Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    I ran 18 with 16 @ MP + 20 seconds on the TM on Sunday.  It felt easy, so if I could run 16 at 9:50mm, in theory I could run a marathon at that pace, at least, no?  NO?  I need a PR sometime before I die at age 100...


    I ran 7 tonight.  My ass hurts.  I need some Pilates to keep me straight this week.


    Nice intervals, Jimmy.



    Consistently Slow


      I ran 18 with 16 @ MP + 20 seconds on the TM on Sunday.  It felt easy, so if I could run 16 at 9:50mm, in theory I could run a marathon at that pace, at least, no?  NO?  I need a PR sometime before I die at age 100...


      I ran 7 tonight.  My ass hurts.  I need some Pilates to keep me straight this week.


      Nice intervals, Jimmy.

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



      Consistently Slow

        I usually give shirts away.This one I am keeping and wearing.

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Former Bad Ass



          I ran 7 yesterday on the TM and 7 outside today.  HR was super high.  Even while raining, the dewpoint here is something close to awful, so that was why.  Meh.



            I usually give shirts away.This one I am keeping and wearing.



            Nice pic, Ron.



            3.25 miles


            Went easy today. Not much sleep this week. Hope to be back to normal soon. Have a great weekend!


            Former Bad Ass

              Another run outside since a hurricane is heading our way and there is a lot of rain.  At least it's not 100F like earlier today. Big grin



                Another run outside since a hurricane is heading our way and there is a lot of rain.  At least it's not 100F like earlier today. Big grin


                Hope dear Matthew tracks off to the east, Damaris. 



                3.16 miles

                125 bpm


                Former Bad Ass

                  I didn't run all weekend because Saturday was Pilates/Barre/weights and Sunday we had a power outage.  And no, not running in 98F outside.  Still hoping the hurricane lets me leave for Chicago on Saturday.



                  Consistently Slow

                    Hope to get in a few miles this week.  Zero miles last week.

                    Run until the trail runs out.

                     SCHEDULE 2016--

                     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                    unsolicited chatter



                      Ron, taking some rest? A zero week is unusual for you.


                      Damaris, the way the hurricane is tracking, it looks like you'll get hit somewhat, but weather service says Miami is clear Saturday.






                      5.03 miles


                      MAF test today. Significant improvement over the last test. Helping the improvement is some weight loss and cooler temperatures. And perhaps some unplanned recovery time. I stopped doing the intervals 9 days ago, as they led to insomnia again (like in February). I ended up taking more rest days, because some of those days after sleeping very little, if at all, I was just too exhausted. The past few weeks I've been giving up dairy products (anything with milk in it). As promised by the dairy-giver-uppers, I dropped 7 pounds of something in the past few weeks. A little was fat, but who knows what the rest was. I kept my calories the same. Lost a lot of bloat that I've been carrying throughout the "cheese years"  in face and stomach. I read in a few places that your body will release a few quarts of mucus from various places in the body after giving up dairy. I don't know if that's true. Whatever it was....glad to get rid of it. It was a nice bit of momentum to get started on losing the weight. And a nice improvement in pace at MAF. 


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Happy to report, the hurricane is missing us.  It's coming in right now, probably near West Palm Beach.  We are lucky!


                        Now to wait and see if I get to Chicago in time for the race.  5 miles on the TM done, 4 yesterday, 7 with 2 at MP Tuesday.  All TM.




                          Well, good luck so far, Damaris. Good that the hurricane hung out to the east. Hope you get to Chicago.





                          120-130 bpm


                          Former Bad Ass

                            I'm checked in for tomorrow!  Hope I get there!  And hope I finish it!  Based on my last performances, this is important, ha.



                            Consistently Slow


                              I'm checked in for tomorrow!  Hope I get there!  And hope I finish it!  Based on my last performances, this is important, ha.


                              4 mile walk

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter



                                4.19 miles



                                Took the weekend off. I had to balance out the immensity of Tom Brady returning to the helm. Looking forward to Damaris' Chicago report.