Run: Tempo Previous Next


10 km


4:14 km


165 bpm
174 bpm
  • Map

The Canal


The program calls for 29km with 12 miles MP today, however, I wasn't really up for it. Had an office D&D on Friday night and finished until late. Dinner was an 8-course Chinese meal, but the only carbs were a small bowl of fried rice at the end. Not sure if the red wine count as carbs, but generally I felt weak and lacking energy. To make things worse, the GPS battery was flat and I had to waste 30mins recharging before heading out. By then, the temperature had already risen. After 10k @ MP in 42.20 (av 4.14), I felt that I've had enough. Punished myself to do a 10k cool down, so that today's run lasted for 2 hours. A failed session.
