RA Coaching Forum

Rockenmama's Training for 2007 Fall Marathon'S (Read 1567 times)

    SO much for going for an easy run this morning Big grin and SO much for the so called 74 degrees as a high today Angry Ended up doing a nice progression run despite the fact that it was warm and humid. I was just glad the sun wasn't out shining like it has been. Didn't get out early enough to do my long run today so looks like that will happen tomorrow. Lets just hope the supposed cold front comes in tonight! I sure could use some nice cool weather for some of my runs.

    Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


      SO much for going for an easy run this morning Big grin and SO much for the so called 74 degrees as a high today Angry Ended up doing a nice progression run despite the fact that it was warm and humid. I was just glad the sun wasn't out shining like it has been. Didn't get out early enough to do my long run today so looks like that will happen tomorrow. Lets just hope the supposed cold front comes in tonight! I sure could use some nice cool weather for some of my runs.
      So I take it things didn't cool off for you? Cry Oh, that's not a tear coming from that emoticon, that sweat! You were brave to do that kind of a workout in those conditions. Great job! How is the ankle?
      I sure could use some nice cool weather for some of my runs.
      It's coming soon! Hang in there! I'm gonna tuck away this quote from you, and throw it back out at you in February! Wink
        So I take it things didn't cool off for you? Cry Oh, that's not a tear coming from that emoticon, that sweat! You were brave to do that kind of a workout in those conditions. Great job! How is the ankle? It's coming soon! Hang in there! I'm gonna tuck away this quote from you, and throw it back out at you in February! Wink
        OMH LMAO! LOTS of sweat today. Actually I can deal with the humidity as long as the sun's not out and shining bright. I really hadn't planned on doing a progression, it just kind of happened. Felt good, and I was a bit suprised I had it in me today. Hopefully my long run won't be effected by it tomorrow. Ankle, it's stiff in the morning's and a little stiff after my run but can't really complain. I don't mind the cold in the winter AS long as it's not windy!!! When it was below zero last winter I was still putting the miles in Big grin

        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

          Guess it was my turn to get up early to get run in. I had a 2 hour time slot to get it in 7-9 am since dh wanted to be out of the house by close to 9 for his long run. Weather was AWESOME and so was my run!! 12 miles was my planned run, but I ended up running 13.1. If I had more time I would of loved to have gotten a couple more miles in, but like dh reminded me I have a 20 miler next week. If tomorrow is as night in the am as today, I'll be going out for a nice recovery run. CAN NOT WASTE BEAUTIFUL WEATHER!!!

          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


            Yay!!!!! See what a little nice weather will do for you! Combine the cooler weather with a nice taper, and you are gonna FLY down those hills at Steamtown! Good job holding back today, I know the feeling of wanting to do more. Patience is the key. How is you husband feeling?
              Yay!!!!! See what a little nice weather will do for you! Combine the cooler weather with a nice taper, and you are gonna FLY down those hills at Steamtown! Good job holding back today, I know the feeling of wanting to do more. Patience is the key. How is you husband feeling?
              I sure hope so! And yes Patience is the key! I'll let you know when he gets home. He's going for anywhere between 14-18 miles (my bet is around 15 or so). I'm pretty much expecting him to be done for the day. He isnt' running what he should be and he's been really pushing his long runs not pace wise, more like the distance Confused Well dh's 305 bit the dust. He ended up running around 10 miles or so before feeling completely done! His stamina just isn't back since his illness. I also have a feeling he was going faster than he thought he was. When I signed up for the LRM despite what I told him he signed up as well. He told me today there is no way he's going to be able to run the whole marathon (suprise suprise suprise). I told him he may as well go and run what he can since we spent the 85 for him to run it and treat it like his last long run before Steamtown.

              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                That sucks for your husband, Pam. I can sympathize at this point, trust me.
                  That sucks for your husband, Pam. I can sympathize at this point, trust me.
                  It does suck! I feel so bad for him. I'm trying to do what I can to encourage him to get more runs in each week, so hopefully he'll ragain what he's lost from getting sick and just plain not getting his runs in. So glad to see your getting your milage back!! NICE long run!!

