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Didn't get a chance to run today. I had to pick up the shirts in Watertown, and apparently that is a 2 hour trip because of rush hour. Kind of mad that my streak is dead, but what can you do. I thought about running at 930 when I got home, but that seemed too much like chasing miles and i hadn't eaten dinner yet.

Luckily, we had no subs for soccer in the first half. So playing outside mid I feel confident I got in a pretty good chunk, at least 3 miles. In the second half we had one sub and I ended up switching to defense halfway through the half. So less running there.

We lost 1-0 to the pink team, hate those guys.

Tomorrow I have 2 soccer games back to back, so good chance I don't run then either. The first game is at 715, so if I get out of work early enough I will try to get a little in. Looks like rain so I do want to run.
