Run: Tempo Previous Next


10.4 km


3:52 km

  • Map

Random Route


Decided to do the session on a 650m loop around the outside of Arun football stadium. After 3k warm up, did 5*1300m (2 laps) with recovery between 1.5-2.00 minutes. Splits 5.05, 5.02. 5.03, 5.02. 5.02, 5.00, 5.02. 4.54, total 10.4k worth of work in 40.10 (av 3.52 min/km). Surprisingly the effort felt comfortably hard. Hmm…maybe the GPS overshoot the distance because it was akin to running round and round the track. But probably the accuracy is still not grossly overestimated because it was a 650m circle rather than a 400m track with bends. Did 7km cool down to make 22k for the day.