                  Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                    I told him he may as well go and run what he can since we spent the 85 for him to run it and treat it like his last long run before Steamtown.
                    Good advice. And get him to SLOW DOWN! If you get the Garmin working, use the pacer feature. For a marathon, along with overall mileage, those long runs are key, so he has to slow it down and get through them. Come on Pam, crack that whip!
                      Good advice. And get him to SLOW DOWN! If you get the Garmin working, use the pacer feature. For a marathon, along with overall mileage, those long runs are key, so he has to slow it down and get through them. Come on Pam, crack that whip!
                      He's a stubborn irishman! As for his Garmin, looks like it will need to be replaced. BTW my whip is getting repaired Wink

                      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                        Ok so I didn't take the day off Confused HOWEVER my run felt so great that the only thing that made me feel like I actually ran was the fact that I was all sweaty. Legs felt good, body felt good. I made dh promise me that if I had the urge to go out and run later to NOT let me!!! I have a hard time fighting the running urge. This next week is going to be a hard week. Long run will be 20 miler. Not sure what the rest of the week will entail though I'm pretty sure Monday and Tuesday will be daily doubles since dh will be working in Reading those two days. I won't have much time to run each morning due to him running as well, so I'll want to get in another run each evening. Wed may or maynot be a day off. Not sure about the rest other than the 20 miler on the weekend. So this week I got in 56 miles. Even though it was supposed to be a stepback I think the only thing I stepped back was the distance of my long run. Feeling awesome despite everything.

                        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                          Ok so I didn't take the day off Confused HOWEVER my run felt so great that the only thing that made me feel like I actually ran was the fact that I was all sweaty. Legs felt good, body felt good. I made dh promise me that if I had the urge to go out and run later to NOT let me!!! I have a hard time fighting the running urge. This next week is going to be a hard week. Long run will be 20 miler. Not sure what the rest of the week will entail though I'm pretty sure Monday and Tuesday will be daily doubles since dh will be working in Reading those two days. I won't have much time to run each morning due to him running as well, so I'll want to get in another run each evening. Wed may or maynot be a day off. Not sure about the rest other than the 20 miler on the weekend. So this week I got in 56 miles. Even though it was supposed to be a stepback I think the only thing I stepped back was the distance of my long run. Feeling awesome despite everything.
                          That was one heck of a stepback week! Sheesh! But you ended it on a good note, and are feeling good, so go with it! Just know when to say when, ok? Sounds like a crazy week coming up for you. I like how you get the job done though. You do what you gotta do. Did you at least chill out the rest of the day?
                            That was one heck of a stepback week! Sheesh! But you ended it on a good note, and are feeling good, so go with it! Just know when to say when, ok? Sounds like a crazy week coming up for you. I like how you get the job done though. You do what you gotta do. Did you at least chill out the rest of the day?
                            Well believe it or not I'm actually feeling like it was a step back. I'm feeling more refreshed right now then I have for awhile. Of course that may be due to weather, we shall see how this next week goes. Definetly not doing another run tonight despite how I'm feeling. Sometimes I do know how to say ok (ok so it's when I've gotten a great weeks worth of running in already lol). Definetly chilled afterwards. I'd love to say that the day rest of the day was WONDERFUL, but unfortunatly due to dh being a consultant and pretty much on call whenenver for the customer. He's working Sad

                            Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                              Well believe it or not I'm actually feeling like it was a step back. I'm feeling more refreshed right now then I have for awhile. Of course that may be due to weather, we shall see how this next week goes. Definetly not doing another run tonight despite how I'm feeling. Sometimes I do know how to say ok (ok so it's when I've gotten a great weeks worth of running in already lol). Definetly chilled afterwards. I'd love to say that the day rest of the day was WONDERFUL, but unfortunatly due to dh being a consultant and pretty much on call whenenver for the customer. He's working Sad
                              I hope you got to enjoy that beer out on the deck at least.
                                No beer on deck last night. However there was beer after having pizza for dinner while watching tv. Let the 6 year old twins stay late in hopes they could catch the Perseid Meteor Shower, but from what I found online only the Western United States was able to see it. We we're out at 10 pm , but the North East sky was cloudy and we couldn't see much of anything. OH well there's always next year. Got in a nice easy 7 miles this morning. First time in ages that I rolled out of bed, got running clothes on and headed out without having any breakfast or coffee. Didn't have much of a choice, dh needed to be out of house by 8 am at latest and I didn't get up until 6:45.

                                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson