Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


I lost my rama


    So in the last 14 hours I've had 2 safety scares but came out ok.  Staying safe definitely needs to be our top priority!


    Wow SD!  Yeah, in cold temps humidity can have a compounding effect, just as in hot weather.  With wind, it's much much worse.  I sweat a lot, even in 10 degree weather, so I'm cold at start, warm in middle, then cold again at the end.  Can't win.


    Crazy that dog followed you for so long.  Usually they just protect their territory and turn around when you leave.  Maybe he/she had a big area to protect?  I usually stop running, confront the dog, and wait until it leaves before resuming running


    My craziest canine experience was running in the dark, had to poo, went into the woods and while squatting with flashlight off, two large retrievers came out of nowhere and ran right up to me.  I would have crapped my pants, but I already did :-).  When the owner showed up, we just looked at each other, both perplexed... talk about awkward!

    3/17 - NYC Half

    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


    Former Bad Ass

      Ouch, SD!


      My Disney marathon went meh. Puked my way to Marathon 44 in 5:09.  I wanted a PR but I'll settle with a finish (especially when I couldn't walk or run back to the hotel without running to the finish in some way.  Cause I would have quit if I could have.



        Ouch, SD!


        My Disney marathon went meh. Puked my way to Marathon 44 in 5:09.  I wanted a PR but I'll settle with a finish (especially when I couldn't walk or run back to the hotel without running to the finish in some way.  Cause I would have quit if I could have.


        Yikes!!!  That sounds very uncomfy.  Sorry to hear that, Docket.  I'd just put this one behind you and go on to the next one.  At least you got to see the magical kingdom!  


        Former Bad Ass

          I guess... Ha.


          Ran 3 last night, outside.  HR was a bit high at 147 but I'll take it as part of recovery.



            I guess... Ha.


            Ran 3 last night, outside.  HR was a bit high at 147 but I'll take it as part of recovery.


            Interesting!  I usually take a full week before I run after a marathon, although I've noticed that with each successive one (I've run 5) that my legs are less and less sore afterwards.  You're a much more experienced runner than me though, so your recovery is probably much faster!


            I've also noticed that my resting HR is higher the week after a marathon too.


            Former Bad Ass

              I can't take a week off (I never do, but I do have another marathon this weekend, so I can't take a week off).


              6 miles on the TM today.  HR was much better.



                I can't take a week off (I never do, but I do have another marathon this weekend, so I can't take a week off).


                6 miles on the TM today.  HR was much better.


                My God, you're a machine!  Where is this next marathon?  Good luck!


                I took my first day off of running in awhile today.  Blistering cold wind chills and my treadmill arrives tomorrow so I figured today would be an ideal day to take off.  It's not an "official" week but my Garmin is telling me that my last 7 days I've ran 103.7 miles.  I ran at a wide variety of heart rates and paces all week long and didn't do anything at tempo.  I had a couple of EZ runs with one at 9:15 pace and the other at 8:50 pace.  The rest of my runs were between 6:55 and and 7:55 pace for the week.  6 weeks out til my marathon!  Very excited!  


                Former Bad Ass

                  Houston, the one I couldn't run because my knee broke.


                  Which reminds me, today is the anniversary of my tear.



                  Former Bad Ass

                    Houston appears to be a curse race for me.  I DNSd due to fever. Gah.  My husband had a 6 min PR on the HM.


                    Which is why we are heading back there in 2019.



                      Houston appears to be a curse race for me.  I DNSd due to fever. Gah.  My husband had a 6 min PR on the HM.


                      Which is why we are heading back there in 2019.


                      Crap!!!!  It's really going around here too so I'm not surprised.  Sorry to hear that.  But a 6 min PR for your hubby is something to celebrate!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Went to OTF and ran 2 this morning there, and 3 outside tonight.



                          Houston appears to be a curse race for me.  I DNSd due to fever. Gah.  My husband had a 6 min PR on the HM.


                          Which is why we are heading back there in 2019.


                          Hope you're feeling better, Damaris. 



                          MAF test today. Making some progress over the  first test of the year. Was able to run a lot longer in the same heart time. I'm still a sea cow in Kinvara, but heading in the right direction. Please pass the swiss roll.


                            Nice MAF test jimmyb.  That's a very detailed chart that you have there.  I might do something similar with more of a Hadd style test just for fun.


                            I just capped off one of my strongest training weeks in my life.  106.7 total miles.  20 mile fast finish long run with 16 miles easy pace and 4 consecutive miles at threshold (perceived effort).  Easy miles were about 8:00 pace.  4 miles at finish were at an average pace of 5:53.


                            I was really pleased that I had that much left in the tank at the end of a 100 plus mile week.  Taking a step back week now, then 2 weeks at heavy volume followed by taper for the marathon.  I'm feeling like this one might go pretty well.  


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Nice week!!!


                              I am still coughing from that plague but managed 5 with 6 X 100m on Monday (TM), 6 on Tuesday in the heat and humidity, and 8 with 2 @ MP outside in the humidity.



                                Nice week!!!


                                I am still coughing from that plague but managed 5 with 6 X 100m on Monday (TM), 6 on Tuesday in the heat and humidity, and 8 with 2 @ MP outside in the humidity.


                                Get well soon!


                                When you guys say you do X miles at MP, what exactly does that mean?  Do you just run close to marathon pace from your last race?  Or is it close to "goal" marathon pace for the next race?  Or do you run close to marathon HR?


                                The reason I ask is because I want to put some miles in over these last 4 weeks close to marathon effort.  My tendencies have been to run the following 2 paces only:

                                1. Easy pace by feel.  Significantly slower than marathon effort.  Usually ends up being around 120 - 135 bpm.  MAF for me is 145 (180-40+5).  
                                2. Threshold pace by feel at the end of a long run.  Significantly faster than marathon effort.  170+ bpm

                                Basically no in between.  But marathon pace is definitely somewhere in the middle.  I looked at my last marathon and my average HR for each mile after mile 2 and before mile 23 was exactly 165 or 166 bpm (80% MaxHR).  The graph looks almost perfectly flat.  Like a slightly jagged flat line.  I was between 167 and 172 bpm from that point to the finish as I threw everything in the fire.  So maybe for me personally, training to run "at MP" is to just dial into an HR as close to 165 as possible?  Anyone have any advice to share?