Treadmill: Default Previous Next


6:00 PM

3.8 mi


6.11 mi / hr


170 lb
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<No name>


Jumped on the treadmill right after the swim....body was hot and I was sweating up a stomr forgot my towel. Did 10 minutes at 1% incline at 8:34 pace around 7 on the treadmill. Then did some fartleks 3 at 6:57which was 8.6 on tread mill and then back down to 8:34......then easy for remaining until 31 minutes then a 5 minute cool down walk.....I was supposed to do 40 minutes but was so hot and sweating like crazy and I did not want to over do it.

I needed some air and fan on me!....Checked heart rate a couple times and was a little high at 166 so kinda over did it but it felt good.
