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Pretty good game, we won 3 to 1. One of our goals was an own goal, a header by their D into their own net. Still counts though. Anyway, played most midfield. Had a couple of good runs, but my trapping skills from long passes is not very good. I guess you don't really do that in indoor soccer. I kept misjudging the ball slightly and so missing it. Hopefully that solves itself in the next couple games.

For subs I went one for one with another guy. So played probably half the game, maybe a little more because he was a bit older and slower. I would estimate about 3 miles run, off and on. I typically more than most, so every time the ball travels the field so do I. Not the most conservative way to play, but I'm fast enough that it works for me. The defense on my side was a girl who was not quick enough so that made me have to cover for her often, or be ready to cover. Even out of shape though I'm still faster than most, especially if they're carrying the ball.
