Run: Fartlek Previous Next


13.1 km


4:43 km

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Keppel Club


15mins warm up with strides


4 x 2mins at 5k effort with 1.20 rec

4 x 30 secs hard with 1.00 rec

3 x 4mins at HM effort with 1.20 rec

2 x 30secs hard with 1.00 rec

2.00 jogging between sets

5mins cool down

Ran during lunch time, 32c with a heat index of 40c. The workout is an easier version of Portsea fartlek. I was drained at the end, socks and shoes were soaked with sweat.

Bought a Garmin footpod to add another datapoint for this running geek (it's a great tool by the way !!). Surpisingly, my running cadence is not too bad - about 95-97 rpm (190 strides per minute) when doing the 2mins, 4mins and 30secs hard repetitions. Therefore, my 'slowness' could be mainly due to lack of stride length, rather than frequency.
