Run: Threshold Previous Next


11:30 AM

14.1 km


4:16 km


164 bpm
175 bpm
  • Map


12mins at 4:05, 2mins jog, 3mins at 3:55, 2mins jog

6mins at 4:05, 2mins jog, 3mins at 3:55, 2mins jog

9mins at 4:05, 2mins jog, 3mins at 3:55, 2mins jog

3mins at 3:55, 90secs jog, 3mins at 4:01, 90secs jog

3mins at 3:50

3k cool down

A varied pace Threshold session, alternating long intervals at MP-10 secs/km and short intervals at MP-20 secs/km, interspersed with 2mins jog in between. Threw a bit of curve ball, instead of a descending 12-9-6-3 mins for MP-10 segments, I switched the 6 and 9 around with a hope that it can help my concentration problems during the second half of races. In total, I accumulated 45mins worth of Threshold work averaging at 4:00 min/km. Including recovery jogs, I covered 14.1k in 60mins or an average pace of 4:15 (av HR 164, high HR 175).Pleased with the run considering that I did a 37k long run two days earlier. Cool conditions as it rained whole day.
