RA Coaching Forum

Rockenmama's Training for 2007 Fall Marathon'S (Read 1567 times)

    Ok somehow my entry that I just typed got erased Angry Anyways got in a nice 5.3 mile run in this evening. Too bad for time constraints I'd of loved to have finished out the last mile to make an even 6. Oh well dinner & kids we're waiting for me to get home. Tonights run http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3987815

    Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


      Ok somehow my entry that I just typed got erased Angry Anyways got in a nice 5.3 mile run in this evening. Too bad for time constraints I'd of loved to have finished out the last mile to make an even 6. Oh well dinner & kids we're waiting for me to get home. Tonights run http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3987815
      Stupid computers! I hate when they erase stuff like that! Wink I'm sure you got your extra 0.7 miles in while running around the kitchen making dinner! So go ahead and call it an even 6.0! Pam, I was thinking about you this AM. I took Jake out for the morning walk, and it was a beautifully crisp cool clear morning, with a nice refreshing cool breeze blowing, which felt great as it blew on my face. The sun was just getting ready to come up. All was quiet. I was imagining you standing at the starting line of Steamtown under similar conditions. It's an early start, and the sun is just rising. The start of the race is on top of a hill, and you are surrounded by other hills, with the fall foliage being lit up by the rising sun. The air is crisp and cool in contrast to all the heat and humidity you've dealt with all summer. The Forest City high school cheerleading squad is there to cheer everyone on. The gun goes off, actually it's a huge cannon (hold your ears), and off you go down a beautiful tree lined street. You go down a fairly steep hill, through the town of Forest City. Even though it is very early and chilly, EVERYONE is out lining the streets, wrapped in quilts, hugging their coffees and hot chocolates, cheering like crazy. Every churchbell in town is ringing loudly and wildly. It's one of the best sendoffs to a marathon that I've ever experienced. Soak it all up Pam. You are gonna love it!
        Bob- you are making me excited about Steamown and I am not going this year. We will have to plan a reunion up there (down for you) one year. Pam- you are going to love it- just remember to save your quads a little in the first miles. Oh yea.. and the ice cream shop Bob mentioned.. I didn't eat any but my wife did and absolutely loved it. When I mentioned the possiblity of going back this year she was all for it. I had to remind her it was for the marathon, not the ice cream. I have several great memories along that course even though I struggled in the 2nd half of it- my fault, not the courses. Enjoy yourself and have a great great race!!!
          Stupid computers! I hate when they erase stuff like that! Wink I'm sure you got your extra 0.7 miles in while running around the kitchen making dinner! So go ahead and call it an even 6.0! Pam, I was thinking about you this AM. I took Jake out for the morning walk, and it was a beautifully crisp cool clear morning, with a nice refreshing cool breeze blowing, which felt great as it blew on my face. The sun was just getting ready to come up. All was quiet. I was imagining you standing at the starting line of Steamtown under similar conditions. It's an early start, and the sun is just rising. The start of the race is on top of a hill, and you are surrounded by other hills, with the fall foliage being lit up by the rising sun. The air is crisp and cool in contrast to all the heat and humidity you've dealt with all summer. The Forest City high school cheerleading squad is there to cheer everyone on. The gun goes off, actually it's a huge cannon (hold your ears), and off you go down a beautiful tree lined street. You go down a fairly steep hill, through the town of Forest City. Even though it is very early and chilly, EVERYONE is out lining the streets, wrapped in quilts, hugging their coffees and hot chocolates, cheering like crazy. Every churchbell in town is ringing loudly and wildly. It's one of the best sendoffs to a marathon that I've ever experienced. Soak it all up Pam. You are gonna love it!
          THANK YOU BOB!!!! What an AWESOME POST!!!! Talk about getting me excited!! Thanks again!

          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

            Bob- you are making me excited about Steamown and I am not going this year. We will have to plan a reunion up there (down for you) one year. Pam- you are going to love it- just remember to save your quads a little in the first miles. Oh yea.. and the ice cream shop Bob mentioned.. I didn't eat any but my wife did and absolutely loved it. When I mentioned the possiblity of going back this year she was all for it. I had to remind her it was for the marathon, not the ice cream. I have several great memories along that course even though I struggled in the 2nd half of it- my fault, not the courses. Enjoy yourself and have a great great race!!!
            Thanks Alan and I agree about a reunion some year! Thanks for the tip about quads!! Can't wait to taste the icecream!! I am totally psyched up for the marathon!

            Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

              Got my two runs done this morning. Ran my easy run with my dh. I really needed to slow a bit down and today was an easy day for him (no pushing much at all from him). Felt good! Did a nice 3.1 speed workout after splitting from dh. Had plenty of energy for my strength workout this evening.

              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                Did another mid-long run. Wasn't mentally into my run this morning, life stresses seems to be catching up with me. Oh and I need to remember NOT to answer phone on run cause it's NEVER an emergency Confused Go figure local telemarketers getting my cell phone number which has a Florida area code. Anyways having a bit of a rough day. Guess those are bound to happen. Better now then marathon time!

