Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    Finished this week with 51 miles with 18 with the last 8 @ MP just today.  Doing a VO2Max test on Wednesday, wish me luck!


    Great week, Damaris!  Do they give you the RQ fat/sugar burning data with the test results? If so, please share! We'll look for a deflection point in your sugar burning (MAF). Good luck!



    3.2 miles




    Consistently Slow

      I can only dream. WGT


      Finished this week with 51 miles with 18 with the last 8 @ MP just today.  Doing a VO2Max test on Wednesday, wish me luck!

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



        4x .50mile intervals

        zone 90-95% MHR


        Nice tight HR span today. Was able to speed up during the last rep.

        Have a great DragonCon weekend! 



        p.s. Went downtown Atlanta today to take in the DragonCon atmosphere. Here are a few photos.


        Former Bad Ass

          Sorry, guys.  Been busy at work and forgot to post the results.


          VO2Max was a fail.  I quit too early so my Max is supposed to be 177 and I exceed that in HMs and 10Ks so the data is not accurate.  I got this but it's laughable, 132 as anaerobic threshold?  That's less than MAF and my normal easy pace HR.  I should have just gone further but I felt like crap and I'm a pussy.  I'll retest in a year.  These numbers do not reflect what I can do.  But boy that 6% incline kills you.  Ha.




          Former Bad Ass

            Even he told me not to take the numbers at heart when we discussed my training.  If I get to 191 in a 5K, it is likely not 177 my Max.


            I did an RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) and that was interesting.  I have been eating too few calories.  At rest, I'm at 1700 or thereabouts.  WTF.



              Hi Damaris. as for MHR and AT, inaccurate for sure. You can easily get your AT range by just being aware of your breathing as you raise your intensity gradually during a workout, when it suddenly needs like you need a lot of air.


              Did the test give any  %fat (of calories) as you raised intensity?


              When I ran my test years ago, the tester raised incline up to 15%. Max. DIdn't like that at all. Smile


              Maffetone suggests warming up before doing this kind of test. These testers never seem to suggest it.


              Sorry, guys.  Been busy at work and forgot to post the results.


              VO2Max was a fail.  I quit too early so my Max is supposed to be 177 and I exceed that in HMs and 10Ks so the data is not accurate.  I got this but it's laughable, 132 as anaerobic threshold?  That's less than MAF and my normal easy pace HR.  I should have just gone further but I felt like crap and I'm a pussy.  I'll retest in a year.  These numbers do not reflect what I can do.  But boy that 6% incline kills you.  Ha.



              Former Bad Ass

                That was all the info I got (and a couple of ranges which are useless based on this HR).  This test went up to 8% and I didn't even make it that far.  They allowed me to walk for 3 minutes but for my asthma, that is not even enough.  I need 3-4 miles to get back to not feeling like I"m dying. Thinking of doing my own HR max test here on teh TM with maybe 2 miles warmup.



                  That was all the info I got (and a couple of ranges which are useless based on this HR).  This test went up to 8% and I didn't even make it that far.  They allowed me to walk for 3 minutes but for my asthma, that is not even enough.  I need 3-4 miles to get back to not feeling like I"m dying. Thinking of doing my own HR max test here on teh TM with maybe 2 miles warmup.


                  The MHR you've seen in races when you're going all out at the end is as close is you'll ever get to the MHR. I suggest you use that. Getting there during a TM test with little warm-up will get you falling far short. Your AT is in the neighborhood of 90% MHR, and you'll experience a big shift in need for air.  AT is important, as MAF is.


                  You could always try that TM test I created. Add to the pool of data. 


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Oh. Is it in the stickies?  I can do it post marathon



                      Oh. Is it in the stickies?  I can do it post marathon


                       Right here. On front page of forum. Most TM's have a way to switch it to kilometers. On mine, you wouldn't know it could do that by looking at it, have to hold a certain button down within a few seconds of boot-up.


                      Your resting calorie consumption is about right for a female age. Google "basal calories" and use one of the calculators. Choose sedentary  to get an idea.



                      6.5 miles



                      with hills


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Yeah but that is without running. I should be eating 2400+ calories with 50mpw of running. Before this test, I have barely been able to eat 1500-1700 so he basically said I've been starving myself.  I was actually expecting 1000 or something that low with how I have been feeling. Eating now around 2400 and feeling much better.


                        I don't know if mine can be switched as it was selected in the initial selections. But will give this a try at some point.



                          Yeah but that is without running. I should be eating 2400+ calories with 50mpw of running. Before this test, I have barely been able to eat 1500-1700 so he basically said I've been starving myself.  I was actually expecting 1000 or something that low with how I have been feeling. Eating now around 2400 and feeling much better.


                          I don't know if mine can be switched as it was selected in the initial selections. But will give this a try at some point.


                          Basal is just what your body burns just existing as a blob at rest. I'm not sure if you're looking to lose, maintain, or gain body fat, but there's evidence that if you're not eating enough that your body hangs on to fat. Could be why some runners report putting on body fat when they marathon train despite not eating more. Glad you feel better now with raised calories. Perhaps there will be some other good side effects now that your body is getting enough. Lately, I've been perusing bodybuilding forums. These people are so into manipulating their physiques and know quite a bit about dropping body fat while maintaining muscle. Less carbs, cut added or "free" sugars, maintain calories, and keep up on protein. Kind of what Maffetone has been saying all along as well.


                          I've really been looking into the added or free sugar thing. The WHO currently recommend no more than 5% of calories come from added sugars, as does Dr. Robert Lustig (great video--a pediatrician who works with obese kids), and now the American Heart Association is coming in line with this thinking. The whole high carb, low fat food pyramid the government has been pushing for 40 years is wrong and harmful. Too much added sugar affects the liver in a way that leads metabolic syndrome (which is the leading cause of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease). So, I've been wrestling with my addiction to sugars, and thus my current status as Mr. Bellyfat America, and attempting to get to the 5% or less number. To paraphrase Dean Wormer from Marathon Animal House, "fat, blobby, and diabetic is no way to lead a runners life, son."


                          Keep us posted on any changes you see from the higher calorie intake!


                          Former Bad Ass

                            I will!


                            Ran 20 on Sunday with some fast progressive miles at the end.  They were tough, but done.  Tapering now.  Rest day yesterday with only Pilates.



                            Former Bad Ass

                              And yes, it was basal but I never expected my basal calories to be that high.  Most calculators put me at around 1300 or so, so I've never eaten more than 1700-2000 on a LR day, imagine the amount of starvation I've been doing.  I have been gaining weight in the last two years, but it has been mostly water weight from the blood pressure meds.  Hoping this helps with that.  At least I am not tired all the time now.



                                And yes, it was basal but I never expected my basal calories to be that high.  Most calculators put me at around 1300 or so, so I've never eaten more than 1700-2000 on a LR day, imagine the amount of starvation I've been doing.  I have been gaining weight in the last two years, but it has been mostly water weight from the blood pressure meds.  Hoping this helps with that.  At least I am not tired all the time now.


                                Interesting that the BP meds put on water weight. I always thought they were diuretic. I guess there are different kinds with different methods.

                                For me, if I eat Vietnamese or Chinese, it's instant 4 pounds of water weight the next weigh-in!



                                intervals 4 x .5 mi


                                8:04 pace