Run: Threshold Previous Next


7:30 AM

10 km


3:59 km

  • Map

The Canal


15mins warm up, strides

Threshold workout

4km in 16:02 (av 4.01), 4mins rec

3km in 12:02 (av 4.01), 3mins rec

2km in 7:56 (av 3.58), 2mins rec

1km in 3:50 (av 3.50)

Total fast running, 10k in 39:50

15mins cool down

Total 16k

Legs felt good and springier this morning compared to Sunday's fiasco. Took a more cautious approach (since I've been overestimating my fitness !) by jogging the 4mins rec only, and walking the 3mins and 2mins rec in order to ensure I complete the workout. The walking recovery made the session much easier and I still had plenty left in the tank at the end. HRs were between 170-180 for the fast segments.