                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                  hey Pam... sorry to hear about your crappy day. Yep, they are gonna happen, but don't let them overshadow all the good days you've had, and will have! I was laying on the table in physical therapy yesterday, getting worked on, feeling sorry for myself that I couldn't run. An elderly woman hobbles in, using a cane, barely able to move. She didn't want any help. I can do it myself, thank you. She went to the table next to me, and although it took a superhuman effort on her part, got herself up onto the table. Her therapist hooked her up to some equipment, and when she was all set, we started chatting. Obviously this woman had been through something traumatic and was in a lot of pain, yet she maintained her great sense of humor. We laughed and chatted and had a great time. I came to find out that she had 4 vertebrae fused together, and could no longer turn her head. All she wanted to do was to get well enough to be able to visit her grandchildren for Christmas in Mississippi. After her treatment was over, she struggled to get herself off the table, grabbed her cane and came over to me. She said "I want to look you in the eye, and even though I don't know you, want to tell you I love you. I want to tell you that because I am able to. You see, during my 8 hour operation, they lost me twice, but I came back. There is a reason I came back." She showed me her scar, which ran from the back of her head to halfway down her back. What an amazing woman. Even after the darkness, the sun will shine again. I so admired this woman for refusing to give in to her situation, and continue to see things in a positive way. Smile
                    Hang in there, Pam. The bad days are there to make the good days stand out better. That's an awesome story, Bob, thanks for sharing. Always inspiring hearing about folks like that.

                    When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                      hey Pam... sorry to hear about your crappy day. Yep, they are gonna happen, but don't let them overshadow all the good days you've had, and will have! I was laying on the table in physical therapy yesterday, getting worked on, feeling sorry for myself that I couldn't run. An elderly woman hobbles in, using a cane, barely able to move. She didn't want any help. I can do it myself, thank you. She went to the table next to me, and although it took a superhuman effort on her part, got herself up onto the table. Her therapist hooked her up to some equipment, and when she was all set, we started chatting. Obviously this woman had been through something traumatic and was in a lot of pain, yet she maintained her great sense of humor. We laughed and chatted and had a great time. I came to find out that she had 4 vertebrae fused together, and could no longer turn her head. All she wanted to do was to get well enough to be able to visit her grandchildren for Christmas in Mississippi. After her treatment was over, she struggled to get herself off the table, grabbed her cane and came over to me. She said "I want to look you in the eye, and even though I don't know you, want to tell you I love you. I want to tell you that because I am able to. You see, during my 8 hour operation, they lost me twice, but I came back. There is a reason I came back." She showed me her scar, which ran from the back of her head to halfway down her back. What an amazing woman. Even after the darkness, the sun will shine again. I so admired this woman for refusing to give in to her situation, and continue to see things in a positive way. Smile
                      THANK YOU BOB!! What an amazing woman you met! When it took me awhile to learn to accept my back and neck injuries, CAN"T imagine if I had to have the surgery that woman had! I definetly feel very fortunate that I'm able to do the things I can do ESPECIALLY my running!! I've been pretty good about dealing with life stress's that are going on the past couple months without it effecting my attitude. Alot more than I can say about how I USED to deal with things before I started running!! As they say, this too will pass (one major stress thats' going on)

                      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                        Hang in there, Pam. The bad days are there to make the good days stand out better. That's an awesome story, Bob, thanks for sharing. Always inspiring hearing about folks like that.
                        Thanks Mike!! It's alot easier to hang in when I am able to come here and here and have people like you & Bob around!

                        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                          Hey Pam, hope today is a better day for you! Hey, it's FRIDAY, and the weekend weather sounds awesome! Enjoy!
                            Hey Pam, hope today is a better day for you! Hey, it's FRIDAY, and the weekend weather sounds awesome! Enjoy!
                            Oh today has gone MUCH better then yesterday. I really think getting up at the crack of dawn, eating & having my coffee in peace REALLY helps me start my day. Got out MUCH earlier today then yesterday and managed to get in my last long run before Steamtown. I decided NOT to use the camelback and use a water bottle for today's run since I will more than likely be doing that come race day. I think the feeling of the cold water made my bladder overwork. I had to stop TWICE within the first 5 miles and I had YET to drink any of the water I brought. Since I'll be eating my gels and drinking water heavily at the same time I figure doing that at water stops would be a great idea. So today I pretended there was a water stop at the bottom of a tiny hill right before I have to go over a bridge and walked while having gels and water. Did that twice. It's weird to see how consistant I am. The first mile with water stop/walk thru I finished that mile in 9:25 and the second I finished in 9:24. Now just gotta go find me a nice water bottle that has the handle for your hand. Can't believe I'll be tapering come Monday. Todays run http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/4011454

                            Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                              Hey Pam, hope today is a better day for you! Hey, it's FRIDAY, and the weekend weather sounds awesome! Enjoy!
                              Hope you have an AWESOME weekend as well! Enjoy!!

                              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                                ran around neighborhood. First time in awhile. Despite faster pace than a normal recovery run, it felt very easy. I'm sure it had alot to do with the fact that it was a much easier course. It was all on road. And it started raining half way through my run. LOVE running in the rain Big grin I sure didn't feel like I ran 17 miles yesterday!

                                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson