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9:00 AM

6.4 km


3:43 km

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Keppel Club


On antibiotics due to sore throat. Yasso-esque workout with 2mins recovery instead of full recovery, but only did 8 reps. Pressed the split button when Garmin showed 803-808 meters. Splits: 2.59.21, 2.57.02, 2.57.27, 2.58375, 2.59.12, 3.00.05, 2.59.47, 2.55.91 = average 2.58 per 800m. Total work 6.4k in 23:47 for an average pace of 3:43 min/km. Not my best Yasso as 1) today's recovery between reps was done very slowly at 6.20 min/km pace, and 2) I did 8*800 with 75secs jog at similar pace a couple months ago. But given the calf problem and sore throat, was reasonably pleased with how it went.
