Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Consistently Slow

    4 Miles HR 110 /121

    Run until the trail runs out.

     SCHEDULE 2016--

     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

    unsolicited chatter



    Former Bad Ass

      Doing every other day this week, so 4 on Monday and 5 last night.  Got to run at PT today (0.75).  She might ask me to run for the 10 minutes straight through next week, so we'll see.  Still run/walking but last night's 5 was the first time I've been fully pain and sensation free (hamstring and ITB would be felt during these runs) in weeks.



        Doing every other day this week, so 4 on Monday and 5 last night.  Got to run at PT today (0.75).  She might ask me to run for the 10 minutes straight through next week, so we'll see.  Still run/walking but last night's 5 was the first time I've been fully pain and sensation free (hamstring and ITB would be felt during these runs) in weeks.

        Glad to see your healing up and moving well, Damaris. Keep going!



        4 miles walk


        17:00 pace


        Former Bad Ass

          Thanks!  Just hoping I can switch to full running soon.



            Just over 2 months in now.


            Mile 1:  9:12 warmup

            Mile 2:  8:23

            Mile 3:  8:22

            Mile 4:  11:44

            Mile 5:  11:22

            Mile 6:  8:18

            Mile 7:  8:01

            Mile 8:  8:22


            It was strange to hit a run/walk cycle so very early and then somehow fully recover.   My MAF training results are still highly unpredictable.  I'm still less than 3 months in so hopefully the fact that I did recover near the end of mile 5 is a sign that things are starting to come around.


            Former Bad Ass

              Nice job, SD!


              Ran/walked 4 last night at 5:1 run/walk ratio.  At the speed I'm using (12:30mm), my run portions are getting to MAF territory so I'm pacing well. Hoping to start adding more run time every run.



              Former Bad Ass

                Ran/walked 6 with a 6:1 ratio. Getting there. Felt really good and everything kept under MAF.


                Will probably be on be TM until next year since the PR does not want me tripping and injuring myself. Our high was almost 90f today so not like I could run otside.



                  Ran/walked 6 with a 6:1 ratio. Getting there. Felt really good and everything kept under MAF.


                  Will probably be on be TM until next year since the PR does not want me tripping and injuring myself. Our high was almost 90f today so not like I could run otside.


                  Run / walk ratio is really good for post injury!  That's a long time to be on a treadmill.  Another 10+ months?  Wow.  I hope you have a 50+ inch 4K TV mounted in front of it.   Although, 90F is pretty miserable.  It was about 20F here this morning.


                  I did an easy recovery run this morning (I ran 23.2 miles total this weekend).


                  Purpose:  Super easy recovery

                  Distance:  4.2 miles

                  Pace:  10:46/mile

                  Average Heart Rate:  117 bpm  (No where near MAF of 146!)  


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Yeah, we get our first 100F heat indexes in March or April and it won't cool down less than 90F until December.  Then, some 80s and back at it.  We used to have weeks in the 50s.  Now our Winter is lows in the 70s.  Sigh.  So, yes, I use the TM for months.  I have it in my living room, so I get the giant smart TV, lots of movies, music, and an industrial fan that mimics 10mph winds.  LOL.


                    Went to PT and she let me run 3:2 on their TM for 10 minutes.  Then, she made me run backwards, forwards, squat in the air, push the press plate, etc. And I had a hangover, serves me right.



                      Yeah, we get our first 100F heat indexes in March or April and it won't cool down less than 90F until December.  Then, some 80s and back at it.  We used to have weeks in the 50s.  Now our Winter is lows in the 70s.  Sigh.  So, yes, I use the TM for months.  I have it in my living room, so I get the giant smart TV, lots of movies, music, and an industrial fan that mimics 10mph winds.  LOL.


                      Went to PT and she let me run 3:2 on their TM for 10 minutes.  Then, she made me run backwards, forwards, squat in the air, push the press plate, etc. And I had a hangover, serves me right.


                      Industrial fan to mimic wind -- brilliant!!  Your treadmill experience sounds pretty enjoyable with your setup.  I'd probably Netflix binge or run during games I want to watch.  (Enjoyable as long as not hungover anyway )


                      This morning was foggy, cold and windy.  Getting sick of this cold, windy weather!


                      Heartrate:  Between MAF and MAF-10

                      Mile 1:  10:59 (warmup)

                      Mile 2:  8:46

                      Mile 3:  8:07

                      Mile 4:  8:48

                      Mile 5:  9:23 (uphill and into the wind)

                      Mile 6:  8:35

                      Mile 6.5:  9:44 (cooldown)


                        50:00 run

                        3.4 miles


                        First run in nearly 4 months. Did a 1-mile MAF test for a benchmark. Pace slowed since November, but not too bad considering I'm 10 pounds heavier.  I'm working on the weight problem. I've cut sugar consumption drastically. I was on a runaway cane train for awhile there. Turns instantly to fat in this body.


                        Have a great weekend. 


                        Former Bad Ass

                          So far, I've done 5 on Tuesday (outside), 5 Thursday (TM) and 6 yesterday (TM).  Adding one minute of running to the intervals every time, so tomorrow's 8 will be at 10:1.



                          Consistently Slow

                            5 miles 131 /141. 1st run since December  with no walking. 400meter  downhill at one section.

                            1 mile C /D

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter



                            Former Bad Ass

                              I forgot to say I tripped at work yesterday, sigh.  Twisted my good ankle, and my bad leg was cranky during my 6 yesterday.  Both knees are sore today.  If there was any doubt as to how I must have torn my meniscus, I just did a recreation.



                                I forgot to say I tripped at work yesterday, sigh.  Twisted my good ankle, and my bad leg was cranky during my 6 yesterday.  Both knees are sore today.  If there was any doubt as to how I must have torn my meniscus, I just did a recreation.


                                Ouch. No more of that now, Damaris. 


                                7 mile walk

