Run: Fartlek Previous Next


12 km


4:10 km

  • Map

The Canal


Threshold fartlek (2400m 'cooked' in 5 ways)

1) 2.4k with straight tempo effort; time 9:55 (av 4.08)

2) 2.4k with varied pace (fast/float), time 9.54

600m @ 3.54, 300m @ 4:40, 600m @ 3.58, 300m @ 4.30, 600m @ 3.54

3) 2.4k with progressive effort, time 9.59

600m @ 4.23, 4.13, 4.06, 3.55

4) 2.4k with 1 mile tempo, 800m at 5k effort; time 9.45

1600 @ 4.13, 800m @ 3.45

5) 2.4k consisting of 30secs fast/slow fartlek; time 10.15

all with 2mins recovery (jogging/walking)

Total 12km of work in 49:50 (av 4.09 min/km)

Total 18k with warm up/down

Kind of bored doing tempo session at a constant effort on a 1200m road loop, so decided to make it a fartlek style. Times were pretty consistent in all the 5 repetitions (9.55, 9.54, 9.59, 9.45, 10.15); eventhough they were all done in different format (last one was slower because of the jog). HR were mostly in the 170 range, with a high of 183 int he fourth rep.
