Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    recovery run 39:00 2.3 miles

    walk outside 3.25 miles


    Former Bad Ass


      Thanks!  So you live in Miami?  I'm curious, is it still too hot to run in the mornings before work there?  It's been in the mid 90's to low 100's here almost everyday but I run between 5 - 6:30 AM without issue.  Granted, it is not humid here and that makes a huge difference.  44% this morning, so very bearable.  I understand running early may not fit your life's schedule so just wondering.


      I did 7.4 miles up and over hilly terrain this morning at 130 bpm.  Lately I've been doing a vast majority of my miles 15+ bpm under MAF.  No reason in particular other than to astound my buddies who follow me on Strava.  heh heh heh


      I'm training for the St George Marathon in October now so most of my miles need to be easy effort anyway as I really feel like my aerobic base is still building.  As usual, no intervals and my "tempo runs" will be the end of my weekend long run.  I also ignore heart rate when running with friends but it usually ends up either being under MAF anyway or slightly over depending on who it's with.  


      Yes, we can have 80F feels like 100F by 5am here and 80 dewpoints (super humid).  I also have to work 10-12 hours (I'm an attorney), so I would have to run at 3-4am to make it to work on time and why would I want to wake up that early to run in 95F when I have a sensible TM indoors that I can sleep and run after work. Smile  I also would run more outside if all I ran was short runs but not 8-20 miles in that crap.  Been there, done that, no improvement in performance.


      I could run outside on the one day I work from home and on my LR day, but frankly, running in 90+ and 100% humidity is not good training.  I have done it for years and all I end up is exhausted and lungs bad from asthma.  If it was so low in humidity here I would do it, but not when it's a swamp.



      Former Bad Ass

        Sorry I have been so MIA!  I didn't realize how long it has been, gah.  I ran 55 miles last week, including 16 with 10 @ MP and so far this week I've run pretty well, including an 8 with 2 @ 10K.  All treadmill except the one day that it rained and it was 90F and we went outside to run the first 3 of my 8 outdoors.


        My legs are tired but feeling good.  I think this is the best I've felt since the knee surgery and maybe even since before taking off the meds.  We'll see how my next marathon will go.




          Yes, we can have 80F feels like 100F by 5am here and 80 dewpoints (super humid).  I also have to work 10-12 hours (I'm an attorney), so I would have to run at 3-4am to make it to work on time and why would I want to wake up that early to run in 95F when I have a sensible TM indoors that I can sleep and run after work. Smile 


          God bless the TM. 


          6.5 miles


          120-130 bpm


          Have a great weekend everyone!


          Consistently Slow

            Miles4Maria 26.65 miles. 6:38: x x. My 1st DFL. Could have been next to last because I somehow manged to catch up to

            Terri Chandler. She did not want to be the only one left on the course so we finished the last 3 laps(.65) together. I am a few years younger. My goal was to finish. #93.

            Run until the trail runs out.

             SCHEDULE 2016--

             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

            unsolicited chatter



            Consistently Slow

              4 mile recovery walk

              Run until the trail runs out.

               SCHEDULE 2016--

               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

              unsolicited chatter



              Former Bad Ass

                Nice job, Clay!!


                I have 18 miles on the TM today.



                  5.6 miles


                  120-130 bpm


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Morning!  Ran 5 last night on the TM.  Legs were a bit sore from the 18 but did well.



                      Sorry I have been so MIA!  I didn't realize how long it has been, gah.  I ran 55 miles last week, including 16 with 10 @ MP and so far this week I've run pretty well, including an 8 with 2 @ 10K.  All treadmill except the one day that it rained and it was 90F and we went outside to run the first 3 of my 8 outdoors.


                      My legs are tired but feeling good.  I think this is the best I've felt since the knee surgery and maybe even since before taking off the meds.  We'll see how my next marathon will go.


                      Holy moly!  16 miler with 10 @ MP is extremely challenging for anyone.  I like how you think.  That is exactly what I plan to work up to before my next marathon which is in October.


                      I'm currently building up my weekly mileage to marathon training levels so all of my mileage is easy effort, low HR, sub MAF.  Last week my total mileage was 64.0 miles.  I'm planning to ease into fast finish long runs of 14 to 18 total miles in length.  First weekend I will likely do the last 2 miles between MP and MP-15.  Then add a mile or 2 each weekend at that pace with a few step back weeks.  if I can get to 10 then I'm going to be feeling pretty confident.


                      St. George Marathon Plan (High mileage - 3 types of runs):


                      1.  Type 1 - Sub MAF (VAST majority of mileage to further build aerobic engine - improve fat fuel burning capability)

                      2.  Type 2 - Fast Finish Long Run - Maximum 2.5 hours, finish at MP or faster

                      3.  Type 3 - Runs with friends (my personal favorite).  I do about one of these a week with a variety of people and I basically just run their pace.  I wear but completely ignore my heart rate monitor during the run and just enjoy the company.  Usually this ends up being mostly sub MAF anyway but can get pretty fast at times.


                        Good luck with the plan, SD, and in the marathon. Hope the weather is cool and clear. 


                        recovery 2.5 miles @115-120 bpm


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Good luck, SD!




                          It's 108F right now and 78 dewpoint. I quit leaving the office for anything until January!



                          Former Bad Ass

                            So far this week, we've been so hot (107F on one day) and humid (80 dewpoints or above), that the AC can't even keep up with it.  The TM area is hot (in the 80s) even inside.


                            Ran 5, 7 with 4 X 800m, 12, and 6, this week, plus 1.95 at Orange Theory.  Peak week is almost done!



                              So far this week, we've been so hot (107F on one day) and humid (80 dewpoints or above), that the AC can't even keep up with it.  The TM area is hot (in the 80s) even inside.


                              Ran 5, 7 with 4 X 800m, 12, and 6, this week, plus 1.95 at Orange Theory.  Peak week is almost done!


                              Wow, keep pushing!  That heat / humidity sounds insane.  I've been running in warm temperatures but I have a dry heat.  So it's much easier for me.  Plus I run early in the morning when most people including the parks are watering.  So I do a lot of running through sprinklers to keep cool.  Also, it makes me feel like a kid again.  


                              This week, I ran 67 total miles.  All of the them but the last 5 miles were super easy pace (between 125-135 bpm).  I capped off the week with a 16 mile fast finish long run:


                              Miles 1 - 11:  125 bpm

                              Mile 12:  6:34

                              Mile 13:  6:18

                              Mile 14:  6:14

                              Mile 15:  6:15

                              Mile 16:  6:20


                              Not a bad week!


                                So far this week, we've been so hot (107F on one day) and humid (80 dewpoints or above), that the AC can't even keep up with it.  The TM area is hot (in the 80s) even inside.


                                Ran 5, 7 with 4 X 800m, 12, and 6, this week, plus 1.95 at Orange Theory.  Peak week is almost done!


                                Even on the TM, I run in 85º constantly in summer (room heats up quickly) even though AC is set to 78º. I sense the vampires outside my house yearning for my delicious increased blood volume due to my adaptation to the heat. I never invite them in or go out at night, so I'm safe. I think. 


                                MAF test today. Progressing.