Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    Got 23 miles walking last week along with a bunch of yard work. I be poopdeedoopdeed today. Back to it tomorrow.


      Set a new PR for mileage in a week.  72.7 miles last week.  Finished up the week with a long run 2 hours in duration (just over 16 miles) at 80% of MaxHR, average pace 7:29 per mile.


        5 mile walk with hills


          Dusted my HRM off and got a couple runs in with it this week.


          5 miles with it Monday - 9:19 pace with 137 avg HR.

          5 miles yesterday - 9:09 pace with 133 avg HR.


          I think I've been running my easy runs pretty close to MAF even without the HRM.


          Both days were pretty warm and windy and that's why it was a little slower that I would have expected.


          Mile 2 of yesterday's run was 8:56 with a 133 avg HR and my MAF is still somewhere around 136 so that seems pretty good.


          Will be interesting to see how I do on my marathon Saturday, forecast is cold and windy at the start and warming up pretty quick as I drop a lot of elevation.

          Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

          Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


            Good luck at your marathon on Saturday, NP. 


            10.09 mile walk



            Walked 20,000+ steps today. I bought an odometer for general walking about and I've been calibrating it on the TM. Generally, 5 miles =aprox 10,000 steps.


              Good luck at the marathon Saturday, npaden!  I have 2 personal friends running a downhill marathon on Saturday in Vegas (Mt. Charleston).  Hopefully all three of you meet your goals.


              Dang, Jimmyb that is a long time to be on your feet.  That's brutal whether you're walking or jogging.


              12 miles with snow coming down (when will it end??!!!! )  7:46 pace.


              Former Bad Ass

                Hi!  Been busy in SC for work but I've run 7 and 9 and that's it.  Going back home tomorrow and I can't wait.



                Consistently Slow

                  4 miles HR 114 / 138.

                  Run until the trail runs out.

                   SCHEDULE 2016--

                   The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                  unsolicited chatter



                    Hi Guys,


                    I'm still around and following the MAF method (at least the exercising part--the dietary part has always been more difficult) as best as I am able.  My latest watch's heart rate monitor doesn't work well so I usually use my breathing (through nose) and senses to gauge if I'm at MAF (like Stu Mittleman teaches in his book Slow Burn).


                    Hi!  Been busy in SC for work but I've run 7 and 9 and that's it.  Going back home tomorrow and I can't wait.


                    Docket-Rocket (Damaris) forgot to say that the reason she can't wait to get out of SC is the low-light of her trip was meeting me and another local mutual (running forums & facebook) friend last night Wink






                      Well, with the huge net downhill I think I need to put an asterisk next to it but hit a HUGE PR this morning at the Mt Charleston marathon!!!  I kept thinking I needed to slow down, but my HRM kept saying I was actually going out really conservative.  Ended up passing quite a few folks at the end and finished 3:14:35!!!  10 minutes under my BQ!!!  I will upload the run tomorrow and post it in the race section.  I was expecting to BQ, but 3:20 was my A goal, never ever would have expected to come in under 3:15.  Super fast course!

                      Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                      Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Hi Guys,


                        I'm still around and following the MAF method (at least the exercising part--the dietary part has always been more difficult) as best as I am able.  My latest watch's heart rate monitor doesn't work well so I usually use my breathing (through nose) and senses to gauge if I'm at MAF (like Stu Mittleman teaches in his book Slow Burn).



                        Docket-Rocket (Damaris) forgot to say that the reason she can't wait to get out of SC is the low-light of her trip was meeting me and another local mutual (running forums & facebook) friend last night Wink





                        That was the best part of the trip!


                        Then I got a cold and have not run until today. 12 miles done.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Well, with the huge net downhill I think I need to put an asterisk next to it but hit a HUGE PR this morning at the Mt Charleston marathon!!!  I kept thinking I needed to slow down, but my HRM kept saying I was actually going out really conservative.  Ended up passing quite a few folks at the end and finished 3:14:35!!!  10 minutes under my BQ!!!  I will upload the run tomorrow and post it in the race section.  I was expecting to BQ, but 3:20 was my A goal, never ever would have expected to come in under 3:15.  Super fast course!


                          Congrats!  That race looks super fast based on the downhill but still count it!



                            Well, with the huge net downhill I think I need to put an asterisk next to it but hit a HUGE PR this morning at the Mt Charleston marathon!!!  I kept thinking I needed to slow down, but my HRM kept saying I was actually going out really conservative.  Ended up passing quite a few folks at the end and finished 3:14:35!!!  10 minutes under my BQ!!!  I will upload the run tomorrow and post it in the race section.  I was expecting to BQ, but 3:20 was my A goal, never ever would have expected to come in under 3:15.  Super fast course!


                            No way would I put an asterisk next to this.  If you don't train for and run that correctly, you'll be walking a good portion of the back half.  If it was so easy, then one of my friends who ran it last weekend wouldn't have crashed and burned on the 2nd half.  The guy I'm talking about was having a very strong training cycle (hit his targets, got downhill work in, etc) and actually ran about 15 minutes slower at Mt. Charleston than he ran in his last marathon in December on a flatter track in perfect conditions.  The moral of the story is, don't diminish your accomplishment in any way.  Claim a 3:14 marathon.  You did it.  GREAT JOB!!!!!  



                              I'm still pluggin' away but didn't feel the need to post every day.  I backed off the longer runs to about 45 mins rather than 90 and run 6 days per week rather than 4-5.  Short runs are only about 3 miles.  I've improved 4 consecutive weeks and now run at or below Maf at a 12 min/mile.  Considering I was over 15 min/mile with the old method I am quite happy and convinced that this process works just fine.  Kids track season almost over and I am beyond excited to get them running at Maf 6 days per week rather than the constant repeats that they do in practice.


                                I'm still pluggin' away but didn't feel the need to post every day.  I backed off the longer runs to about 45 mins rather than 90 and run 6 days per week rather than 4-5.  Short runs are only about 3 miles.  I've improved 4 consecutive weeks and now run at or below Maf at a 12 min/mile.  Considering I was over 15 min/mile with the old method I am quite happy and convinced that this process works just fine.  Kids track season almost over and I am beyond excited to get them running at Maf 6 days per week rather than the constant repeats that they do in practice.


                                Nice work!


                                Yes, I'm pretty confident the method works.  I've been doing a number of runs lately with friends who like to go way faster than my MAF pace, so I ignore my heart rate and turn off my alerts during these runs.  I've noticed that during these faster runs, I'm quite comfortable running paces that used to be not-so-easy and my heart rate doesn't go very high. Looking at old data, these "faster" paces have records of me running at about 90-91% MaxHR where they are now about 80-82% MaxHR.  What a difference!  It's taken about 4.5 months of nearly exclusive MAF training to get to this point.  As a disclaimer, my volume is up as well so that is likely a contributor to my improvements.  I've also added some methods to increase recovery that I should have been doing all along.