Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    It was horrid.  Since my breathing was at 52% earlier this week, I expected to be slower but not THIS SLOW!  12mm felt like a 5K pace.  So, I did a run/walk of 10 minutes/1 minute (my husband's run walk ratio) and wanted to quit but hubby made me continue.  5:37 on a bad day.  Not even close to my PW.  And I finished my third Chicago.  Good day!



    Former Bad Ass

      It's ironic that I start the paragraph with it was horrid and end with it was a good day.  But that's how I felt during the race.  LOL.



        It was horrid.  Since my breathing was at 52% earlier this week, I expected to be slower but not THIS SLOW!  12mm felt like a 5K pace.  So, I did a run/walk of 10 minutes/1 minute (my husband's run walk ratio) and wanted to quit but hubby made me continue.  5:37 on a bad day.  Not even close to my PW.  And I finished my third Chicago.  Good day!


        Sorry your experience was an exercise in horrid, Damaris. Congrats on the finish. You can always hang your hat on a finish. What do you mean when you say "my breathing was at 52%"?


        Former Bad Ass

          That was my breathing capacity (out of 100%) last week.  MY normal is 62% (again, out of 100%) so only a 10% reduction of my normal, but yes, I am a runner with basically one functioning lung.


          Ran 4 with hubby today, and kept it at around 140 MAF.  We ran/walk at 12:56mm.  I would feel bad if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't run a marathon and he could barely keep up with the pace either.  It was 84F and 66 DP, so Winter/Fall is here! LOL.



            Do you have something you blow into to measure your capacity?


            Pollyanna thought of the day: Maybe 5:37 was your 52% PR! 


            Former Bad Ass

              LOL.  I have a faster 49% PR at 4:47, so doubt it!


              The doctors have a machine.  I have a little one that gives me the peak flow (it's called peak flow meter) but that only counts the exhalation levels which I am OK in those.  The inhalation levels is what I have screwed up.  I only breathe with 52% of lungs but out of that, I exhale 70+% of it out.  So, it's the breathing in that I have problems in.  You know, the important part of breathing.  FFS.  Sometimes I wonder why I even run, but the doctor says it keeps my levels high. So I guess running is literally saving my life.  Sigh.



                Thanks for the excellent reply, Damaris. 4:47 at 49%...you crushed my inner Pollyanna---time to put her away for awhile so she can heal.




                115-121 bpm


                Getting cool here. Was 66º in the house this morning!


                Former Bad Ass

                  90F here. Pass me some 66, please.



                  Consistently Slow

                    Congrats on finishing.


                    It was horrid.  Since my breathing was at 52% earlier this week, I expected to be slower but not THIS SLOW!  12mm felt like a 5K pace.  So, I did a run/walk of 10 minutes/1 minute (my husband's run walk ratio) and wanted to quit but hubby made me continue.  5:37 on a bad day.  Not even close to my PW.  And I finished my third Chicago.  Good day!

                    I still am not running.

                    Run until the trail runs out.

                     SCHEDULE 2016--

                     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                    unsolicited chatter



                      Congrats on finishing.


                      I still am not running.


                      You okay?




                      115-120 bpm


                      Consistently Slow

                        Knee issue. Plan to test it in the AM.


                        You okay?




                        115-120 bpm

                        Run until the trail runs out.

                         SCHEDULE 2016--

                         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                        unsolicited chatter



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Good luck!


                          Ran 6 on the TM on Thursday at my normal TM pace and that was good.  But last night I ran outside in 85F and humid and my pace was 12:06mm.  That's almost 1.5 minute slower than normal.  And I was fighting to keep it at MAF.  I've never been this slow; not even after I did two marathons in one weekend.  Sigh.



                            Knee issue. Plan to test it in the AM.


                            Hope it heals, Ron. 


                            Damaris, you'll recover and be back to normal soon.



                            1.28 miles


                            Kept it real easy today.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Ran 7 outside (it was 85F and 67 dewpoint, so Winter weather, LOL).  HR was a bit high but the legs wanted to move and I could breathe so I let it happen.  What difference 24 hours make on my lungs sometimes.




                                3.04 miles