Ultra Runners

October 2018 Ultra training thread (Read 40 times)


    Seamax - read your report a few days ago, really entertaining. Sounds like a good time, interesting race format


    Signed up for Beautiful Fell Race on Sunday, it's a Fatass race. You start at a park by the water (sea level) and run to Mt. Beautiful and back, picking your own route. You need to hit 2 checkpoints. They're encouraging bum bags, short shorts and singlets. I don't have any of that stuff, so will just wear the shortest shorts I own, which are short for trail running shorts. You're supposed to navigate by map, will still load a route in my phone as well. I've done a bit of running in the area, don't know it super well, so hopefully find someone to team up with. It's about 30km or almost 20 miles, and around 1500m/5000' gain

    Club Fat Ass New Years Day 50k - Jan 1 - 6h13m

     First Half HM (road) - Feb. 9

    Chuckanut 50k - Mar. 21

    Sun Run 10k - Apr. 19

    BMO Vancouver Marathon - May 3

     Vancouver 100k (Club Fat Ass) - 32h07m 2 runs, pacing 100 miler friends

     Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 miler - September 25

    T Hound

    Slower but happier

      Well, pretty sure its my tibials anterior muscle i messed up. Xrays ok. Its possible to have a stress fx there (lateral tibia) but is not as common ( though from what i read tougher to heal).  So im gonna not be running a for at least several weeks. Which im ok with except the weather is so perfect now fir that.  I love how i read that “older” runners over 45 can get this just from wear and tear not acute injury.  Thanks.


      I found my missing butpack. It had fallen out and gone under the bed.


      Hokka releasing Clifton 1 is something.  I will be curious to see what there like after all these years.  I just remember so light and cushioned because at the time there wasnt much id run in like them.  The tongue chewed up my ankle a little.  No biggie.


      Seamax.  Enjoyed the report. Sounds like a mini Barkley of the west.  A illogical extension of a gain of 2500 feet in a mile is Ultra-Mo, running around with Mountaineering gear.  Btw, I do have the next 100 in mind, Kettle 100, next June!


      QOTD.  I need a new pack.  Have Salmon adv skin 12,  I need a lot of room.  I want something that can hold 600 ml soft flasks (mine sorta does, not exactly).  Bladder options. Also, the zippers on side compartments open up and stuff falls out.  Last, the damn front latches are really tough. Even AS volunteers couldn’t do them when my dexterity/cold fingers were a little impaired.  I do like the fit a lot, hardly notice it.


      Dhuff.  Hang in there.  My FIL went through that a few years back. Depending on the family it can be a challenging time.

      2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block



        Seamax I'll check out your report tonight, they are always so entertaining.


        Diane I see you commenting on my wife's Facebook feed about yours (and Lisa's) upcoming race and future 100 mile attempts.


        Me, I'm on the fence about driving up and doing Wild Duluth this weekend. I have done the 100k 3 times, and quit the 100k last year at the 50k point due to PF. There is a 50k that I might do instead, but I am tired and kind of sore from work travel and just generally being busy and not getting enough rest. The only reason I would even go up is to see friends I might not run with again until next year, and because it's so damn beautiful up in northern MN right now.

        Istria 110k 4-6-2024

        WS100 6-29-2024

        UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

        MCM 10-27-2024






          Holy crap...Jay?  Congratulations on your Bear.  Small world.  I love your dogs and the horses too.

          a smith

          king of the non-sequitur

            Drock, I ought to move up there just to join your running group!


            TMH, I got two pair of the new C1 release...and they are just like the old ones! in fact I am wondering if they are just getting rid of ones that were warehoused. either way I am happy.


            Seamax, great report as always. I'd like to write an essay about misanthropy and trail running as I consider most of the human race just a bunch of bonobos...but I am at work and here comes my manager! crap!


            Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

            Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

            Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

            Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


              Signed up for Beautiful Fell Race on Sunday, it's a Fatass race. You start at a park by the water (sea level) and run to Mt. Beautiful and back, picking your own route. You need to hit 2 checkpoints. They're encouraging bum bags, short shorts and singlets. I don't have any of that stuff, so will just wear the shortest shorts I own, which are short for trail running shorts. You're supposed to navigate by map, will still load a route in my phone as well. I've done a bit of running in the area, don't know it super well, so hopefully find someone to team up with. It's about 30km or almost 20 miles, and around 1500m/5000' gain


              So you're saying this:




              Plus this:



              We'll need photos, of course.

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                Holy crap...Jay?  Congratulations on your Bear.  Small world.  I love your dogs and the horses too.


                Yep that'd be me.


                Decided to skip racing this weekend, my head cold that is in my chest just won't let me sleep decently at night, and it would be a 7 hour slog that likely wouldn't be much fun for me. I do these races for fun, not to collect medals Smile

                Istria 110k 4-6-2024

                WS100 6-29-2024

                UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

                MCM 10-27-2024






                  Drock - Sounds like a fun race.  Not sure what Bum Bags are.  I have short shorts and once you start wearing them, it is hard to wear anything else.  I have 1" inseam, full split, BOA shorts.  The liner initially chafes some, but once you get used to that the air flow "up there" is amazing.  Yeah, I am a little self conscious, but you just run faster.  I have singlets but find them uncomfortable, usually tech wear, I hate tech wear unless it is cold.  If I have to wear a shirt it is usually a cotton shirt with the sleeves cut off, holes, lots of stains.


