Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    Sorry to hear Docket. Take it from me and my 11 month journey to regain some ability to run and get fit. Knees are no joking matter. Takes time and patience.


    4.5 for me with AHR of 135 @11:02 mpm.  A little high but fighting some allergies so that's the likely culprit..


    The trend is in the correct direction.

    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



    Former Bad Ass

      Ugh, sorry C-R.


      Mine is not the knees (although she is trying to check for the meniscus).  In fact, the XRay shows perfect knees, no arthritis, etc.  Just frustrating how one car accident (not my fault) can wreck so much.



        Heal, Kneebies. Heal!  (yours truly, the Forum Shaman)



        9.27 miles (am walk, pm walk)



        Consistently Slow

          3.1 milers

          HR 91 / 104( marathon) training starts today.

          Forecast is for  rain all weekend.

          Run until the trail runs out.

           SCHEDULE 2016--

           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

          unsolicited chatter



          Former Bad Ass

            Torn meniscus, FML.


            Seeing a surgeon on Wednesday.  I can't run (only cause it hurts) but I can walk and I'll start walking on Tuesday.



            Consistently Slow


              Torn meniscus, FML.


              Seeing a surgeon on Wednesday.  I can't run (only cause it hurts) but I can walk and I'll start walking on Tuesday.

              Run until the trail runs out.

               SCHEDULE 2016--

               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

              unsolicited chatter



                Hope all of you nursing injuries get better.


                Since I started MAF training about 6 weeks ago, I've seen my paces improve a bit.  The longest run that I did before this weekend was about 2 hours 15 minutes long.  I just attempted a 3 hour run.


                For the first 2 hours I was running comfortably along at 130 bpm (my MAF is 146) and then my heart rate very suddenly spiked to 165.  I had to walk to bring it back down below MAF.  A  jog as slow as my walking pace would bring my HR back over 160 after about 10 to 20 seconds.  I was about 5 miles from my car and it was freezing cold.  I stuck to the process of walk jogging, hoping that my heart would "calm down" and let me jog continuously.  It did not so I continued this process for the entire 5 miles of the homeward stretch.  Talk about frustrating!  Hopefully this helped me build what is obviously a poor aerobic base past 2 hours.  I can't wait to see progress here in the coming months as I stick to the MAF training.  Just thought I'd share this latest experience.


                  SD, it's not uncommon to see a speedier rise in HR at the same pace at around two hours. Fibers getting exhausted, bodies getting dehydrated. Though 35 bpm's higher at the same pace sounds more like a HRM problem. Not your actual HR. I could be wrong.



                  4.5 mile walk with hills


                  17:53 pace



                    SD, it's not uncommon to see a speedier rise in HR at the same pace at around two hours. Fibers getting exhausted, bodies getting dehydrated. Though 35 bpm's higher at the same pace sounds more like a HRM problem. Not your actual HR. I could be wrong.



                    4.5 mile walk with hills


                    17:53 pace


                    Thanks, Jimmy.  I've been operating under the assumption that there is no issue with the HRM and any strange things I'm seeing are a direct result of poor aerobic base that is slowly improving.  Over the 6 weeks my avg paces have improved from 9:45 range steadily up to about  8:20.  10+ pace in really hilly areas, and sometimes just barely sub 7 down hills.  So for the most part my results would seem to be normal but I'm guessing poor feedback from the HRM is a low-HR trainers worst nightmare.


                    I did find an online study comparing my HRM (Vivoactive HR) to others and the experiments did find occasional drift in the first 10 minutes followed by favorable performance.  Perhaps it would be smart to borrow a friends HRM, wear them both at once and see how they track?


                      35 bpm jump at same pace just seems too much too fast. Could be some other factor. Did it feel like you were working harder? If pace, breathing, and conditions remained the same, all things point to the HRM--sometimes they have bad days.


                      6.6 miles



                        Torn meniscus, FML.


                        Seeing a surgeon on Wednesday.  I can't run (only cause it hurts) but I can walk and I'll start walking on Tuesday.


                        I'm sorry about that. Where is the tear Interior or anterior? Depending on the location and the skill of the surgeon it makes a difference of repair. Mine was interior so scraping and cleaning.


                        Please please please take it from me. Do not hurry back to running. It will be so very tempting but spend time walking, on the bike and weight lifting to regain strength. I didn't do that and it cost me at least 4 added months on the sidelines.


                        Oh and in my usual qualifiying approach I wanted to know if my surgeon knew his stuff. After we talked through the MRI and his approach I asked him how many of these procedures he had performed (he looked kind of young). He told me he stopped counting around 3000. I told him that was good form me.


                        4 miles today @ 11:20 and AHR of 130. getting better. Have at least 1.5 mile per day streak for the month going.

                        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                          9.3 mile walk


                          17:12 pace


                            35 bpm jump at same pace just seems too much too fast. Could be some other factor. Did it feel like you were working harder? If pace, breathing, and conditions remained the same, all things point to the HRM--sometimes they have bad days.


                            6.6 miles


                            Wow you get a lot of good walking in!


                            To answer your question, I certainly didn't feel like I was working harder.  The conditions did change as it was getting dark and cold but I wouldn't think that would matter.  My breathing was starting to labor more than normal though.


                            On a side note, is it normal to have issues getting close to MAF without rapidly passing it?  I've yet to do an actual MAF test due to snow covered tracks.  In my normal runs I jog the first mile super slow then slowly increase speed until I'm at about MAF-10.  Throughout the run I will fluctuate between MAF-15 and MAF-5.   If I get within a few bpm of my calculated MAF, my heart rate will typically accelerate pretty rapidly to MAF+10 or more.  Walking will very rapidly bring me back down and I'm fine as long as I stay about 5 bpm below MAF.


                            A friend promised to lend me their HRM so I'm going to try it at the same time as my Vivoactive HR to see if they report close to the same.


                              6.12 miles at 11:32 mpm.  Average HR 129 high 135, MAF HR is 145.  I am not sure if it is better to train where I am or closer to 145.


                                6.12 miles at 11:32 mpm.  Average HR 129 high 135, MAF HR is 145.  I am not sure if it is better to train where I am or closer to 145.


                                I'm no expert but I believe the idea is to train as close to 145 as possible without going over.  I believe most people try and stay within 10 bpm so in your case that would be 135-145.


                                This morning for me:

                                MAF: 146

                                Avg HR:  140

                                Distance 7.6 miles.  Forgot water.


                                Mile 1:  9:04 (warm up)

                                Mile 2:  7:59

                                Mile 3:  8:23

                                Mile 4:  8:17

                                Mile 5:  8:28

                                Mile 6:  8:54

                                Mile 7:  9:13

                                Mile 7.6:  9:21