, but now I am trying a 5:1 run/walk ratio to train for a specific race and I just don't look at the HR (but make sure I don't pass MAF) and it usually comes up at around MAF.  I am sure others will chime in with better information, but my recommendation is to try something on your next run (remain at the top of your MAF for your run and lower than MAF on your walk) and see if that works.

                          What are you training for?

                          Run until the trail runs out.

                           SCHEDULE 2016--

                           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                          unsolicited chatter



                            Hmmm, when I was doing MAF, I was fully running, but now I am trying a 5:1 run/walk ratio to train for a specific race and I just don't look at the HR (but make sure I don't pass MAF) and it usually comes up at around MAF.  I am sure others will chime in with better information, but my recommendation is to try something on your next run (remain at the top of your MAF for your run and lower than MAF on your walk) and see if that works.


                            I'm doing something akin to this right now. Walking is awesome for base-building. And it's also a good way to prolong a long run. ala Galloway and Maffetone's stuff about Einstein and time.



                              Will try that next week on my 27-29 miler. However.... on my old schedule is a 12x1600 training and I don't see how I can get that done within the MAF zonde :-)


                                Will try that next week on my 27-29 miler. However.... on my old schedule is a 12x1600 training and I don't see how I can get that done within the MAF zonde :-)


                                MAF training includes 12x1600!  It would only exclude it if they were causing you to overtrain, regress in aerobic speed, or make you so cranky that your personal relationships were in jeopardy.