Run: Fartlek Previous Next


7 km


3:51 km

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SMU Track


Deek Quarters + Short Ladder

8* (400m fast, 200m float) + 200m fast

91 (52), 88 (54), 89 (54), 89 (54)

90 (55), 90 (56), 90 (54), 88 (51), 38

Total 5000m in 19:50

Av - fast 400s @ 3.43 min/km, float 200s @ 4.28 min/km

5mins recovery

800-600-400-200 cutdown (1min standing rest in between)

2.54 (87 per lap pace)

2.11 (87 per lap pace)

1.24 (84 per lap pace)

0.36 (72 per lap pace)

Only reached the CCAB track about 6.30am, so I only had 1 hour to run. Did a short 2k warm up on grass, then straight into the Deek session. Was a bit disappointed to see a finishing time of 19.50 for the 5000m given I did the same session on the road in 19.35 a couple of weeks ago. However, track is certainly more accurate than GPS, and today some spots on lane 1 was closed for some patching work, so had to swerve into lane 2 and 3, and also my legs still have residual fatique from the logn run two days ago. Therefore, not a bad little session after all. Av HR for the 5000m was 170 bpm, which is about 89% Max HR (only reached a high of 182 today). Quite a low HR - but I think this is driven more by fatique and low glycogen (after doing 114k last week) rather than better fitness. Legs were moving quite fast as evidenced by an average cadence of 194 spm for the Deek session. As I still had 10mins to kill, decided to do some short reps with 1min standing rest.

Did some maths on stride length. My cadence for the deek session was 194 strides per minute, which translates to 3850 footstrikes for the 5000m or an average length of only 1.30 meters !! I think Jack Daniels did a study showing that females's triude length were averaging 1.5m for marathon race distance :( Even on the 200m sprint today (moving 212 strides per minute), my stride length is a paltry 1.60 meters, which is less than my height !!! Gotta work more on the leg strength and maybe hamstring flexibility.
