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8:15 AM

2 mi


14:00 mi


60 F


8 / 10
10 / 10
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West Valley Track

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Club 36X200 (12X200 each runner).

42.8, 43.9, 43.3, 42.3, 42.0, 43.1, 42.0, 37.1, 46.8, 43.4, 45.8, 44.3

on the 8th interval I tried to go faster to pull even with the runner ahead of me to give Kristina a shot at running down George at the end for the win but it turned out we were a lap ahead so it didn't matter. After that I tried to slow down enough to give back some of that time.

This one felt so good and relaxed and easy. Even the 37 felt pretty easy. It's the first time I've done 200's fresh in a long time. Usually I'm doing them after a 6X1600 workout.
