Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    Ran 5k on treadmill @ avg. HR of 117. Earlier did approx 2k of snowshoe trail making HR?


    Consistently Slow

      10.6  miles---.5 WU /.5 CD walk

      Avg pace12:50

      Need to do a maff next week to determine my aerobic fitness.

      Last Maff test 8/31/15**12:24:21 119 125

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  Ran 9 on Wednesday, 5 on Friday, and 4 last night.  12 miles today at some point.  Race is next weekend.


        Have a Happy New Year!



        Consistently Slow

          8.5 miles AVG pace 13:30

          Run until the trail runs out.

           SCHEDULE 2016--

           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

          unsolicited chatter



            Friday: 2.8k easy on snow road with Keisha (Border Collie) AHR:106 MHR:124

            Yesterday: 5k on treadmill, AHR:115, MHR:122

            Hoping to do New Year run tmo am with club if road conditions good enough for me to drive into town.

            Happy New Year everyone



              I had a personal record mileage week of 112.7 miles.  No speed work, all nice and easy.  Several doubles in there and a 20 mile run.  What's really encouraging is that I feel GREAT.


              I lost my rama

                I had a personal record mileage week of 112.7 miles.  No speed work, all nice and easy.  Several doubles in there and a 20 mile run.  What's really encouraging is that I feel GREAT.


                Wow, great work!  Do you have any goals this year?

                3/17 - NYC Half

                4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



                  Wow, great work!  Do you have any goals this year?


                  Thanks!  I'm running the Phoenix-Mesa Marathon on Feb. 24.  I might do the Deadwood-Mickelson Marathon in June.  And I hope to run NYC in November.  I may pick up a half marathon or 5K here and there.


                  It would be cool to PR in Phoenix but I run at my best when I'm not chasing a specific time but rather just try and have fun and run as best as I can on that day.  This will be my 6th marathon and I've been PR'ing every single time so far (knock on wood).  PR is 2:52:44.


                  I lost my rama


                    Thanks!  I'm running the Phoenix-Mesa Marathon on Feb. 24.


                    That looks like a great race, as long as you're prepared for the downhills.  I'm sure you'll do well with your mileage.  And I agree..  go out and have fun first.  The results will follow.

                    3/17 - NYC Half

                    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



                      That looks like a great race, as long as you're prepared for the downhills.  I'm sure you'll do well with your mileage.  And I agree..  go out and have fun first.  The results will follow.


                      Didn't realize it was a downhill course.  I just assumed it was flat.  Several friends had selected this race and invited me along so I figured what the hell!  I just looked at the elevation map and it drops 881 ft total so the average grade is -0.64%.  Wow.   That almost sounds like cheating.  It's not so steep that it will pound your quads but it's just enough to give you a noticeable boost.  I think the rule of thumb is you gain about 8 seconds per mile per percent grade (Jack Daniels theory?) which means I should be about 5 seconds per mile faster at the same effort on a flat.  Nice!!


                      There is an uphill at mile 6 at +82 feet (+1.56%) and the second half is mostly flat at -160 feet (-0.23%).  So the first half is about a full -1%.  What this tells me is that  a negative split is likely not happening as I should be through 13.1 relatively quickly and easily.  This also tips me off that I should probably do a few long runs on some of the downhill trails around here just for good measure.


                      Thanks for the tip Bert-o!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning and Happy New Year!  I have run 5 and 5 in the last two days. I have 6 with 2 @ MP.  Disney Marathon this weekend, and I wasn't freaking out until I woke up with a light sore throat today.  Gah.


                        SD, nice job on the miles.



                        I lost my rama


                          Didn't realize it was a downhill course. 


                          LOL!  Glad I could help out .  It doesn't appear there are any steep quad burners, but it's hard to tell from a 26.2 mile elevation profile fit onto a computer screen.  I'll be interested to hear your post-race analysis.  I'd think a negative split could be reasonable if you conserve enough in the first half and let the hills do a bit of the work.  But then again, if the grade isn't too noticeable, you'll be going by effort and it will become harder in the second half.


                          Docket - Hope you don't come down with anything!!!  And good luck this weekend!

                          3/17 - NYC Half

                          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



                            LOL!  Glad I could help out .  It doesn't appear there are any steep quad burners, but it's hard to tell from a 26.2 mile elevation profile fit onto a computer screen.  I'll be interested to hear your post-race analysis.  I'd think a negative split could be reasonable if you conserve enough in the first half and let the hills do a bit of the work.  But then again, if the grade isn't too noticeable, you'll be going by effort and it will become harder in the second half.


                            Docket - Hope you don't come down with anything!!!  And good luck this weekend!


                            Yes, that was VERY helpful!  I shared this information with my friends that are going as well.  There are 8 of us.  Everyone is going for a BQ and one of my other friends is trying to go Sub 3 Hours (his PR is 3:05) so every bit of information helps.


                            You're right about a negative split being possible.  In my last marathon, I did that for the first time by just enjoying myself, running mostly by feel, slowing way down on the uphills, and occasionally checking my heart rate to make sure it wasn't past a point that I knew I would go into oxygen debt from recent fast finish long runs.  I started to increase my intensity at around mile 21 when I realized that my goal of Sub 3 was in the bag.  By about mile 24 it started to feel hard and I remember being afraid to look at my watch because it felt like I had slowed down to what I was guessing was a 7:30 pace but when I looked at my watch it said 6:25 so I had actually sped up!!!  What a relief!  My last 10K was actually 39:37 (6:23 pace) which I would have previously thought to be impossible for me to finish out a marathon.  So if I can just replicate the effort throughout the last race!


                            Docket -- Good luck!  It's the most magical marathon of them all!  


                            Former Bad Ass



                              I ran 6 with 2 @ MP (51F in Miami, woah) and 4 this morning (38F).


                              I have run several negative splits in marathons (Disney being the biggest split at a 9 minute negative split once).  It can definitely be done.





                                I ran 6 with 2 @ MP (51F in Miami, woah) and 4 this morning (38F).


                                I have run several negative splits in marathons (Disney being the biggest split at a 9 minute negative split once).  It can definitely be done.


                                9 minute negative split???  WOW!  In my 5 marathons I have only one negative split and it was 4 minutes (1:28 first half - 1:24 second half).


                                I heard that at Disney you can stop and get pictures taken with Disney characters.  I hope you plan on doing a race report!


                                I have a few recent training run stories to share:


                                Story number 1 - My face about froze off this morning.  I thought the temperature was 20 with no wind when I checked the forecast last night.  When I actually got out there, it was super foggy and just FELT cold.  Come to find out the wind chill was 8 and the dense fog probably contributed to all the frost build up all over my clothes and face.  I was actually almost in a panic because I was still 3 miles from home and had a numb sensation all over my face for the last 30+ minutes with a breeze in my face that felt like it was searing.  The beginning stages of frostbite perhaps?  Luckily when I turned north the light breeze was no longer in my face and I felt a warming sensation.


                                Story number 2 - Last night I was out running (I've been doing occasional doubles as time permits) and a dog runs at me out of nowhere and jumps on me.  No owner in sight.  I push it down without getting bit and yell at it as I continue running.  It then jumps at me again but my foot caught it in the face on the back swing of my stride.  It stopped lunging but continued following me while barking and snarling for a full half mile!!!


                                So in the last 14 hours I've had 2 safety scares but came out ok.  Staying safe definitely needs to be our top priority!