                  Treadmill - I knew the "never another one" would not last long.  Can't recommend a pack.  I haven't used one all year.  I have a Ultra Spire Speedgoat waist pack with flasks that works well.  Or I go handheld.  Are you thinking for races?   Aided races, go minimal.  Try it.  So nice to run without all the gear.


                  Jay - hope you get feeling better.


                  Gatsby - have a good marathon.  Did you do any specific marathon training?  It's a whole different ballgame.  Tough!  I was cruising on a trail run last week and I had that "Why do I want to do a marathon?" thought for a moment.

                  12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                  2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                  4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                  5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




                    Danibird - that's what they're hoping for. There was an old video of the start of the Knee Knacker race from the late 80's and everyone had bum bags (small waist pack), singlets and split shorts. And hand held bottles.


                    Fnkyhd - I like running with the group sometimes, it's a bit of a drive which can be annoying sometimes


                    Berylrunner - I have some North Face BTN shorts that seem short to me, probably still 3" inseam, they're a lot shorter than the Salomon ones I have

                    Club Fat Ass New Years Day 50k - Jan 1 - 6h13m

                     First Half HM (road) - Feb. 9

                    Chuckanut 50k - Mar. 21

                    Sun Run 10k - Apr. 19

                    BMO Vancouver Marathon - May 3

                     Vancouver 100k (Club Fat Ass) - 32h07m 2 runs, pacing 100 miler friends

                     Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 miler - September 25


                      Gatsby - have a good marathon.  Did you do any specific marathon training?  It's a whole different ballgame.  Tough!  I was cruising on a trail run last week and I had that "Why do I want to do a marathon?" thought for a moment.


                      It is a very different thing.  I've been doing intervals and hill repeats and running mostly on pavement.  It's made me miss trail running, which is good, since I'd been feeling a little ho-hum about it after my 50 in July.  I didn't want to jump right back into training for a long trail race so this was a good alternative.  I've been enjoying the "speedwork" (in quotes for a reason) and might try to keep it up after the race.  I think it's good to work muscles in different ways plus the workouts are done much faster.  

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                      Pain is my friend

                        Easy recovery week. 40 miles of fun. Ready to kick it back up next week.

                        ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                        Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                        Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                        Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                        Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                        Ute 100 Aug

                        24 hour loop race?



                        Are we there, yet?

                          There's another Laz race this weekend, Big's Backyard Ultra, that I'm tracking. i don't think we have anyone from the forum there, but it's packed with big names. Last year it wasn't decided until the 59th lap of the 4.1667 mile loop, one loop per hour until only one runner completes the loop in the time limit.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles
                                10/12 - Hainesport 12-Hour





                            I DNS Surf the Murph. Once again, no sleep before the race. I was already fairly unprepared for the race, but going into a 14-16 hour run with no sleep was the last straw. I'm really frustrated with this situation. I know some people just shake it off and focus on getting good rest in the nights leading up to the race (which -- I get like 5-6 hours of sleep a night, so that's a negative), but I am so freaking sick of these sleepless nights. The good news is the next 50 I plan on trying, Zumbro, starts at midnight.


                              I didn't go to Duluth either, don't feel bad. The wife hurt her knee, so I'll transfer her bib to me and run the Hixon 50k next weekend. Hoping to catch up on sleep and rest for it.

                              Istria 110k 4-6-2024

                              WS100 6-29-2024

                              UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

                              MCM 10-27-2024




                              T Hound

                              Slower but happier

                                I DNS Surf the Murph. Once again, no sleep before the race. I was already fairly unprepared for the race, but going into a 14-16 hour run with no sleep was the last straw. I'm really frustrated with this situation. I know some people just shake it off and focus on getting good rest in the nights leading up to the race (which -- I get like 5-6 hours of sleep a night, so that's a negative), but I am so freaking sick of these sleepless nights. The good news is the next 50 I plan on trying, Zumbro, starts at midnight.


                                Bummer.  I didnt sleep at all well before the 100, too excited, and w the time change ended up loosing an hour.  Id would like more Fri night starts because basically im ready to go and no point in delay and after the race more recovery and one less hotel night to pay for!   It seems like after a few cofees and the race starts any lingering thoughts of it dissapear.


                                RWD.  To answer your question from Strava about the recording, it is a Fenix 3, it lasts 15hrs regular mode for me w HR.    It charges on the go. You can keep it on your wrist while charging.  This time I put in my pack for a loop so i didnt have to look at.  That was nice.  At the end it ran out again around 98. I used wrist HR for about 40 mi.  At this point though, if i got s watch, it would need to have music/spotify capability because the giant phone thing has gotten old. I think the newer Fenix/935s have this.

                                2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block