Masters Running


40/40 Thread for week ending 1/13 (Read 834 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Twocat - it's just a basic Word table that I use, but if you like, you can send me an e-mail at hollys4874 at yahoo dot com and I'll send you the attachment.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Since I am back into training it's time to get serious again, so back on the 40/40 M - 10 (done) ez T- 6 (done including intervals) 1K intervals at sub 6 minute pace + core workout W-8 ez plus spinning session + weight session T -6 tempo 10ez-10mp - 10ez + core F- Rest but spinning session + weights S- 8 ez S - 14 + 2 hours spinning + 30 minutes core Total: 52

      Recent Best times: None recently

        Tall, you slacker. Get off your butt and get serious. Dark Horse
        I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

          Dark Horse is like some cranky old coach who shows up to bark out orders or trout slaps... but I don't see his schedule...? I guess someone needs to keep us in line... Twocat, thanks for all your table help, but you quickly lose me with talk of macros and such...! Confused
            Better late than never, I suppose. plan / actual Mon 5.2 Tues 8 including 4 @ tempo (7:11) Wed 6.1 Thur 5 Fri 7.8 including 800x5 @ 5k(6:50) w/400 recovery Sat 14.7 Sun core work 46.8

            Be safe. Be kind.

              Table Test
              Runwun88 Glad you found us - welcome.
              Rasmussenmp - 70 Nice 22-miler to top off the week
              Twocat - 59.2 Happy as a clam with his table (sorry Twocat - I'm a but lost with your table instructions).
              CNYrunner - 54.4 Got her Boston Marathon card - woohoo!
              Perch - 52.3 Nice way to start the year
              PJH - 50.8 Nice midweek tempo run.
              Holly - 49 With a nice midweek MLR.
              Ptsmantua46.5 Glad you found us, and that you're feeling better.
              Evenflein - 45.8 Styling on her new treadmill.
              Breger -45 Excellent 10k race and PR, fast guy!
              PeterNC40.5 He's back! Ho-hum is good, better than no-run.
              Way5yom - 32 Tapering and tired - you'll do fine.
              Pfriese - 28.6 Taper time as well.
              Tramps - 26.5 First interval workout
              SirWalksalot - 22 Free pass this week, my fren..Smile
              Soundrunner -
              Ilene -
              Fortunate Son -
              Dark Horse -
              Tetsujin - Tapering till summer

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                Hi Gang. I had a pretty fair week, checking in with 45 miles. It broke down like this: Sun - 6 miles - 8:52 pace Tue - 5 miles including a couple short intervals - 8:00 avg pace Wed - 8 miles - 8:23 pace Thu - 6 miles w 4 @ tempo - 7:56 avg pace Sat - 20 miles - 8:21 pace This is a normal week for me and includes an extra day. Normally I don't run Wed but I add it as an easy day 4-5 weeks out from a marathon.

                At the end of the day, be happy with where you are and what you've accomplished.

                  Haven't ventured on the 40-40 for awhile, but I'm hoping to maintain 40 mpw most weeks this season.
                  DayPlan Actual Comments
                  MondayRestRest almost 8 hours sleep!
                  Tuesday10 mi easy6.4 mi@10:26, legs still tired from Sunday
                  Wednesday5 mi easy8.4 mi@ 10:06
                  Thursday10 mi GA8.31 mi@9:28
                  Saturday4 mi easy5.32 mi@9:54
                  Sunday10 mi m-LR12.04 mi@10:10
                  Totals:3940.45had to hit 40!

                  aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                  Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

                  Hill Runner

                    40.2 miles for this week Thanks Holly!

                    Upcoming Races:

                    Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                    Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                    Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13
