Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Consistently Slow

    13.7 miles

    4:46:00   I did not stop my watch for restroom or water stops.

    Run until the trail runs out.

     SCHEDULE 2016--

     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

    unsolicited chatter



    Former Bad Ass

      Hi!  Ran 10 today, 35 for the week.  Knee is a bit achy but nothing major.  So far, so good.  4 more PT sessions and she will graduate me.  Boo, hiss. I could go all year.





        120-130 bpm


        You're sure putting in some time on your feet, Ron. 


          Capped off a personal record 100.5 mile week. 4 more weekends and it's St George Marathon time (and Vegas, baby Vegas!). Still feeling very, very good but I think the horses are in the barn so going to start tapering it off.

          Former Bad Ass

            Ran 6 on Monday and 6 last night.  Watching the hurricane going over my parents last night and now watching it come up our way.



              Ran 6 on Monday and 6 last night.  Watching the hurricane going over my parents last night and now watching it come up our way.



              Stay safe, Docket!

              Former Bad Ass

                Thank you!


                Ran my 15 today just in case we have no power this weekend (likely).



                  Ran 6 on Monday and 6 last night.  Watching the hurricane going over my parents last night and now watching it come up our way.


                  Stay safe, Damaris.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Ran 5.  Watching the hurricane getting West and more West.  Hoping it continues.



                    Consistently Slow

                      Stay safe


                      Ran 5.  Watching the hurricane getting West and more West.  Hoping it continues.

                      Run until the trail runs out.

                       SCHEDULE 2016--

                       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                      unsolicited chatter



                      Former Bad Ass

                        I think the worse has passed for us and we kept power the whole time.  Ran 5 on the TM this morning and so far, so good.



                          I think the worse has passed for us and we kept power the whole time.  Ran 5 on the TM this morning and so far, so good.



                          That's good to hear. Not everyone was so lucky. Glad you are safe and sound. Capped off an 85.0 mile week. 4 miles at the end of my long run were fast (about 6:05 pace) and the preceding 81 miles were all super easy. Even had a few runs sub 120 bpm. The meat of the marathon training is in full swing but taper starts next week.

                            You are putting in very heavy weeks! You should be ready and primed for that marathon! Enjoy the taper...


                            i have had had a pretty steady diet of 60-70/week and am healthy going into the taper.  Unfortunately I will be at a meeting this weekend Friday- Monday and don't know when I can get a run in those days...I can do a 4:30 a.m. Run before I go on Friday but don't know what conditions will be like in the area we are staying for the meeting, or if there is good running routes available near there....




                              You are putting in very heavy weeks! You should be ready and primed for that marathon! Enjoy the taper...


                              i have had had a pretty steady diet of 60-70/week and am healthy going into the taper.  Unfortunately I will be at a meeting this weekend Friday- Monday and don't know when I can get a run in those days...I can do a 4:30 a.m. Run before I go on Friday but don't know what conditions will be like in the area we are staying for the meeting, or if there is good running routes available near there....




                              When is your marathon, Mark?  Good luck!  I'm in the same boat.  I'm traveling to Chicago on business next week, then San Diego the week of the marathon.  No idea what I'm going to do in Chicago but the week of the race I will probably not run much at all.


                              My race is in St. George Utah on Oct. 7.  I'm going with a couple of buddies and we are turning it into a guys Vegas weekend.  


                                50:00 recovery

                                115-120 bpm


                                Hurricane Irma passed by Atlanta yesterday as a weak tropical storm. Wasn't too bad in my area.


                                Damaris and Ron, check in. How did it go?